Sunday, October 31, 2021

"Octopus Hell" - 11/08/2006 (Dream Chain) (FA)

“Octopus Hell”
(Dream Chain)

 (That does it! NO MORE B6 and Calea, together, before bed! I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with the mixture, so I think it’s time to give it a rest for a while. Although, It seems I've said this more than once. Lol. 

This was a chain of 3 dreams. Each of them started differently, and after a period of wakefulness, so I'll count them as 3 separate dreams, with 1, recurring theme.)

Dream #1

So this dream started off in some sort of bar/restaurant. A friend of mine (who isn’t a friend I think I have in waking life) was the chef there and he was making calamari. However, instead of using squid, he was using these little octopi. (I wonder what’s up with the octopus dreams, lately?) So, one of these damned octopi (That’s such a weird word. Haha. Anyway…) that was probably about 4 inches high - when walking on tentacles that were, probably, a good 10 inches long - escaped from the cutting board and scurried down onto the floor. Fast little bastard too. So, the chef is like “Grab it!” and I went over to step on it, hard enough to hold it in place with my foot, but too soft to kill it.

The moment I'd put my foot down, this slimy, boneless thing immediately wrapped its tentacles up and around my shoe and squeezed its body out from under my foot. Then, without giving me a moment to process what was happening, it ran straight up my pants leg!

I was like “WHAT THE F*CK! GET IT OUT!!”

(Keep in mind, I’m on Calea and B6. This thing running up my leg was one of the most vivid - and unpleasant - sensations I have EVER had in a dream.)

I tracked the bulge moving quickly up the leg of my pants (I was wearing black jeans, so even though it was hard to see, it could feel exactly where the creature was moving), and I gripped it from the outside with my one hand. Holding this thing in place, while trying to figure out a way to get it out of my pants< was an equally unpleasant feeling as its tentacles were gripping viciously to my leg, trying to get traction and get out of my grasp.

What’s even worse is that, while holding onto it, the damn thing bit my hand with its beak, through my pants leg.

(Yes, octopi have beaks….and, all joking aside, it freaking HURT….BAD. It was like someone driving a staple into my index finger.)

Somehow, I was able to push this thing down to my ankle and yanked it out from within my pants. I threw it on the floor and the bitch flipped over and came straight after me, followed by another octopus that had escaped while we were trying to deal with the first one. I was practically tripping over myself trying to back away from them and I think the first one found its way back up the leg of my pants, but I woke up shortly after that.

(It was only 3am, so I knew I had to get back to sleep.)


Dream #2 

I remember much less of how this one started, but I think we were in someone’s kitchen. If I’m not mistaken, I was fixing myself something to eat and I went over to the fridge. I opened the fridge, to look inside, and (you guessed it) the Goddamned OCTOPUS jumps out, onto the floor, latches onto my foot, and runs up my pants leg before I even have time to think!

Again, I stop the thing before it can get up to my crotch by grabbing it from the outside of my pants - this time with both hands, I think - and the damned thing bites me AGAIN! (and, again, it hurt like all Hell.)

I woke up shortly after that.

(I know there was more to the dream but it’s been about 5 hours now, so it’s mostly gone. Anyway, I checked the clock when I woke up. Only 5am. At this point, I was reeeaally hesitant about going back to sleep. I was thinking to myself “It’s only an hour and change. I can just stay up.” But nah. I was too tired, still, and I’m not one to miss out on a few more mins of sleep, if I can help it. Soo…I drifted back off to sleep.)


Dream #3
(False Awakening)

This one actually began as a false awakening. I’d looked at the clock, and it was like 8:05am. I was mad late for work. So I jumped out of bed and started getting ready for my day. It seemed that a good friend of mine, B, had stayed the night in the guest room (in the dream). My little cousin, T,  was in the house, also. As I was getting ready for work, I started telling them about these messed up dreams I had, about the octopi crawling up my leg. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, as I’m explaining the dream, the same damn octopus comes scurrying across the floor toward me. I’m like “F*ck! NOOOOO!” and the only thing I could think about was not letting that little bastard crawl up my leg. (There’s a damned good chance I could have gotten lucid because of this whole scenario, but it was just too vivid, and the octopus had, honestly, freaked me out to the point where realizing it as a dream sign just didn’t freakin matter anymore.)

I don’t think it got a hold of me this time, though, and I woke up shortly after that.

"Nightmare on Church Street" - 11/13/2006 (FA) (Lucid)

"Nightmare on Church Street / First Battle with Sleep Paralysis"
Dream #1(a)

(Huh…how freaking typical, that a monumental success with the Lucid Tasks of the Month would be immediately followed by one of the worst dream experiences I’ve Ever had.)

So, apparently, I was attending a college in this dream (that reminded me a lot of my old high school) and we were just leaving campus for the day. I’d gotten a ride home with two guys that I didn’t know (and didn’t really trust because of their “I’mma thug” personalities), and they said we had to stop in the hood they lived in, to take care of something, and then they’d take me on home. We drove around for a long time, through a really bad part of town (that I was completely unfamiliar with) and made a few stops. It was pretty obvious that one of these guys was pushing dope. I didn’t think all too much of it - having had some level of exposure to these kinds of situations - and just kinda sat back and waited for them to do their business.

We ended up stopping by some chicks’ house, in the middle of the hood, and the guys I was with started playing cards or dominoes or something, on a table outside, in the yard. They obviously weren’t too worried about taking me back to my place any time soon. I kept myself occupied by talking to one of the girls at the house and we ended up laying on the ground and chit-chatting with each other and whatnot. Sooner or later, I’d fallen asleep with the girl draped around me. When I woke up it was around midnight. The two guys were still playing games and the girls were asleep. I told them it’s about time we left because I had to be up early and I wasn’t planning on staying out all damn night.

They finally got up, and we left. Only thing was, we only drove about a block away, still in the middle of the hood, to where these guys lived. They got out and started to head inside. I was like “Where the Hell are you guys going? You’re supposed to be taking me home.” They said something like “We are home. You can walk,” and they went inside and locked the door.

So, there I was stuck in the middle of the damn ghetto, at midnight, without even a clue as to which way my home was. Fed up, I just started walking.

The streets were completely empty - devoid of almost any streetlights. To make things worse, the thickest fog I’d ever seen in my life had rolled in and brought my visibility down to about 50 yards – If That. Long-story, short: I wandered around, aimlessly, for what seemed like hours, and kept passing the same damned church. Every street I turned on; every alley I slipped through; and every route that I took brought me back to the same damned road with the same damned church.

This seemed to carry on for an insanely long time. It was so bad that, once I was able to notice small patches in the fog, I saw that the sky over the hood was actually a ceiling. I was, apparently, trapped in some sort of puzzle, and every attempt I made to get out of it warped me back to the same street. The church and some of the surrounding buildings lost all of their real-world color and took on a strange, funhouse-ish purple and orange tint, with tiny sections of color breaking through what would, otherwise, be nothing but pitch black and fog.

(I thought) I'd started to get an understanding of the supernatural nature of this place, so I decided to see what I could do, to break the loop. Instead of walking down streets, to escape the neighborhood, I decided to try one of the doors to the buildings lining the streets. I walked over to the nearest building and pushed open the front door. Unexpectedly, I walked directly into someone’s bedroom, as if I’d just stepped in from a hallway that was already inside their house. It was a tiny, nearly pitch-black room with two beds. I could tell that there were people sleeping on the bed (though it was too dark to see anything but their silhouettes) and, figuring that I was still in the hood, I remained as quiet as I could, in order to not be mistaken for a thief and, subsequently, shot. I noticed their bedroom windows were open and facing the opposite side of the house from the street I’d come in on, so I decided to give it a try. I went over and climbed out one of their windows and still managed to end up on the Same Goddamned Street as the one from which I'd come in.

Feeling completely hopeless, I wandered around in the fog, for a while longer, before finally waking up.


Dream #1(b)
(False Awakening)

When I "woke up," I was on my side, facing the wall. Relieved to be out of that dream, I wanted to roll over and check the clock, to see what time it was. However, I realized that I couldn’t move. I tried harder. Nothing. I was stuck, facing the wall and the only things I seemed to be able to move were my eyes.

(I’ve never tangled with any other instances of Sleep Paralysis - assuming that’s what this was and not just a Dream of SP - except for the light, easily breakable SP that I’ve experienced when trying to WILD. This was a whole ‘nother ball game.) I couldn’t move, At ALL. I began to panic. So many thoughts were running through my mind.

I thought of death. (Don’t ask me why.) I was asking myself “What if this is what death is like?” “What if the last thing I saw was this wall, and it’s simply etched in my dying consciousness. So, my final memory - this wall - is all that I will be left with to view, for all eternity?" Minutes ticked by, and I was still stuck, wondering if this was, in fact, what had happened. (I never tend to think this extremely, in waking life. I should have known something was up.)

I was determined to prove myself wrong so began to use all my willpower to roll over. I pushed, rocked, did whatever I could, to try to move, and I finally lurched out of my position - off of the bed - and fell onto the floor. I noticed that I didn’t feel a thing, though. My body was still paralyzed. It took Every Ounce of Energy that I had, just to move my hands. I clawed at the ground and strained to pull myself over toward my computer, having to drag my lifeless legs behind me. It felt like it took forever, just to get across the room. When I looked up at the computer, from the floor, I noticed that the monitor was black, which was odd because there was still just enough light in the room to see my surroundings. I figured the Power Save feature was on and I struggled to lift my semi-paralyzed arm up to the mouse. When I moved the mouse to turn the screen on, it came on as planned, but instead of my wallpaper, it was streaming with blood and chunks of human tissue. The grotesque imagery was waving, rhythmically, as if it was one of the Windows Media Player visualizations, set to Full-Screen. F*cking Horrible sight, when you’re looking for a bit of stability in a world gone mad.

Panicked, I drew my eyes away from the screen and slapped my hand at the floor lamp beside me to get some light. Nothing. I tried the other switch. Nothing.

That’s when it finally hit me…I was still dreaming.

After that, I finally woke up, still facing the wall.

(My question is: Was any of the SP I experienced real? Did I wake up in SP, struggle with it for a minute, fall back asleep and Dream of falling out of bed? Did I wake up in SP, stay awake, but have residual dream imagery of getting out of bed and crawling to the computer, while the paralysis I was feeling was the sensation of my true, waking world body, in SP? Or, did I not wake up at all, and the entire experience was a false awakening? ….damn….who the hell knows? I’d rather not have another experience like that, though.)

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

"Bad Moon" - 04/14/2008 (Lucid)

”Bad Moon”

(I swear, it’s fun to experiment with B6 and dreams, but sometimes it’s just not worth the consequences. This was, easily, the most brutal, intense, violent dream I’ve had in a while. I’d taken some B6 and melatonin before bed, making the dream incredibly vivid (and painful). It also didn’t help that the last thing on my t.v., last night, was a werewolf flick called 'Bad Moon'. I was hardly even watching it. It was just on, and I caught a few glimpses of it, here and there.)

I was dreaming about an old coworker, Jane*. Her boyfriend had broken up with her, and we happened to start getting really close. At first, we were lying around, watching abstract visualizations on a huge screen - kind of like the Windows Media Player visualizations, but much more complex and engaging - along with the orchestra music, and it was very relaxing. We were settled against each other and beginning to fall asleep. Moments later, we were in bed, still listening to the music and just talking softly to each other. (This would have been a very unlikely pairing, in waking life, so it was actually kind of uncomfortable to me that we were this close, in the dream.) Nothing really happened, between us, though. We just lay there in bed, together, drifting off.

The dream switched to a third-person view, and I could see that I didn’t look like myself. I looked like someone else. I then saw this same guy - who had previously been me - with Jane*, in different camera shots, like a trailer for some dark movie. He was moving through the woods, and I could see that he had a strange shape to his face. Eventually, he came upon a large house, into which, he soon found himself abducted. Upon his entrapment, some sort of situation went down, and I caught an image of the heat from some kind of intricate furnace being pumped throughout this house, seeping through the walls and everything. Apparently, any contact with the smoke in the air made all of the people that already lived at the house transform into werewolves – the intelligently-speaking, but ultimately f*cking badass kind. The newcomer didn’t stand a chance. He was immediately cornered and torn apart.

I remember something about telling Jane* what I had seen, after the dream switched back to first person. (I never got another look at myself to see if I still looked like that guy or not.) She was immediately terrified, and struck with an ominous sense of recognition. She wound up confessing something about how the werewolves were real, and that they were apart of her family lineage. I don’t recall exactly how that explanation transpired, but I’m pretty sure that’s what it equated to.

The dream skipped ahead and, for some reason, I was actually entering that same house from the vision, earlier. It was still in first-person, and I seemed to be my normal "self," this time. I didn’t recognize the house, at first, though, so I wasn’t really alarmed. I had my daughter with me, and I think we were looking for a place to stay the night. Initially, things went alright. We met the owner of the manor, who had a bit of a creepy air about him – something like Bram Stoker’s Dracula, maybe - but, still, nothing set off any bells. It wasn’t until we were getting situated in our room, that I got another vision. I saw the network of pipes and tunnels; the orange light of a burner furnace, and the thick, glowing smoke being pumped through the shafts. Everything came rushing back to me, and I immediately knew what was about to happen.

I knew it would be impossible for my daughter and I to get out of the house in time, so I snatched her up from her bed and darted to another room. Miraculously finding some secret compartment in a wall, just big enough for her, I rushed her inside and told her to stay there, and to keep quiet, no matter what she heard from outside. Then, I pushed the huge brass(?) block back in the way of the hole. I ran as fast as I could, as far as I could from that room, knowing that, if I was going to be caught, I definitely didn’t want the werewolves knowing where I'd hid her. Passing the most unsecured hiding spots, I came to a room at the end of a hallway. It had a closed door across from me and a closet door in the corner. As a last ditch effort, I headed straight for the closet door. Just before reaching it, I’d gotten a really bad feeling that I’d chosen the wrong direction to run.

The very instant that thought entered my head, the door that was across from the hallway I came in through burst open. Inward stalked three huge werewolves, standing upright. I instantly turned around and ran back the other way, crossing in front of them and hauling ass back down the hallway. I heard one of them order the others to get me, and I could hear them sprinting down the hall after me. It didn’t take long for them to catch up to me, and they began mauling me, slashing and biting at me while I tried my hardest to stay on my feet. The dream was was so vivid that I could feel their bristles of hair on their bodies, and their teeth felt like sandpaper grinding my flesh. Suddenly, out of sheer desperation and panic, I came to a welcomed realization. I yelled out “This is a dream!! I’M DREAMING!!” ‘Elated’ doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt, just then!! After having been completely overpowered by these werewolves, I now began to take them on, no longer afraid of them. I’d noticed that, now, they had shrunk in size – to about that of Rottweilers, and now walking on all fours like dogs, but they were still incredibly vicious. My lucidity was still low, and I didn’t really have time to think, at all. These things were all over me, and they were just so damn fast, but I didn’t shy away from them anymore. They would tear painfully at my arms and legs, and I would pick one up and grab both its jaws, ripping it open and snapping its head backward onto itself. More of them came running into the room and, at one point, there were at least four or five of these dog/wolves on me, simultaneously.

The room we were fighting in had shifted into the joined living room and kitchen area of the place I used to share with my ex. Violently fighting off these wolves, I staggered to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher's knife. Things got really gory as I began slashing and stabbing as many of these damned things as I could get my hands on. They were still tearing me up, though – and make no mistake, when they bit me, it hurt. What made it worse was that these things JUST DIDN’T DIE. They were freaking indestructible. Obviously, the “silver” thing didn’t work with kitchenware because the knife wasn’t doing a damned thing. I would be tearing these things apart – cutting them practically to ribbons until I was soaked in both my blood and theirs, and they just kept attacking. In the middle of the fray, I picked one of them up by the front legs, and swung it down, back first, toward the back of a chair, folding its body over the chair back and breaking the wolf’s spine. I picked up another one and held a front leg in one hand, and a rear leg in another, and swung the beast down onto one of my knees, breaking its spine over my leg. Another one jumped me and I went to stabbing at it like crazy with the knife, finally breaking its skull by ripping its jaw apart, as I did with one of the first ones.

Finally, I realized that I had time to actually breathe (so to speak). The attack had lulled. I looked around the room and saw the more seriously injured werewolves still trying to get back on their feet. Now was the first chance I had to try to ground myself into the dream by looking at my hands. It didn’t really increase the vividness, though, because everything was already incredibly vivid. I looked up, across the dividing shelf, now that I was back in the living room, and I could see three figures standing in the kitchen. Three of the werewolves had changed back into human form…and they were women - very attractive women, actually. They were breathing heavily and they - especially one, in particular - looked absolutely terrified of me, which seemed to be the reason why they were hiding behind the divider that separated the kitchen and living room. The other - visibly mutilated – werewolves didn’t transform into humans, but they were definitely not in any hurry to attack me, neither. The woman in the middle began talking to me. I can’t remember what she said, but it was something about how I was like some kind of "monster," because I was able to take on all of them at one time. She had this sort of awe-struck look on her face, like she was standing in front of a god. The one standing on her right still looked scared shitless - as if, if I would have taken one step toward her, she would have broken through the wall just to get away from me.

The one that did the talking began giving me some sob story, obviously to keep me from killing them. She started going off about how it’s not their fault that they are what they are and do what they do. She told me about how werewolves killed her family before she became one, and yadda yadda. I don’t even remember if I was actually listening to her with any sort of pity, or wondering what I was going to do next with the rest of my dream time, but the dream faded in the middle of her monologue.

(I woke up covered in sweat, with only about 3 ½ hours of sleep, but I had to get up and write this dream out. It was already 8:30, though, because I didn’t go to sleep until late, so there’s no going back to sleep now.)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

"She was a Teenage Robot" - 11/25/2008

"She Was a Teenage Robot" 

I was with Tony* and a few others, seemingly from my old JROTC days. There was some sort of military procession going on, and we were all standing up to a huge mirror, getting decked out in some dress blues. There was this really sweet, mousy girl that we’d met, who had been really depressed, before meeting us, because she’d had a rough childhood and didn’t really have anybody that cared about her. We were all especially accepting of her, and she began warming up to us - especially to me. There was one particular time, after this military event, where we were all just hanging out in someone’s house, late at night, and watching T.V. The girl had curled up beside me, and she was practically in tears, telling us all how happy she was that we were all friends, and about how much she loved us.

Time passed, and something had happened, where the whole world had been turned upside down, so to speak. We were, now, out in some huge, deserted field, in the aftermath of what I believe it was some kind of alien attack. Whatever it had been, something had destroyed a large part of the planet, leaving nothing but desolation. Among the unfolding events, it turned out that the young girl had somehow been transformed into a giant robot, some 50-feet tall. She didn’t even look human, anymore – just a huge pile of scraps that just barely resembled a bipedal being. We were still able to talk to her and, initially, she was just absolutely devastated, because she could no longer fit in with people and considered herself even more of an outcast than she used to. However, we kept comforting her and letting her know that we still considered her a friend, even though she was a giant robot. Slowly, she began to come around, and we were able to get her help (we, being the human race, and she, being a giant weapon, such as in 'The Iron Giant') in fighting the remnants of the alien attack. I know there was a massive battle, but I can’t say that I remember any of it.

"Subterranean" - 07/28/2008


(I believe this began in the DeLand area, off of [Redacted] Blvd.)

I remember spending some time in a Checkers burger joint with some friends, late at night, and finding out that there was an enormous hole to an underworld, somewhere down the street. The concrete had broken away, and there was this gash in the ground, maybe half a mile long and about  quarter-mile thick, at its widest point. We would stare down into this cavern, which seemed to be illuminated with green torches set against the rock formations that lined the walls of the trench.

Sooner or later, we got around to climbing down into this hole in the Earth. There were a bunch of pathway ledges and hand-holds upon which to scale the wall. (I usually don’t do all that much in non-lucids that I wouldn’t do in real life, but there is no way in hell I would have started scaling this trench.) We came across a bunch of creatures that looked like they might have been at home in the 'Lord of the Rings'. There were so many different species that we ended up seeing a computerized catalog of all the enemies we would come across, as we went deeper into the Earth. It became very video game-like.

There was some princess - or some kind of royal figure - that lived in this labyrinth of caves and rocky paths that stretched for miles and miles beneath the streets, branching out from the single hole that led to street level. The father of the (humanoid and quite-gorgeous) princess was a far-larger monster that reminded me of one of the colossi from the 'Shadow of the Colossus' game. Plenty of times, this colossus would splatter me all of the place, killing me, but I would, then, respawn - just like I was playing a game - and have to make my way back through the caverns again. I remember being at one of the exits, and two T-rexes coming straight toward me. I frantically retreated and was chased by them, ducking away into a hole that led me straight back into the catacombs. (My notes say something about becoming lucid here, but I really don’t remember that.)

Later, I was going back down into the tunnels, after having been killed numerous times (obviously, a glutton for punishment, at this point), and one of the entrances was blue and covered with ice and snow. As I descended lower, down the steps and into the cave, it became darker and more deeply blue around the walls. I was suddenly attacked by the ninja Sub-Zero from 'Mortal Kombat'. (Because of course. Lol.) I don’t remember much of the fight, and I think he, too, ended up killing me, but I’m not sure.

I also remember a moment when I was explaining to someone how the place in the huge gash in the Earth worked, and how you can die and just come back to life, and how much of a good adventure it was. I told them about my run-ins with the colossus, and how he’d killed me plenty of times, in the past. I can't recall anything more than this, though.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

"They All Fall Down" - 08/16/2021 (Lucid)

"They All Fall Down"

(I have been taking in a little mugwort, melatonin and valerian root, before bed, lately, and I've been having far more vivid and lucid dreams. This was one in a trend of clear and stable lucids I've had, recently, and seemed to stretch on for a noticeable while.)

The earliest thing I remember, in this dream, is that I was watching the movie "Little Monsters," in someone's crowded home, and that people kept trying to sit down in the same chair I was in - a chair that was obviously not meant for more than one person. Random people would constantly sit themselves down on one side of me, and then keep scooting over, more and more, until I was practically falling off of the chair. After a while, I just got irritated with it and got up from where I was sitting.

I walked outside, to the patio, where there were more people scattered about. This was obviously a party or cookout, or something, and folks were just hanging around in the yard and on the patio furniture. The dream was very realistic, and I spent quite a while just talking to some of the others - whom seemed familiar, but I could not tell if they were friends or family. Eventually, though, during the idle chit-chat, I started to realize that this was all a dream. Testing the suspicion, I brought a hand up over the wooden picnic table and focused on a mug, levitating it with telekinesis. A young girl, nearby, marveled at the trick, so I kept doing more, flourishing with my lucid powers as if I was a stage magician. A few of the others stopped to watch, before I eventually went back inside the house, to find something else to do.

Finding my way to the kitchen, I noticed something on the floor, practically wedged behind the door. It was about the size of a basketball, and it took me a moment to figure out that it was a human head. It belonged to a blonde woman who seemed to be, maybe, in her 50's, and the weirdest thing was that it didn't seem like it was a decapitated head. It was still attached to the body which, apparently, continued down through the floor, as if she was stuck in the ground, up to her neck, like a "clipping" issue, in a video game. What's more, is that she didn't really seemed to be bothered by this. Though she just kind of stared, idly, at the back side of the kitchen door, I could tell that she was very much alive, and she looked  more bored with her situation than distressed. Using my telekinetic control, I "pulled" her upward and out of the ground, revealing the rest of her body.

Her body, though, didn't seem to be in the same condition. When I phased her up and out of the floor, it was as if I had pulled a rotting corpse from a vertical grave. I could see that, when I looked back at her face, it had began to bruise and wither, as if it, too, was starting to rot. Just slightly disturbed by this, I gave another wave of my hand and "willed" her to return to a more normal appearance, which worked, almost effortlessly. With an arguably-flirtatious smile, she said "oh, you're good," and I just smiled in return and opened the fridge, beside her, to see what was inside. I pulled out a translucent bin that was filled with the rotting remains of half-eaten fruits and vegetables. Feeling a little "Dr. Strange" inspired, I waved my hand again, and willed the fruits and veggies to refresh themselves, and the bin began to replenish itself as the food items started regenerating as if they were being 3D printed.

Leaving the kitchen, I remember spending some time walking around the house, doing more idle tricks, here and there. I began to remark at how vivid the dream was, and how grounded I felt to it, even without having to do any stabilization gestures. Out of curiosity, though, I decided to look at my hands, just to see how they would appear, in a dream that was already this detailed. As expected, they looked just like they would in waking life - all fingers were present, and in perfect shape. The only difference, though, is that I had single strands of bright green light strung between each of my fingers. I also recall picking up an ink pen from an end table, and flicking it through a nearby window pane, as if it were a bullet from a gun. At one point, I told some of the house occupants about this being a dream and about them being characters within it, but I don't remember their reactions. 

I made my way out of the front side of the house and started walking down the sidewalk, meandering about and interacting with the neighbors, still feeling rather explorative and allowing the dreamscape to take me wherever it might. The longer I walked through the neighborhood, the more I could see that the neighbors were kind of "gathering." There was a palpable tension in the air, and all of the neighbors seemed to be streaming in one direction, as if the entire crowd was being led to some sort of event. I could hear a few of them talking, and there was, apparently, about to be some sort of clash with either another neighborhood, or some other kind of faction that these people were all united against. Curious, still, I decided to follow along with the crowd, to see what was going on.

The group began to file into a narrow, slum-esque alleyway, and I could see that there was another large group of people that was approach the front of our crowd. The tension was steadily rising, and I could tell that - for whatever reasons - these people were about to absolutely lay into each other. Close to the front of my group, I could see the two sides beginning to aggressively converge, and the moment the two crowds collided, all hell broke loose. Fists began flying, and gunfire filled the air. Military vehicles could be seen, speeding toward my group, from the other side. This was quickly turning into a major battle, and the vehicles coming in did not seem like they were going to stop, and they were set on mowing down our group, which was already firing back with everything they had. 

Feeling like I was now at the epicenter of this intensifying collision, I suddenly threw both arms out - one in the direction of either crowd - and sent out a forceful, telekinetic "push" - a wave of force that threw the people of each faction back, away from each other, and crushed the oncoming vehicles to a stop, as if they'd hit a concrete wall.

Quite satisfied with this move, I smiled as the bewildered dream characters, from both sides, gathered around in wonder, at what I'd just done. They were absolutely astonished at this "power," that I had, and I started to show off a bit, picking a few random people up with telekinesis and setting them back down gently. I talked to them about how this was all a dream, in order to gauge their reactions, which was pretty much the standard level of disbelief that I normally get when having this conversation with dream characters.

It was then, though, that I began to notice people falling down.

I would glance from one person to another, confused to see their eyes roll back in their heads, and they would simply drop to the ground, as if all of the life had been instantly ripped from them. Each direction I turned, another person would "go white" and then drop. The dream was still so vivid, that I could even see the redness in the bloodshot corners of their eyes, even after all of the color had rolled back into their skulls. I started to walk forward, wondering what was going on, and the bodies continue dropping, in a wave formation, as if being within a certain range of me simply flipped a switch and turned them into lifeless husks. It got to the point where, seemingly, with every step I took, another dozen people in front of me would, instantly, go white in the eyes and then drop to the ground.

Before long, I was the only one still standing in the alley.

(There was little else that I could remember, after that point. I vaguely recall their being mention, somewhere, of some entity being behind this phenomenon, but I don't remember whether I was still lucid, when I heard that, or from where I heard it, exactly. It was just a hazy fragment that stuck with me, after I woke.)

Friday, August 13, 2021

"Jason Voorhees...Again....and again, and again, and..." - 09/26/2007

"Jason Voorhees...Again....and again, and again, and..."

I was a girl, in this dream, and the first thing I remember is that I was walking through a dark house. It was the typical horror movie ambiance, where I was moving slowly, feeling that something just 'wasn't right,' and being mysteriously drawn to a particular room. When I got to the bedroom, I could hear the sound of the shower running from the bathroom, but there was just barely any light coming from it. I stepped slowly into the bathroom and saw that it had one of those showers with the sliding glass doors. It was completely filled up with steam, and I couldn't see whomever was inside it. The bathroom was already eerily lit with a soft blue bulb, which didn't help the anxiety that I was feeling creeping up my spine. Cautiously, I walked toward the shower and, just as I was a couple of feet away, I saw Freddy Krueger's gloved hand slam up against the shower door, from within the cloud of steam inside, and scrape it's nails down the glass. (I thought me and that asshole were supposed to be cool, now. However, Universal Studios has been advertising that Jason, Freddy and Leatherface are going to all be characters present at Halloween Horror Nights, this year, which is probably want prompted his appearance.)

Anyway, I ran out of the house and, on the way out, I ran directly into Jason Voorhees. He stood there, glaring down at me, and I immediately took off in another direction. I was in a huge field, at night, way out in the country, somewhere, and there was a barn or something in the distance. I hauled ass toward it and, just as I ran up to the front, ol' Jason was standing directly in my way (having just 'appeared' there like he often does in the movies). I switched directions and ran parallel to the barn/house/thing. When I came around the corner, there he was again. He swung his machete at me, and I ran off another way. While running along a lake, I'd found myself beginning to step into the water. Before I knew it, I was waist-deep in it. Suddenly, a light came on, beneath the surface, and the entire lake lit up like a swimming pool. Directly in front of me, Jason slowly came rising to the surface, standing up in the water and walking slowly in my direction. I scurried out of the lake and toward a group of trees to, hopefully, provide me some cover. Again, though, he walked out from behind a tree, in front of me. He swiped his machete and actually sliced me (didn't hurt that much). This threw me off guard and he was able to wrestle me to the ground, while I was kicking and screaming.

Pinning me to the ground, on my stomach, Jason put down his machete and pulled a hacksaw from out of nowhere. He pressed himself down on my back and I could feel him setting the blade of the saw down on the back of my neck. I was absolutely flipping the f*ck out! (Who wouldn't be??) I bent one of my legs up and was, somehow, able to kick him off of me, right before he was able to start cutting my head off. As he began to right himself, I rolled over, picked up his machete and, in one swipe, cut his head clean off his shoulders. His head hit the ground, while his body fell to its knees, and I immediately turned and ran. After running for a while, I couldn't believe it when I saw, again, Jason out in front of me. He was still headless - his body still on its knees and still seemingly dead. It was like I had run in a straight line, but still completed a full circle to pass the same place I'd just left. I kept running straight, watching the body as I passed. Suddenly, just as I'd gotten close enough, the headless body lunged out at me, grabbing my legs and tripping me. We wrestled to the ground again and he had his machete back, trying to kill me. It was somewhere around here that I woke up.

"Jason Returns" - 09/01/2006 (Lucid)

"Jason Returns"
Dream #1

Some girl and I were driving down a back-road, somewhere, at night. If I remember correctly, I looked in the rear-view mirror and happened to see Jason Voorhees sitting in the backseat. The second I saw him, he lunged forward and started trying to attack us from behind. I think the girl was driving, because I was trying to fend him off from the front seat, grabbing his arm as he tried to stab us with his knife.

The struggle in the car caused us to slide off the road and crash into the trees that were alongside it. I’m pretty sure we were knocked “unconscious” after the crash, because I remember “coming to” (I use quotations because I’m sure losing consciousness in dreams is illusory) and it being dawn. The first thing I thought about was Jason attacking, so I started looking around for him, immediately. I looked out the window and saw him, strangely, just walking away into the woods, knife in hand, completely ignoring us.

The car was a total wreck, so the girl and I started walking down this road way out in B.F.E. (for those familiar with the term. Haha.) After a few miles, we came to this HUGE plantation-type house, in the middle of nowhere. There were a lot of people living in this house - most of them around our age - and they took us in. We made a lot of friends there.

Nightfall came again and, before I knew it, ol' Jason was back. I first caught a glimpse of him walking across a doorway or something, in some dark, random hall. At first, we were all being the victims, as he was trying to just kill however many of us humans as he could (though, I don’t remember anyone dying).

It was around this time that I realized I was dreaming. I rushed Jason and began attacking the hell out of him with punches and kicks, ducking and dodging the swipes from his knife - basically, kicking his ass all around the room, though he wasn't necessarily taking any damage. I ended off with a nice combination of kicks that set him up near one wall, and finished with a jump kick that sent him flying backward, out of the window of the 5th (or so) floor of this house. Having had my fun, I realized how he seemed to come and go with nightfall, so, I tested a theory and focused on the night sky, using my lucidity to will it into turning to day time. When I looked back out the window, and the now-sunlit yard, Jason was heading off down the road, into the woods again, away from us.

During the day, fading in an out of lucidity, I remember telling people about the previous Jason lucid dream I'd had, and even about the strange coincidence of having the dream before having to take my daughter to her school because she missed the bus, the next day, and her school being named “Crystal Lake.” (Which is the actual name of her school, in waking life, and, of course, the name of the setting of the Jason movies).

After a while, feeling strong lucidity again, and having been doing stuff like looking at my hands throughout the day, (still within the dream) I got tired of going with the flow and decided to have some more fun.

I looked at the sky, outside, and focused again, watching it change as I made the day melt into night, once more. No sooner did the sky grow dark than I saw the large black silhouette roaming through the hallways. He was back, just as I’d expected. I hid behind a doorframe, as Jason came stalking into a room where a bunch of us were (earlier) sitting around and talking. Some of the people started freaking out, and then I came up and rushed Jason from behind, and we started fighting again. I kept kicking his ass and he kept trying to slice me, but I was just too fast for him. Suddenly, the DreamViews Lucid Task of the Month popped into my head, even though the last day for it was yesterday, and I thought about how I wished I’d ripped his heart out, last time I dreamed of fighting him, to complete the task, but didn't. (The task of the month, at the time, was to try to rip someone's heart out - even your own. Then, report back to the forums what happened. We had a good sense of humor about these tasks. Lol.)

So, not wanting the miss the chance - while in the middle of a punch combination - I suddenly stiffened my fingers straight into a knife-handed strike formation and jabbed them deep into his chest, feeling them tear through his soiled leather jacket, his flesh and bone. Inside, I curled my fingers into a fist and yanked them back out.

Buuuuuut (there’s always a “but.”), I found out that he had no heart. When I opened my fist, there was nothing but a strange ball of bright white light. It was like his soul.

I sat there wondering what the hell to do with it. My first impulse was to just eat it (don’t ask me why) but I decided against it, somehow getting the feeling that I didn’t want Jason Voorhees’s soul rattling around inside of me. Call me crazy.

Can’t remember what I did with it, but I remember turning night into day again, so I think it just disappeared along with Jason’s body.

(There was another dream where I was at my house and some of my family was over. I think I started this one lucid. The first thing I remember doing was, while outside in my backyard, making the sun set. Sure enough, Jason appears, having followed me into this dream as well, as I pretty much expected him to. We went at it in the backyard for a little bit, and I’m sure there was more to it than that, but I don’t remember much after this part.)

"Stabbing Voorhees" - 08/17/2006 (Lucid)

"Stabbing Voorhees"
Dream #2

In the next dream, Jason Voorhees showed up in Kellen's old house (my childhood friend, back in Houston) and kept trying to kill me. I ended up escaping the house and making a break for it, outside. While running away from him, I realized that I was dreaming. I attempted to fly away but couldn't get any higher than about 15 feet in the air, before I would start sinking - even crashing down through the branches of a tree, once, and slamming into the ground.

Still a bit terrified, despite my lucidity, I got up and kept running. Unfortunately, I started thinking about how Jason usually shows up around corners and stuff, in the movies, just in front of his victims. Sure enough, as soon as I turned the first corner, he was there, arms folded, leaning back against the wall like he was John Travolta or something. He turned his head toward me and stood up straight, beginning to walk in my direction. I was like "f*ck flying," and I just stormed over to face him. He stabbed at me, and I easily caught the blade in my hand - painlessly - laughing. Then, I just snatched it from him and started mutilating him with his own butcher's knife. Haha.

I don't remember much more, after that, though.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

"Mario and Mertha" - 12-07-2006 (Lucid)

”Mario and Mertha”
Dream #1

This one was weird. The vividness seems to be back, but there are still some pretty big gaps in my recall.)

There was this guy who I can only identify as "Mario," from "Super Mario Brothers". He was about 3 or 4 feet tall, and he was a real asshole. (Though this was a live-action character, he was dressed like Mario, so I’d have to say it was him.) The trump card behind his massive ego was the fact that he had a really scary companion, named “Big Mertha.” She was like 8 feet tall with a 70-something inch waist. (Think Andre the Giant with breasts and like 45% more body fat. Terrifying. Lol.) Anyway, the scariest thing about Mertha was that she had the ability to just appear and disappear, like she was the f*ckin Candyman, or something. So, whenever Mario, who was often alone, would hear someone talking trash about him, he’d just “call” Mertha, and she’d just show up and mangle whoever it was that had been talking bad about her "friend."

At one point me, a friend of mine (JC I think) and Mario were at my old house. I think JC and I got into an argument with Mario, and it resulted in us saying what we thought about him and Mertha. Before I could do anything about it, I saw Mertha’s big-ass hulk of a body stomping down the hallway toward us.

Needless to say: we got the hell out of there.

Later, we were outside, in a park by a neighborhood near my old one (the park doesn’t really exist in waking life). I was sitting on a swing, and Mario was there, being a cocky little bastard (emphasis on “little”), as he was talking to someone else. I don’t think it was JC, but I know JC was still in the picture. Sooner or later, words started flying and Mario, whose lil’ ass would get wrecked by just about anybody, conjured up Mertha. She appeared and was towering over the other person, about to beat him to the ground.

As I sat there, swinging and watching, I remember thinking “Jesus, here those two go again,” and I was feeling a sense of pity for the person about to get beat down, and a deepening irritation with these two assholes.

That’s when I realized that this was all a dream.

I continued to swing, lightly, for a little while and watched as Mertha began just annihilating this guy. After a couple of seconds I’d about had my fill and hopped out of the swing. I walked nonchalantly over to Mario and Mertha, brimming with confidence. Without saying a word, I wound up and gave Mario a roundhouse kick to the face that sent him flying off, into the side of one of the apartment buildings a few yards away. Mertha left the other guy alone and started trying to swing on me but I was too quick and I vaguely remember giving her a couple uppercuts to the jaw. I then stepped back and stayed on the defensive, ducking and dodging this giant’s attempts to grab me.

At one point, I wound up in a small alleyway between buildings and did one of those zig-zagging, videogame-like jumps, where you jump from back and forth, between two walls, kicking yourself higher each time, until you reach the top. Both Mario and Mertha (somehow) followed me onto the roof, and we started fighting up there. I remember jumping from rooftop to rooftop, but not much of the fight in general. All I know is that I had them completely outmatched, and I ended up knocking them both off of the roof.

Something I saw from the rooftop made me think of Spiderman (I can’t remember exactly what it was, though) and, having had my fun with Mario and Mertha, I decided to try sticking to the wall, so I scaled down the side of one of the buildings, sticking with my hands and feet, and dropped down onto an apartment balcony. I walked inside and, unexpectedly, I saw a bunch of my friends sitting around and playing video games.

My recall gets a little hazy, here, but I remember summoning Mario and Mertha again, later on, to go another round while I could still hold onto the dream. Some time after slapping them around, again, I woke up.

"Blown out of the Sky" - 11/25/2011 (Lucid)

"Blown out of the Sky"
Dream #2

The first thing I remember was that I was lying down, naked, in a small, enclosed pod. Another body - petite; also naked - was sleeping on top of my chest. I could instantly tell it was a female, and that she was lying face down with her cheek practically nuzzled into my neck. I don't remember the dialogue that followed, but I heard a male voice, outside of the enclosure, stating that the girl was "T"  (an attractive friend and coworker, IRL) and that she had some kind of medical condition where, if she laid on her back for too long, she would stop breathing and die. She had, apparently, just rolled over, on her stomach, on top of me, and so the voice told me that I had to keep her there, asleep, so that she would neither wake up nor roll back over onto her back, since  she would be in danger of suffocating. I had no idea what we were even doing, lying in this chamber together, but the feeling of having here there with me was amazing. I was just loving it. She shuffled softly against me, and I put a hand down onto her lower back, feeling her torso rise and fall with another breath, confirming that she was breathing well and ok to be in this position. (With the lighting and everything, it felt like the final scene in "The Fifth Element," where Korben and Leeloo are in the rejuvenation chamber.)

The dream skipped ahead, and T and I were, then, sitting on an airplane together. We had gotten word (over the intercom, I believe), that we were under attack from rocket fire. No sooner did we get this warning, than a rocket slammed into the far section of the plane, causing an intense explosion. The far side of the plane (which I'm guessing was the front, because we were facing that way) tore right off of the rest of the aircraft, leaving a gaping hole, through which people and chairs began streaming out of the plane, into the night sky. We could only brace against each other and watch scores of people rip away from us - flinging out to God knows where - while we, still buckled into our seats, spiraled sickeningly toward a ground that we could not see. (My notes say something about making a deal with someone, which I don't really remember the details of, but I believe it had something to do with the attack on the plane.)

Soon, we were pulling ourselves out of the wreckage, having landed on some remote island, somewhere. I don't remember the actual impact, though. (It all seemed very "Lost"-like.) The plane was in ruins, but there were still a few survivors. Someone, who I believe might have been the pilot (even though he should have been torn away from us, with the rest of the plane), came onto the intercom and apologized for the rough landing, but he followed that by saying that 'at least it was better than the last time'...whatever that meant.

We were, soon, out in the wilderness, and we ran across a group of bandits who held us up (presumably, the ones who shot us down). They seemed pretty primitive, but they had weapons, and we didn't, so they began to take hostages. Once one of them got me in a chokehold, I began to panic a bit. However, I also began to suspect that I was dreaming. I held up one fist, in front of me, and tried to make a large blade grow out of my knuckles. It didn't work, though, and I just could not get the weapon to materialize. Instead, I pointed to another one of the bandits and made a 'flicking' gesture with my hand, as if I was brushing dust off of an old countertop. The man I was looking at promptly exploded and disappeared into thin air. The rest of the bandits stared at me, in shock, and began to fall back. The one who'd once had a hold of me quickly let me go. Now, content with the upper-hand, I let out a huge 'Shout' (taking a cue from "Skyrim") and unleashed a nice shockwave of sound, which blew some of the bandits backward. I could see the shockwave roll across the high grass and a nearby river bed, blasting into a patch of trees in the distance, where a grizzly bear had been standing. The husky bear reeled from the sound wave and turned tail to run away.

Quite satisfied with this, I went to turn my attention back to the bandits and saw that there was something coming, from off to one side. It was very large and moving over the river, but there was really nothing that we could identify - because of the torrential splashes of water shrouding the large, dark figure. At first, I thought it was a giant alligator - with a body some 15ft in diameter. But, when it got close enough to cease run/stomping through the water, its true form was revealed. It was a dragon - a pretty badass dragon, actually; all jagged, bony features and dark, nearly-black scales. It stopped in front of us, staring directly into my face, and had a short conversation with me, referring to me as the 'Dragonborn' (which is the nickname given to the lead character in Skyrim, which I have been playing lately, of course). I remember that it had the deep voice of the huge first dragon that I encountered in Skyrim, but I don't remember the conversation that we had.

Shortly after this, I was walking through a field, along with T. I took a moment to look at my hands, trying to ground myself into the dream a bit. My left hand looked fine, but I noticed that my right hand was missing two fingers and the thumb, bony stumps left where the fingers should be.

Again, my memory skips ahead a little while. We were in a more urban area, and a group of thugs pulled up in a caravan of jeeps and SUVs. There were a few more people in my group, now, than when it was just T and I. They, again, held us all at gunpoint, and the leader had this weird-looking gun that looked like it had 100 taser barbs, ready to fire. From the hardcore look of the weapon, though, it seemed like the barbs would do a lot more than just send a couple of thousand volts through someone. Still lucid, though, I kept getting in the leader's face, daring him to shoot me, trying to keep his attention off of the other people in my group.

There was another transition, and T and I were back in the wilderness - more of a jungle area, actually - trudging through a small pond of murky water. We were about stomach-deep, and it was only about 12 feet wide, so there already wasn't much room for us. It seemed much smaller, though. Much more crowded. That's when I noticed there was something very large, floating in the pond, just inches in front of me. It was actually taking up most of the space in the pond. I looked at it for a moment, and couldn't figure out what. It looked very rough, like it was a patch of hard Earth that was sticking up just a few inches out of the water. Then, I noticed it had a face, and on the near side of that face, I saw one, slit-pupiled eye staring back at me. An alligator. A very, very large alligator. T seemed to recognize it as a gator, at the same time as I did. I could see a quiet panic building up on her face, and I was feeling quite intimidated, myself. We shuffled quietly, trying to walk our way around it. I could see, though, that with every movement I made to get passed the gator, the gator's head would turn just slightly, in order to keep its eye on me. It was watching me, and I had a feeling it was about to strike at me, at any moment. I knew that this was a dream, but I wasn't really sure of what to do in the situation. I knew had to do something, though.

On instinct, I suddenly lunged at the enormous gator, landing on it's back and trying to wrap my arms around its mouth, from a mounted position. I landed a little too low on its body, though, and was only able to grab around its neck. The gator reared its head back, toward me, snapping its jaws just beside my head and grabbing ahold of my right ear with its teeth. I felt it bite down, but it didn't hurt all that match. I was, however, seemingly stuck. This thing would not let go of me, and I was not about to let go of it, giving it more room to maneuver. This thing could have easily bitten the top portion of my body in half, it was so big.

The last thing I remember is splashing around in the pond, fighting this massive reptile that had a vice-grip on my ear, while T tried to escape the water.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"Arachnoception" - 11/15/2010 (Lucid + FAs)


(Got a lucid dream for my birthday. Just wish it would have been a more pleasant one. Usually, I will count false awakenings as separate dreams, but since this is all so continuous, and had such a "dreams within dreams" feeling, I will count it as one.

Having just gotten a copy of Inception, I decided to watch it last night, while going to bed, to try to induce something Inception-related. Seems like I got more than I bargained for...)

I can barely remember the early parts of this dream, but I was driving through DeLand, with JH. We were taking the road that passes the landfill, on the way back over to my side of town. For some reason, though, we had to take a detour through the landfill. While driving through it, we apparently stumbled upon some kind of criminal(?) element and were dragged out of the car, at gunpoint. We were taken inside the facility, and the only thing I remember, here, is that I was in what I think was a bathroom, and I got attacked by some sort of creature. It was about the size of a rat, and I believe its body wasn't actually organic. It seemed to be something of a shell, made out of what I think was a child's toy. From within the object, spider-leg-like tendrils protruded, which served as both legs and powerful pincers. It reminded me a lot of the creeping coffins, from "Lords of Shadow" (which I have been playing, lately), except much smaller in size. I had to fight like hell, to keep this thing off of me, but I eventually got away from it. Not much longer after that, the cops showed up and raided the compound, starting a huge firefight. In the fray, we were able to escape, and I vaguely remember a random, small dog being killed, during the fight.

[False Awakening #1]

The next thing I knew, I was waking up, in my bed. It was still night out, and 'Inception' was still playing on my computer. After a moment, I stepped out of bed, and I was immediately ambushed by the "creeping toy" creature, from the previous dream. It came from out of nowhere and ran up my leg, biting and scratching with its pinchers/legs. This thing fought with all the ferocity of a rabid squirrel, and I could not get it off of me. My leg was getting mangled by the little creature, and it hurt like Hell.

[False Awakening #2]

Once again, though, I woke up in my bed. The pest from the dream was nowhere in sight. However, this time, I got out of bed and was met with a dull pain in my leg. Switching on the light, I saw that my leg had bruises in like 6 different places, and it was throbbing. My muscles were progressively tightening, and I could instantly tell that there was venom running through it. I was so confused, though. I knew it had to have been a dream. Right? Hobbling out of bed, I made my way over to my mom's side of the house, surprised to see that she was up this early. My leg was growing worse, when I showed her - dark, black spots showing up, and the skin tightening to where you could start to see the shapes of the tendons. She kind of shrugged it off, and said it would be ok if I just didn't mess with it. More bewildered about the whole thing, than anything else, I just walked back to my room and went back to bed.

[False Awakening #3]

And, once again, I awoke in my bed. The pain in my leg was gone, as was any sign of the bruises. So, naturally, I assumed that it had all just been a dream. But, again, just as I stepped out of bed, I was attacked by the creature from the "previous" dream. It scurried up through my robe and around my back. It never bit me, this time, but its steps were like thousands of thick fingernail jabs, themselves, scrambling all around the upper part of my body. I was able to get a hold of the thing and grab its "legs," holding them open so that they couldn't form the pincers that they had, before. This thing was strong, like a tiny bear trap, but I held the tendrils open, again making my way to show it to my mom. By this time, I didn't know WTF was going on, and I just wanted to know that I wasn't going crazy. On my way out of my room, I passed my pet dog...oblivious to the fact that I don't actually have a pet dog. I did, however, think that it was strange that I recognized the dog as the little dog who'd gotten killed, in the "first" dream. Unfortunately, I already had my hands full, and I didn't stop long enough to realize this as a dream sign. Instead, I took the creature over to my mom's room to show her. She looked down at my hands, then back up at me, then back down at my hands. She said..."that's just dead skin," with a confused look of concern on her face. I looked down, and saw that she was right. I was just holding a handful of what looked like gator hide.

By this time, I thought I'd completely lost my mind. Apparently, my mom did, too. She cocked an eyebrow at me and said "Uhh...I have some pills or something...if you need them?" implying that she was afraid I'd completely cracked. Puzzled beyond all hope, I just turned around and walked back to my room. I kept thinking about 'Inception' and that, maybe, the idea had somehow been planted into my mind that this spider-thing existed, when it really didn't. I just felt really defeated by my lack of understanding of the whole thing, and I just went back to sleep.

The next thing I knew, it was the middle of the day. I was talkin with some guys I was unfamiliar with, whom my mom had let into the house. Throughout the time they were here, we'd gotten into smoking. We pretty much just hung around the house for a while, and I tried telling them about the dreams I'd been having lately - about the crazy little monster thing. Nobody seemed all that interested, though. Later, the same guys and I were heading out, somewhere. We'd gotten into the car, when one of them said he left something inside the house, tossing a huge bag of smoke into the car, before walking back to get whatever it was. I kept yelling at him to hurry up, because I didn't want to be just sitting here, with the huge sack in the car. He was just taking his sweet time, though, and it was annoying the hell out of me.

Of course, just as I was beginning to suspect there might be cops nearby, I heard "WOOP-WOOP," a siren barking at us from behind. I actually can't remember if I was driving or not, but we sped off, down the road, with the cops chasing us. We were driving in a slick sports car, and just hauling ass, but they were catching up. (Been playing a bit of Grand Theft Auto, also. Haha.) The guy next to me started freaking out and dumping all kinds of contraband out the window - everything from weed to small bags of cocaine which I didn't even know were in the car. In a quick, 3rd-person view, I saw the white powder blowing all over the people on the sides of the road. It was actually pretty hilarious. Suddenly, back in first-person, I got an idea. We pulled over, and I waited for the cops to come within a stone's-throw from our tail, before chucking a bag of coke at their windshield, at the last moment. It blotted out most of the glass, and they ended up swerving to miss our car and crashing into some nearby pedestrians. Then, for the first time, after all of this chaos, I realized just how absurd all of this actually was. I realized that this had to be a dream.

The other guy in the car was still freaking out, telling me that we had to get the hell out of there. I just laughed and told him to relax, stepping over to the crashed police SUV. Gathering all my focus, I reached a fist up over my head and swung it downward, trying to destroy the engine block, like I'd done to other cars, in previous lucid dreams. This time, though, I was only able to dent the hood. It was a little more superhuman than waking life, but not what I expected. I tried a few more times, swinging heavy punches at the hood and grille, but I couldn't get any more damage than about what a baseball bat might have done. Needless to say, I wasn't very happy with this. I was determined, though. I kept thinking that the cops might try to shoot me, through the windshield, but I was already prepared to either dodge the bullets or just let them hit me. Thinking that there had to be some other way to get through to the engine, the idea just kind of struck me: A light-saber! I had never created one, while lucid, so I figured that this would be a good time to try. Holding my hands up, beside me, as if gripping a sword, I tried to materialize the weapon out of thin air, imaging it growing to length. Nothing happened, though. The dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time controlling it.

As if by my cue, the cop in the passenger seat held up a blue light-saber of his own, grinning behind the powder-covered windshield. Now, even more determined to have one, I made a motion as if it was already in my hand, stabbing directly at the grille while trying hard to visualize the weapon coming into existence. Finally, I saw the orange glow. The tip of the blazing saber burned into the grill like it was paper, eating through the metal and sinking further into the engine block. I gave a quick tug of my arms, drawing the blade sideways and widening the hole, completely putting the truck out of commission. My accomplice and I then hopped back in the car and prepared to take off again but, instead, I simply woke up for real.

(After a few reality checks - which I should have done, the first few times I 'woke up' - I got up and started jotting notes down.

This felt like a B6-enhanced dream - very vivid and chaotic - but I didn't take any B6 before bed. Most likely, it was the Reese's Cups I ate, late last night. It would have been nice to just have had a bad-ass lucid, but all that shit with the spider-creature-thing just made the whole thing unpleasant. It was still early as hell, but I didn't bother going back to sleep, after this one.)