Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Scare Tactics" - 12/24/2008

"Scare Tactics"

I was part of a S.W.A.T.-type unit and dressed up in tactical gear. My partner was a petite, young woman - a bit younger than me - who I was really close to. (I feel that it was someone I know in waking life. Just can't remember who. Small white chick with short, brownish hair. Maybe it'll come to me later.) We were on a call in some sort of school, which seemed nearly deserted. There was a large, senior officer there with us, and something happened to where he completely flipped out, went pscyho, and began attacking his own squad. We got into a firefight with him, and it became apparent that, no matter how much we shot him, he just wouldn't die. I vaguely remember something happening to his face, like it distorted (demonically) or something, but I can't recall it in detail.

We had - somehow - gotten locked inside the school and had to break our way out through the glass. Then, we got into a running shootout with the superhuman guy as he stalked us like Jasoon Voorhees, while dumping fully-automatic ammunition at us. We sprinted away from him with bullets streaming in on us from behind, showers of debris blasting off all around us from those shots which missed us by mere inches and a few lucky steps. It was all very intense; ducking and dodging around obstacles while scrambling down the city street. There was one time, specifically, that I rolled up and over some wood and metal-pipe structure, and the detailed sound of how the wood planks and metal reacted to the bullets that rained in behind me really sticks out in my head.

Somewhere along this foot chase, my partner was shot and killed, and I was instantly devastated. I tried to hook back around and check her, but this guy just kept stalking toward me, constantly firing - still keeping up, somehow, even though I was running and he was walking. It was like being chased by a tank. I believe I only had a pistol at this time, but I'm not too sure. (My notes on this dream are actually out in the truck, so I'll get them later and confirm whether or not I noted anything about only having a pistol. :P) I had to keep going, so I continued to run, getting hit by a passing car, at some point, rolling over the hood and crashing to the ground on my stomach. I was really all that hurt, though, so I got up and kept running.

Suddenly, I was back in the school, so was my partner, and so was the senior officer. It was like deja vu, though. The guy flipped out and turned on us, chased out in the street and killed my partner. Seconds later, I was back again, reliving the whole thing for a third time. I began to catch on to this, though, and started questioning how strange this was that all of this horrible shit was happening. Then, as soon as I started piecing together that none of this was real, the senior officer takes off his mangled mask and says something like "Gotcha! This is all part of a t.v. show. Your friend set you up!" (I had been watching Scare Tactics before bed. Haha. I love that show.)

A camera crew instantly came into view, and I could only stand there; eyes wide open in shock. My partner was apparently the one who set me up, and she was grinning from ear to ear. All of the bullets were supposedly blanks (which I, just now - at the time of writing this journal entry - realize doesn't make any sense, because of how vividly I remember the sound of the bullets ricocheting all around us. Damn dream logic trying to pull a fast one on me. Lol.) Basically, the whole thing was faked and, after I got over the initial shock of it all, we all had a good laugh about it. All was well.

[Edit: (I went through my work papers and found the notes that I scribbled down for this dream. I completely forgot to add this part but, after reading it I remember it again...)

At some point in this dream, my partner and I were in some tall, ancient building. I think it was the fact that I didn't remember running on the walls, in a previous dream, that sparked this - but I remember her hanging back, while I had to do a Prince of Persia-type wall-run in full SWAT gear. There was a huge pit and I had to run across the wall to get to a rope that was hanging down from the ceiling. Once I got on the rope it slowly descended with my weight - as if it was on a pulley or something - and dropped me to a lower platform. There, I had to hit a switch and then climb back up the rope, then swing back and forth on it to build up momentum. I jumped off during an upswing, wall-ran across the gap again, and finally landed back to the ledge where my partner was waiting. ]

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Magic 101" - 04/11/2008 (Lucid)

”Magic 101”

I was at a party, and I think it was Halloween. There was an inside joke running around where yelling “Free Ghost!!!” was supposed to be a hilarious reference to something, but I can’t remember what. This guy had a snake for a pet and I didn’t want to mess with it, because I knew it wasn’t a constrictor and actually had fangs.

Later, Tony and I were walking down a short stairway, leading out into a field, obviously on a school campus. We passed this group of teenagers. There were three of them and I just got a bad feeling, when we passed them. I sensed there was some trouble brewing. No sooner did that thought come into my head, than they rushed us from behind and tried to rob us. I was worried for just a moment, until I realized that the weapons they were trying to rob us with were just lighters - not guns! :P We ended up smacking these kids around a bit, and wrestling them to the ground. I grabbed two of them in a choke-hold, and Tony grabbed the other. We dragged them back to the on-campus housing and took them to their parents (somehow knowing exactly where they lived), who chewed them out pretty good.

As we were walking back the way we came, we split up for some reason, and I began walking across a basketball court, right beside a fenced-in tennis court. There were a bunch of huge, roughneck brothas playing football on the basketball court, and I noticed that my walking across it would inevitably put me in the middle of their playing field. I tried to maneuver my way around them, without disrupting their game and/or getting trampled over during a drive. I was gonna walk through the tennis court, but the gate was looked, so I stayed to the side of their field and walked around it.

Immediately after leaving the basketball court, I spontaneously realized I was dreaming. I passed a group of like 6 girls sitting down in the grass and drinking bottles of something. It was still night time, and there was just enough light coming from the basketball court to see them. Just to double-check whether or not I was dreaming, I looked at a freckle that I could see on one of their backs, and made it disappear. (What a random reality check, I know, but it was the first thing that came to mind. Lol.) I went over to them and flirted for a bit, shaking their hands and being all charming. They were drinking some weird juice drinks that were named different little artsy things. I asked one of them what hers was called, and she said it was called “Creative.” I grinned at her and asked “and are you creative?” She smiled a little nervously and said “Well…I like to pretend that I am...” Without missing a beat, I responded with “Well, imagination is the first step to creativity, so it looks like you’re on the right track.” They all giggled like crazy, and I told them I’d catch them later and walked off to find something else to do, hearing them talking about me as I walked away.

Seconds later, I could hear them all nervously running up behind me, trying to entice each other to talk to me. One of them reluctantly came up and asked me if I was a teacher on the campus (which, I believe, was because of the way I carried myself. I did feel like I had a sense of authority about me). I thought for a moment and then said “yeah,” feeling like showing off a bit, “…I’m teaching a course in magic.” I asked them if they wanted to see a trick and they, and a few other people, gathered around. Still well-aware that I was dreaming, I flicked my fingers and created a small flame in my hand. Then I threw the flame out in front of me, and it landed on the grass. People were mildly impressed, but ultimately not amazed, so I figured I’d have to do something a little more awe-inspiring. Right on cue, a black bird dove out of the tree we were under and grabbed the tiny flame in its beak. As soon as it picked up the flame, the entire bird caught fire, turning into a blazing phoenix. It began to fly up toward the tree again - an almost violent display, which looked like the bird was being burned alive, though it apparently wasn't - and I immediately pointed my palm at the creature and held it in place with telekinesis. I commanded the flaming bird to liquefy, and it began to drip like water, dousing the fire. I then commanded it to freeze. With strings of water dripping down, the entire thing froze, leaving ice sickles trailing off of it. I then released my mental hold on it, and the winged ice-sculpture dropped to the grass with a dull thud.

Everybody went crazy over it, but it happened so fast that I noticed a lot of people didn’t get to see the whole thing. Other people had recorded it on their cell phones, one of whom was my friend V, and we began going through the tape, to show the trick again to those that missed it.
(I woke up while checking out the video.)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Extinction-Level Event" - 01/31/2011 (Dream Chain)

"Extinction-Level Event"
Dream #1

Part 1

(This was the most horrifying, emotional set of dreams I have had in a while...)

The Earth had been invaded.

High above what could have been every major city in the world, for all I knew, massive alien spacecrafts hovered. They had come on the scene and took to looking down upon us, over the span of about 3 days. We never once got to see what these aliens looked like. Instead, they communicated with us telepathically, without ever having to leave their vessels. At first, they didn't say much. I really don't remember if they said anything at all, the first few days. They just kind of loomed over our heads, apparently observing us. Their intentions, at this point, were completely unclear.

Life somewhat continued, even with the presence of our 'visitors,' looming overhead. One day, I had made a few rounds to see some old friends. I know I saw quite a few of my people, but the only ones that really stood out were my daughter's mom, G, and another old "friend with benefits." There was another ex who I believe I might have seen as well, but I'm not exactly sure. Anyway, at one point, G and Girl #2 sort of merged and became one person, with different attributes from both (and, of course, I didn't find this strange enough to become lucid :P ). This hybrid girl and I went to a fast-food restaurant and either the person on the drive-thru headset couldn't hear me, or there was some other reason why the girl(s) ended up having to go inside through a back door, while I pulled the car around front. Later that night, we were back home in an apartment, that we were apparently sharing, except I had my own room and she had one as well. Despite the knowledge that there were enormous, city-sized space-ships hovering high over our heads, it seemed like a pretty normal night. She ended up going to sleep early, and it wasn't until well into the night that I remembered she had the bag of food with her, and it was now locked away in her room. I didn't feel like waking her up to get it, though, and just shrugged it off. The next morning, she was simply back to G's normal self. All resemblance of the other girl had vanished. It was on the third day (I believe) of their occupation, that the aliens finally decided to give us some insight into what exactly they were doing here. Not bothering to pay us any door-to-door visits, the beings simply beamed their thoughts into our heads. We were informed, rather matter-of-factly, that our entire species was about to be exterminated, and that, since they had took up positions that would allow their weapons to sweep over the entire planet, any attempts of escape were completely unnecessary. Armageddon was upon us, and there was nothing we could do about it.

Panic. It barely even had enough time to set in, before the bombing began. Thunderous booms shook our apartment, each one seeming as if were right outside our window. I was absolutely terrified - not so much of death, itself, but the thought of suffering until death. G was, surprisingly, not very affected by the situation. She seemed 100% sure that we were not going to suffer; that it would be quick, painless and peaceful. The chorus of explosions - stomping around the area outside - didn't instill the same sort of confidence within me. With my eyes wide with fear, and my voice the epitome of hysteria, I screamed at her the possibility of our building collapsing, and the two of us being caught in the rubble for God knows how long, our bodies broken, buried, and left to die, waiting for hope that would never come. Amazingly, she responded with a scoff. "Pfft. That only happens in movies," she said. I was floored, immediately switching from frightened to furious that she would just dismiss such a likely scenario. I said "what are you talking about?! People get trapped in collapsed buildings all the time!! Don't you watch the news?!" My tirade was cut short by a few more deafening blasts, even closer than the previous ones. The entire building shook, and I was actually thrown off of my feet. This one apparently rattled G, as well, because we both grabbed each other and huddled together on the bed - our heads ducking in unison; hearts jumping out of our chests with each successive bang from outside.

I was a complete wreck. I don't know that I've ever been so scared. Unable to control my fear, I burst into tears, absolutely terrified of the horrible death that would soon be coming for us. But, once again, G remained rather stoic. She held me close, cradling my head to her, and actually began singing to me to console me! (It was just the most incredible situation, seeing as how I'm usually the one with my head screwed on, during stressful times.) Suddenly, there was one final BOOM, right on top of us, and everything went black. (The whole thing reminded me of the final scene in Cloverfield.) In the 3 or 4 seconds of darkness, I received a message. I can't recall if I saw it in my field of vision, or if it was just telepathic. The message was just kind of 'there.' The message was "You and your daughter..." and that was it. I have absolutely no idea what it was supposed to mean, or where it came from. (Oddly enough, my daughter never made an appearance in the dream.)

Part 1
(False Awakening)

I suddenly 'awoke' on the same bed, eyes full of tears. I looked around the room, which seemed completely undisturbed, and found G sitting on the floor. There were pizza boxes stacked on some of the furniture, and she looked as if we'd just been lounging around the house, shooting the shit all day. Sitting up with a start, I frantically asked her about the aliens, and why the bombing would have just suddenly stopped. She looked at me like she didn't have any clue what the fuck I was talking about. My mind raced. I was thinking that there was just no way I could have imagined all of that. With an extreme sense of urgency, I asked her to tell me what the date was. She didn't know it, so I asked her what day of the week it was, and she said Tuesday. Tuesday, I remembered, was the day that the aliens had actually showed up. I somehow deduced that I had been transported back to that previous Tuesday...but there were no aliens this time! The only thing I could keep asking myself was 'How is this possible??'

G looked over at the window, a bright light flooding into the room. Passively, she said "that's really pretty," and I was immediately alarmed. I looked out the window, myself, half-expecting to seeing the bright, swelling light of a nuclear explosion, ready to brace for yet another inevitable shock wave. However, there was no explosion. It was just the sun, rising into the sky, at the beginning of this new day. There really were no aliens, this time. I was so convinced of this reality that I wasn't able to believe - for one minute - that what I had experienced was a dream. Instead, I figured that I was somehow given another chance at life. I had somehow been transported back to that Tuesday, but without the threat of attack. The human race was no longer in danger of being exterminated. Relief doesn't even begin to describe how I felt. I was practically shaking. The emotions flooded back into me, and I began to cry softly. My eyes remained dry, but if the tears had come, they would have been tears of joy for simply being alive.

(When I woke up from this dream, I felt like I had a hole in my chest. I was completely emotionally drained, and I just sat and stared at the floor for a good five minutes. There is really nothing like honestly believing you are about to die, and then suddenly waking up, safe and sound in your bed. I was numb for a good portion of the day, after coming back from this insane trip.)