Tuesday, September 28, 2021

"Bad Moon" - 04/14/2008 (Lucid)

”Bad Moon”

(I swear, it’s fun to experiment with B6 and dreams, but sometimes it’s just not worth the consequences. This was, easily, the most brutal, intense, violent dream I’ve had in a while. I’d taken some B6 and melatonin before bed, making the dream incredibly vivid (and painful). It also didn’t help that the last thing on my t.v., last night, was a werewolf flick called 'Bad Moon'. I was hardly even watching it. It was just on, and I caught a few glimpses of it, here and there.)

I was dreaming about an old coworker, Jane*. Her boyfriend had broken up with her, and we happened to start getting really close. At first, we were lying around, watching abstract visualizations on a huge screen - kind of like the Windows Media Player visualizations, but much more complex and engaging - along with the orchestra music, and it was very relaxing. We were settled against each other and beginning to fall asleep. Moments later, we were in bed, still listening to the music and just talking softly to each other. (This would have been a very unlikely pairing, in waking life, so it was actually kind of uncomfortable to me that we were this close, in the dream.) Nothing really happened, between us, though. We just lay there in bed, together, drifting off.

The dream switched to a third-person view, and I could see that I didn’t look like myself. I looked like someone else. I then saw this same guy - who had previously been me - with Jane*, in different camera shots, like a trailer for some dark movie. He was moving through the woods, and I could see that he had a strange shape to his face. Eventually, he came upon a large house, into which, he soon found himself abducted. Upon his entrapment, some sort of situation went down, and I caught an image of the heat from some kind of intricate furnace being pumped throughout this house, seeping through the walls and everything. Apparently, any contact with the smoke in the air made all of the people that already lived at the house transform into werewolves – the intelligently-speaking, but ultimately f*cking badass kind. The newcomer didn’t stand a chance. He was immediately cornered and torn apart.

I remember something about telling Jane* what I had seen, after the dream switched back to first person. (I never got another look at myself to see if I still looked like that guy or not.) She was immediately terrified, and struck with an ominous sense of recognition. She wound up confessing something about how the werewolves were real, and that they were apart of her family lineage. I don’t recall exactly how that explanation transpired, but I’m pretty sure that’s what it equated to.

The dream skipped ahead and, for some reason, I was actually entering that same house from the vision, earlier. It was still in first-person, and I seemed to be my normal "self," this time. I didn’t recognize the house, at first, though, so I wasn’t really alarmed. I had my daughter with me, and I think we were looking for a place to stay the night. Initially, things went alright. We met the owner of the manor, who had a bit of a creepy air about him – something like Bram Stoker’s Dracula, maybe - but, still, nothing set off any bells. It wasn’t until we were getting situated in our room, that I got another vision. I saw the network of pipes and tunnels; the orange light of a burner furnace, and the thick, glowing smoke being pumped through the shafts. Everything came rushing back to me, and I immediately knew what was about to happen.

I knew it would be impossible for my daughter and I to get out of the house in time, so I snatched her up from her bed and darted to another room. Miraculously finding some secret compartment in a wall, just big enough for her, I rushed her inside and told her to stay there, and to keep quiet, no matter what she heard from outside. Then, I pushed the huge brass(?) block back in the way of the hole. I ran as fast as I could, as far as I could from that room, knowing that, if I was going to be caught, I definitely didn’t want the werewolves knowing where I'd hid her. Passing the most unsecured hiding spots, I came to a room at the end of a hallway. It had a closed door across from me and a closet door in the corner. As a last ditch effort, I headed straight for the closet door. Just before reaching it, I’d gotten a really bad feeling that I’d chosen the wrong direction to run.

The very instant that thought entered my head, the door that was across from the hallway I came in through burst open. Inward stalked three huge werewolves, standing upright. I instantly turned around and ran back the other way, crossing in front of them and hauling ass back down the hallway. I heard one of them order the others to get me, and I could hear them sprinting down the hall after me. It didn’t take long for them to catch up to me, and they began mauling me, slashing and biting at me while I tried my hardest to stay on my feet. The dream was was so vivid that I could feel their bristles of hair on their bodies, and their teeth felt like sandpaper grinding my flesh. Suddenly, out of sheer desperation and panic, I came to a welcomed realization. I yelled out “This is a dream!! I’M DREAMING!!” ‘Elated’ doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt, just then!! After having been completely overpowered by these werewolves, I now began to take them on, no longer afraid of them. I’d noticed that, now, they had shrunk in size – to about that of Rottweilers, and now walking on all fours like dogs, but they were still incredibly vicious. My lucidity was still low, and I didn’t really have time to think, at all. These things were all over me, and they were just so damn fast, but I didn’t shy away from them anymore. They would tear painfully at my arms and legs, and I would pick one up and grab both its jaws, ripping it open and snapping its head backward onto itself. More of them came running into the room and, at one point, there were at least four or five of these dog/wolves on me, simultaneously.

The room we were fighting in had shifted into the joined living room and kitchen area of the place I used to share with my ex. Violently fighting off these wolves, I staggered to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher's knife. Things got really gory as I began slashing and stabbing as many of these damned things as I could get my hands on. They were still tearing me up, though – and make no mistake, when they bit me, it hurt. What made it worse was that these things JUST DIDN’T DIE. They were freaking indestructible. Obviously, the “silver” thing didn’t work with kitchenware because the knife wasn’t doing a damned thing. I would be tearing these things apart – cutting them practically to ribbons until I was soaked in both my blood and theirs, and they just kept attacking. In the middle of the fray, I picked one of them up by the front legs, and swung it down, back first, toward the back of a chair, folding its body over the chair back and breaking the wolf’s spine. I picked up another one and held a front leg in one hand, and a rear leg in another, and swung the beast down onto one of my knees, breaking its spine over my leg. Another one jumped me and I went to stabbing at it like crazy with the knife, finally breaking its skull by ripping its jaw apart, as I did with one of the first ones.

Finally, I realized that I had time to actually breathe (so to speak). The attack had lulled. I looked around the room and saw the more seriously injured werewolves still trying to get back on their feet. Now was the first chance I had to try to ground myself into the dream by looking at my hands. It didn’t really increase the vividness, though, because everything was already incredibly vivid. I looked up, across the dividing shelf, now that I was back in the living room, and I could see three figures standing in the kitchen. Three of the werewolves had changed back into human form…and they were women - very attractive women, actually. They were breathing heavily and they - especially one, in particular - looked absolutely terrified of me, which seemed to be the reason why they were hiding behind the divider that separated the kitchen and living room. The other - visibly mutilated – werewolves didn’t transform into humans, but they were definitely not in any hurry to attack me, neither. The woman in the middle began talking to me. I can’t remember what she said, but it was something about how I was like some kind of "monster," because I was able to take on all of them at one time. She had this sort of awe-struck look on her face, like she was standing in front of a god. The one standing on her right still looked scared shitless - as if, if I would have taken one step toward her, she would have broken through the wall just to get away from me.

The one that did the talking began giving me some sob story, obviously to keep me from killing them. She started going off about how it’s not their fault that they are what they are and do what they do. She told me about how werewolves killed her family before she became one, and yadda yadda. I don’t even remember if I was actually listening to her with any sort of pity, or wondering what I was going to do next with the rest of my dream time, but the dream faded in the middle of her monologue.

(I woke up covered in sweat, with only about 3 ½ hours of sleep, but I had to get up and write this dream out. It was already 8:30, though, because I didn’t go to sleep until late, so there’s no going back to sleep now.)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

"She was a Teenage Robot" - 11/25/2008

"She Was a Teenage Robot" 

I was with Tony* and a few others, seemingly from my old JROTC days. There was some sort of military procession going on, and we were all standing up to a huge mirror, getting decked out in some dress blues. There was this really sweet, mousy girl that we’d met, who had been really depressed, before meeting us, because she’d had a rough childhood and didn’t really have anybody that cared about her. We were all especially accepting of her, and she began warming up to us - especially to me. There was one particular time, after this military event, where we were all just hanging out in someone’s house, late at night, and watching T.V. The girl had curled up beside me, and she was practically in tears, telling us all how happy she was that we were all friends, and about how much she loved us.

Time passed, and something had happened, where the whole world had been turned upside down, so to speak. We were, now, out in some huge, deserted field, in the aftermath of what I believe it was some kind of alien attack. Whatever it had been, something had destroyed a large part of the planet, leaving nothing but desolation. Among the unfolding events, it turned out that the young girl had somehow been transformed into a giant robot, some 50-feet tall. She didn’t even look human, anymore – just a huge pile of scraps that just barely resembled a bipedal being. We were still able to talk to her and, initially, she was just absolutely devastated, because she could no longer fit in with people and considered herself even more of an outcast than she used to. However, we kept comforting her and letting her know that we still considered her a friend, even though she was a giant robot. Slowly, she began to come around, and we were able to get her help (we, being the human race, and she, being a giant weapon, such as in 'The Iron Giant') in fighting the remnants of the alien attack. I know there was a massive battle, but I can’t say that I remember any of it.

"Subterranean" - 07/28/2008


(I believe this began in the DeLand area, off of [Redacted] Blvd.)

I remember spending some time in a Checkers burger joint with some friends, late at night, and finding out that there was an enormous hole to an underworld, somewhere down the street. The concrete had broken away, and there was this gash in the ground, maybe half a mile long and about  quarter-mile thick, at its widest point. We would stare down into this cavern, which seemed to be illuminated with green torches set against the rock formations that lined the walls of the trench.

Sooner or later, we got around to climbing down into this hole in the Earth. There were a bunch of pathway ledges and hand-holds upon which to scale the wall. (I usually don’t do all that much in non-lucids that I wouldn’t do in real life, but there is no way in hell I would have started scaling this trench.) We came across a bunch of creatures that looked like they might have been at home in the 'Lord of the Rings'. There were so many different species that we ended up seeing a computerized catalog of all the enemies we would come across, as we went deeper into the Earth. It became very video game-like.

There was some princess - or some kind of royal figure - that lived in this labyrinth of caves and rocky paths that stretched for miles and miles beneath the streets, branching out from the single hole that led to street level. The father of the (humanoid and quite-gorgeous) princess was a far-larger monster that reminded me of one of the colossi from the 'Shadow of the Colossus' game. Plenty of times, this colossus would splatter me all of the place, killing me, but I would, then, respawn - just like I was playing a game - and have to make my way back through the caverns again. I remember being at one of the exits, and two T-rexes coming straight toward me. I frantically retreated and was chased by them, ducking away into a hole that led me straight back into the catacombs. (My notes say something about becoming lucid here, but I really don’t remember that.)

Later, I was going back down into the tunnels, after having been killed numerous times (obviously, a glutton for punishment, at this point), and one of the entrances was blue and covered with ice and snow. As I descended lower, down the steps and into the cave, it became darker and more deeply blue around the walls. I was suddenly attacked by the ninja Sub-Zero from 'Mortal Kombat'. (Because of course. Lol.) I don’t remember much of the fight, and I think he, too, ended up killing me, but I’m not sure.

I also remember a moment when I was explaining to someone how the place in the huge gash in the Earth worked, and how you can die and just come back to life, and how much of a good adventure it was. I told them about my run-ins with the colossus, and how he’d killed me plenty of times, in the past. I can't recall anything more than this, though.