Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"Arachnoception" - 11/15/2010 (Lucid + FAs)


(Got a lucid dream for my birthday. Just wish it would have been a more pleasant one. Usually, I will count false awakenings as separate dreams, but since this is all so continuous, and had such a "dreams within dreams" feeling, I will count it as one.

Having just gotten a copy of Inception, I decided to watch it last night, while going to bed, to try to induce something Inception-related. Seems like I got more than I bargained for...)

I can barely remember the early parts of this dream, but I was driving through DeLand, with JH. We were taking the road that passes the landfill, on the way back over to my side of town. For some reason, though, we had to take a detour through the landfill. While driving through it, we apparently stumbled upon some kind of criminal(?) element and were dragged out of the car, at gunpoint. We were taken inside the facility, and the only thing I remember, here, is that I was in what I think was a bathroom, and I got attacked by some sort of creature. It was about the size of a rat, and I believe its body wasn't actually organic. It seemed to be something of a shell, made out of what I think was a child's toy. From within the object, spider-leg-like tendrils protruded, which served as both legs and powerful pincers. It reminded me a lot of the creeping coffins, from "Lords of Shadow" (which I have been playing, lately), except much smaller in size. I had to fight like hell, to keep this thing off of me, but I eventually got away from it. Not much longer after that, the cops showed up and raided the compound, starting a huge firefight. In the fray, we were able to escape, and I vaguely remember a random, small dog being killed, during the fight.

[False Awakening #1]

The next thing I knew, I was waking up, in my bed. It was still night out, and 'Inception' was still playing on my computer. After a moment, I stepped out of bed, and I was immediately ambushed by the "creeping toy" creature, from the previous dream. It came from out of nowhere and ran up my leg, biting and scratching with its pinchers/legs. This thing fought with all the ferocity of a rabid squirrel, and I could not get it off of me. My leg was getting mangled by the little creature, and it hurt like Hell.

[False Awakening #2]

Once again, though, I woke up in my bed. The pest from the dream was nowhere in sight. However, this time, I got out of bed and was met with a dull pain in my leg. Switching on the light, I saw that my leg had bruises in like 6 different places, and it was throbbing. My muscles were progressively tightening, and I could instantly tell that there was venom running through it. I was so confused, though. I knew it had to have been a dream. Right? Hobbling out of bed, I made my way over to my mom's side of the house, surprised to see that she was up this early. My leg was growing worse, when I showed her - dark, black spots showing up, and the skin tightening to where you could start to see the shapes of the tendons. She kind of shrugged it off, and said it would be ok if I just didn't mess with it. More bewildered about the whole thing, than anything else, I just walked back to my room and went back to bed.

[False Awakening #3]

And, once again, I awoke in my bed. The pain in my leg was gone, as was any sign of the bruises. So, naturally, I assumed that it had all just been a dream. But, again, just as I stepped out of bed, I was attacked by the creature from the "previous" dream. It scurried up through my robe and around my back. It never bit me, this time, but its steps were like thousands of thick fingernail jabs, themselves, scrambling all around the upper part of my body. I was able to get a hold of the thing and grab its "legs," holding them open so that they couldn't form the pincers that they had, before. This thing was strong, like a tiny bear trap, but I held the tendrils open, again making my way to show it to my mom. By this time, I didn't know WTF was going on, and I just wanted to know that I wasn't going crazy. On my way out of my room, I passed my pet dog...oblivious to the fact that I don't actually have a pet dog. I did, however, think that it was strange that I recognized the dog as the little dog who'd gotten killed, in the "first" dream. Unfortunately, I already had my hands full, and I didn't stop long enough to realize this as a dream sign. Instead, I took the creature over to my mom's room to show her. She looked down at my hands, then back up at me, then back down at my hands. She said..."that's just dead skin," with a confused look of concern on her face. I looked down, and saw that she was right. I was just holding a handful of what looked like gator hide.

By this time, I thought I'd completely lost my mind. Apparently, my mom did, too. She cocked an eyebrow at me and said "Uhh...I have some pills or something...if you need them?" implying that she was afraid I'd completely cracked. Puzzled beyond all hope, I just turned around and walked back to my room. I kept thinking about 'Inception' and that, maybe, the idea had somehow been planted into my mind that this spider-thing existed, when it really didn't. I just felt really defeated by my lack of understanding of the whole thing, and I just went back to sleep.

The next thing I knew, it was the middle of the day. I was talkin with some guys I was unfamiliar with, whom my mom had let into the house. Throughout the time they were here, we'd gotten into smoking. We pretty much just hung around the house for a while, and I tried telling them about the dreams I'd been having lately - about the crazy little monster thing. Nobody seemed all that interested, though. Later, the same guys and I were heading out, somewhere. We'd gotten into the car, when one of them said he left something inside the house, tossing a huge bag of smoke into the car, before walking back to get whatever it was. I kept yelling at him to hurry up, because I didn't want to be just sitting here, with the huge sack in the car. He was just taking his sweet time, though, and it was annoying the hell out of me.

Of course, just as I was beginning to suspect there might be cops nearby, I heard "WOOP-WOOP," a siren barking at us from behind. I actually can't remember if I was driving or not, but we sped off, down the road, with the cops chasing us. We were driving in a slick sports car, and just hauling ass, but they were catching up. (Been playing a bit of Grand Theft Auto, also. Haha.) The guy next to me started freaking out and dumping all kinds of contraband out the window - everything from weed to small bags of cocaine which I didn't even know were in the car. In a quick, 3rd-person view, I saw the white powder blowing all over the people on the sides of the road. It was actually pretty hilarious. Suddenly, back in first-person, I got an idea. We pulled over, and I waited for the cops to come within a stone's-throw from our tail, before chucking a bag of coke at their windshield, at the last moment. It blotted out most of the glass, and they ended up swerving to miss our car and crashing into some nearby pedestrians. Then, for the first time, after all of this chaos, I realized just how absurd all of this actually was. I realized that this had to be a dream.

The other guy in the car was still freaking out, telling me that we had to get the hell out of there. I just laughed and told him to relax, stepping over to the crashed police SUV. Gathering all my focus, I reached a fist up over my head and swung it downward, trying to destroy the engine block, like I'd done to other cars, in previous lucid dreams. This time, though, I was only able to dent the hood. It was a little more superhuman than waking life, but not what I expected. I tried a few more times, swinging heavy punches at the hood and grille, but I couldn't get any more damage than about what a baseball bat might have done. Needless to say, I wasn't very happy with this. I was determined, though. I kept thinking that the cops might try to shoot me, through the windshield, but I was already prepared to either dodge the bullets or just let them hit me. Thinking that there had to be some other way to get through to the engine, the idea just kind of struck me: A light-saber! I had never created one, while lucid, so I figured that this would be a good time to try. Holding my hands up, beside me, as if gripping a sword, I tried to materialize the weapon out of thin air, imaging it growing to length. Nothing happened, though. The dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time controlling it.

As if by my cue, the cop in the passenger seat held up a blue light-saber of his own, grinning behind the powder-covered windshield. Now, even more determined to have one, I made a motion as if it was already in my hand, stabbing directly at the grille while trying hard to visualize the weapon coming into existence. Finally, I saw the orange glow. The tip of the blazing saber burned into the grill like it was paper, eating through the metal and sinking further into the engine block. I gave a quick tug of my arms, drawing the blade sideways and widening the hole, completely putting the truck out of commission. My accomplice and I then hopped back in the car and prepared to take off again but, instead, I simply woke up for real.

(After a few reality checks - which I should have done, the first few times I 'woke up' - I got up and started jotting notes down.

This felt like a B6-enhanced dream - very vivid and chaotic - but I didn't take any B6 before bed. Most likely, it was the Reese's Cups I ate, late last night. It would have been nice to just have had a bad-ass lucid, but all that shit with the spider-creature-thing just made the whole thing unpleasant. It was still early as hell, but I didn't bother going back to sleep, after this one.)

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"Everybody Out of the Deadpool" - 11/23/2012

"Everybody Out of the Deadpool!"
Dream #1
I was a disembodied spectator of this dream, watching Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds version), aka Deadpool - before his transformation - being led through some industrial facility. The place was being run by an evil syndicate, and I believe it had an oil refinery to use as a front. The villains had taken Wade captive, and they were going to perform all types of experiments on him - whether he liked it or not - to turn him into their own mutant weapon: Deadpool. I could see a screen that was showing what mutant abilities they were going to be adding to his own, and I saw that it once referenced something about his 'motor-mouth,' as if it was something that they were assessing for their experiments. Wade was walking alongside a woman - who obviously didn't want to hear a thing he had to say - and he was just cracking all types of jokes. The woman was getting very visibly annoyed. It was rather hilarious, though. From the way he was acting, you wouldn't have been able to tell that he was even being held there against his will.

Sooner or later, there was a battle going on inside this facility. I believe Wade's team had come to bust him out and to take down the syndicate, but I'm not exactly sure who they were. I do know that a plan was devised to destroy the facility via some sort of nuclear device. I remember panic, as people were trying to stop the explosion and/or escape the facility. At the very end of the battle, the initial device had been disarmed, but someone else had set a back-up plan into motion, that caused the oil running through the facility to be channeled up into one, single tunnel, where it began to well up. I could see people running through the hallways, trying to escape the facility, and the ground around them was shaking. Telephone poles, near the exit, were wobbling. These were ominous signs that there was a massive explosion building beneath the facility. Then, the oil burst out of a single channel, essentially through a manhole cover in the ground, and spraying an enormous black geyser into the air. My perspective pulled out from the factory's perimeter, showing the full hundreds of feet that the black fluid shot into the sky, piercing a large layer of green clouds that hung low, over the city. Gravity soon began to take hold, once the geyser hit its apex. The green clouds, it seems, turned out to be a thick layer of methane gas that was blanketing the city (exactly like the scene in The Mask where Stanley and Tina are overlooking the city from the park, and it shows all the green methane emissions in the air).

In what I believe was slow motion, I witnessed the villains watching this jet of black oil fly up into the air, blooming into an umbrella and falling back down toward the layer of methane that over the city. At that same moment, a fire was ignited in the facility - though I don't know by whom; a trail of fire streaked up the oil geyser and toward the methane clouds that the upward jet had broken through; and that the downward arc of falling oil was about to re-enter. I saw the look of impending doom on their faces, evidencing that they knew exactly what was about to happen. The fire - doing what it does - surged up the geyser; through the hole in the green gas; up to the apex of the oil fountain; and then began to rain back down toward the cloud of flammable methane. After a short moment of dramatic silence, the entire methane cloud combusted, creating a gargantuan explosion, across the entire city, that would have rivaled any destructive blast that the team might have used to blow up the facility.

The enormous mushroom cloud, curling over the city, was the last thing I remember of the dream.

"Treasure Huntress" - 6/26/2007

"Treasure Huntress"
Dream #2
 This one started out quite normally...

I was with a couple of my friends, and we were eating in a fast-food restaurant. There was a gorgeous brunette that walked in and sat down, a few tables away from us. Apparently, in this dream, I already knew who she was, and I had some kind of  ‘secret’ meeting planned with her.

Without any real explanation, I slipped away from my friends and went and sat down with this woman. She was something of a hot-shot archaeologist – in the tradition of Indiana Jones and Lara Croft - and she had a tip-off on some variety of priceless “things” and needed a companion, so she decided to get in touch with me.

The dream skipped ahead, and we had been out searching for all kinds of stuff. At this time, we had ventured way, out onto some large, desert sand dunes, somewhere, and were digging. I, in particular, was digging all over this certain area with a small shovel, and my companion was asking me what I was doing. I told her something about a legend of a city that was supposed to be buried somewhere, around here. She smiled. Throughout our time together, we had obviously become very close, with a relationship that definitely bordered on “romantic,” but never quite crossed that line. She thought it was cute, that she had sort of turned me on to the whole treasure-hunting thing, though she figured that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or talking about, as far as this "legend" was concerned.

We were conversing idly with each other, positioned over the hole that I had been digging, and she wasn’t really taking anything I said seriously - as she was the big, badass-treasure hunter, and I was just a rookie - but she was being really sweet about it. Trying to get me to give up this particular, tangential mission that I was on, she shifted to move away from a wall of sand/rock that we were leaning against. Upon her doing so, a section of dirt around the hole - the piece that she just stepped off of - broke away and fell down into the hole. I told her to be careful, because she almost fell into the void with it, and she looked at me and smirked and said something like “What? That little hole? Haha. Oh come on, I’ve been through much worse than that.”

She, then, climbed up onto another rise in the sand, that was about as tall as I was, saying something like “I really doubt there’s anything out here." As soon as she said that, though, she suddenly sank down into a soft patch in the embankment and disappeared. I ran over to the side of the sand hill and began to dig straight forward, into it, frantically, thinking that it would be more effective in finding her than climbing on top of the sand hill and looking down into the hole she'd made. After a few moments of horizontal digging, my fingers The woman's face came into view, behind the glass, within the darkness of some sort of vast chamber surrounding her. Widening the hole from my side, the glass revealed itself to be a window, about 7ft high by 14ft wide. White letters were painted onto the glass, and the last word was, visibly, "Station." I knew, instinctually, that this was an old, antique train station that evidenced the entire city that we'd find buried beneath this desert, and - by the look on her face, through the glass - I could tell that she knew it too. I don't remember anything after that revelation, though.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

"No R.I.P. for the Weary" - 11/23/2012 (Lucid + FA)

"No R.I.P. for the Weary"
Dream #2
(Lucid + FA)

I was in my old house in Canterbury. My baby's mom, G, was gone, and I was in our room, while her father was asleep in his own room, across the house. It was nighttime outside, and I was getting ready for bed. There was some kind of figurine, which I was moving from one spot to another, when I suddenly began to feel eyes on me. I looked toward the window, still holding the figurine. Through the curtains, inside, and the bushes which sat outside the window, I saw a face and two eyes staring back at me. It was 'Julie'. She gave me a mischievous smile and moved away from the window, as if to try and undo the fact that I had caught her spying on me. A little excited by this, I decided to go to the front door and invite her in. (Even though we were still living together, for a short while afterward, my ex and I had already had a mutual separation, by this point, IRL.)

When I walked to the living room, I went to open what I thought was the front door, and it turned out to be my ex's dad's room door, which had switched sides of the house. I apologized to him and then went to the other side of the house, closer to where the front door should be, given this (new) layout. When I opened this door, it was the door to the carport, instead. I realized how strange this was. When I turned back to the living room, I recognized that everything was backward. The house was set-up completely differently than it had been in waking life. It occurred to me that I was dreaming. What I didn't know was how long I'd been dreaming. I remembered that 'Julie' was supposed to be coming in/over, and I'd wondered if I had fallen asleep before she arrived. Unsure about this, and quite anxious see where things were going to go with her, I tried to wake myself up, to make sure she wasn't really coming over.

I "woke up" on my bed - completely oblivious to the fact that I was still dreaming - and went to the door (still in my old house, not my present one). 'Julie' was there, and I let her in, happy to see that I hadn't missed the opportunity. She hung out in the room for a while, and then we inevitably started to fool around. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I went back out to open it, and my other, most recent ex-girlfriend, M, was standing there. I knew that M and 'Julie' didn't really like each other, so I was trying to stall M, so that she wouldn't know exactly what was going on here, since she and I were still friends after our breakup. It wasn't very long after this awkward moment, that I involuntarily received the most perfect distraction possible...


Out of nowhere, a small band of zombies made its way into the house. (I had been talking with a coworker about The Walking Dead, the tv show, last night). We all scrambled to get out of the house, grabbing whatever make-shift weapons that we could. Passing by the kitchen, I remember turning back to grab the knife set from off of the counter. We made our way through the laundry room and into the carport, and I had to frantically stab at some of the undead that were trying to clamber over the fence to get us. While my arm was extended, one of the zombies reached its head up and opened wide, aiming to take a huge chunk out of it. I saw the teeth come down toward my arm, and I thought to myself "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" knowing what was in store for me. All of a sudden, as if because of that moment of panic, the zombie's mouth froze in place with its teeth just resting around my arm, having not bitten into it. It was literally just resting there. Only taking a short moment to wonder 'what the hell?' I then got myself back in gear, and we began to move away from the house.

We didn't get very far before a black van (identical to the one that G used to drive IRL, actually) came screeching around the corner, directly toward us. We tried to desperately dive out of the way, but the van ended up smashing into M and then crashing into the house. I ran over to the vehicle and saw that M was in really bad shape after the impact, but just barely still alive. Her body looked pretty mangled, and her face was all bloodied and bruised. She needed medical attention, and fast. I knelt over her, trying to tend to her and make sure she was still alive, and some bratty kid - from a crowd that had gathered after the accident - was teasing me by saying something like "Awww, look at you, taking care of the wittle baby..." or something similar. I told the kid off - but really wanted to kick his ass - and went back to care for M. There is a bit of a memory gap here, where I can't remember exact details, but it turned out that the driver of the van was someone from the syndicate that was holding Wade Wilson - aka Deadpool - captive (in the previous dream of the night, which can be read here).

JS, another neighborhood friend of mine, showed up, and we were able to take this murderous driver down, after dragging him out of the wreckage. He'd tipped us off - somehow - that there were more of them coming after me, because I had allegedly helped Wade escape, earlier (though I don't actually remember having a presence in the previous dream. Just watching it the events unfold).

Another set of headlights beamed into the area, notifying us that someone else would be coming around the corner soon. I told JS that they would be coming for me, and to get M out of there. I knew that the zombies were still in the area, but I had to draw all attention away from my friends. Just as the next vehicle was coming around the bend, I took off and ran around to the other side of the house. Pivoting at the far side, to circle around the building and let the car pass by where I had once been, I looked to one side, as something had caught my eye. There, leaning up against the wall, was Robocop. He was just...standing there. It looked like he was in a sleep-stasis mode, with his head down, hiding back behind some bushes as if he had been placed there. I thought to myself 'damn, I could really use his help, right now,' but I had to keep moving, because I was still in the open and knew that any vehicle passing by my house would see me, once they looked around the corner.

I rounded the back side of the house, and then came back around on the other side. From there, I could see JS helping M down the street, holding her up while walking beside her. I took one more look around the corner, to make sure the coast was clear, and went to meet them, knowing that the pursuing car had already passed where we'd once been. Just as I reached them, though, I was attacked from behind. A man who reminded me of Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes) from the movie 'Demolition Man' was all over me. We started fighting in the street, and this dude apparently knew what he was doing. He had counters for almost everything I threw at him, and I was beginning to think that I was going to lose this match. Suddenly, I got a hold of a pair of handcuffs - though I can't remember where I got them from. It took a bit more struggle, but I was able to get them fitted on his wrists. He wasn't done, though. He kept fighting me, tenaciously, and was boasting to me about how he could pick his cuffs. He said that once he got his hands free, he was going to kill me. We struggled some more - both of us now lying on the asphalt - and I had to hold his wrists apart to try to keep one hand from reaching the other cuff.

Eventually, though, he overpowered me and snapped one of the cuffs off. Before he could act, I grabbed the fingers of one of his hands. I could see the shock grow in his eyes as I began to push backward on the fingers. He was silently pleading with me not to break them. In my heart, I really didn't want to break them. I knew it was going to be a sickening feeling, as I had never broken someone's bones before, in waking life. This was a matter of life and death, though, and this guy had to be immobilized. With one final push, I snapped all four fingers backward, to where they literally folded back on his hand, severed at the knuckles and leaving only bloody stumps attached to the palm.

The man screamed in pain, but kept on fighting. Even with a broken hand, he ended up overpowering me and kneeling over me, pulling out some kind of weapon and making a gesture which telegraphed that he was about to introduce me to a world of hurt. Just in time, though, gunfire rang out, and the man stopped. He looked from me to JS, nearby, who was holding a machine gun (that I immediately just assumed he had taken from one of the villains). We then looked from the gun barrel to the spot behind my opponent, where the gun was aimed, just in time to see a zombie - which was just about to attack me and the guy I was fighting, fall to pieces, its body practically split in half by the short burst of gunfire. Spouts of blood squirted up from the split torso, which then fell to the ground. My attacker looked just as shocked as I was. He looked back at JS, who had just saved his life, and then down at me. Seemingly having a change of heart, he stood up and reluctantly backed off.

Then, another set of headlights cut through the brief pause. Another van came roaring around the turn, and we all scrambled away, again, before it could run us over. I jumped to my feet, borrowing the gun from JS and running after the passing van, which rounded another corner and tried to make a U-Turn. Running up on the van, I let bullets spray into the driver's side window, killing the driver, opening the door and throwing him out of the van. I then jumped inside and brought the van around to pick up the others. We hauled ass toward the front of the neighborhood, just as another van was passing us, presumably driving to where we'd just been. I knew that they would be turning back around shortly, once they realized we were no longer there. Gunning the engine toward the intersection at the front of the neighborhood, and looking back in the rear-view to see if the other van was behind us, I nearly froze when I turned back to my front side and saw a low-flying fighter jet heading straight toward us, in the night sky. Before I even had a chance to react, a volley of missiles streaked out from the jet, sailing directly over the roof of our van and blowing up the van that had been coming up behind us. The jet screamed through the air and flew over top of us, trailing the missile exhaust, and I realized that the help had come from Wade's team that had come to stop the evil syndicate, before (but still wasn't able to piece together that these were dreams, even though I remembered the events in the previous one).

I was momentarily relieved, but then I remembered that we were driving one of those same vans, and that the jet would probably be coming around to make another pass and take us out - not knowing who was driving. I told everyone that we had to ditch the van as soon as possible, and I sped through the intersection to get as far away from the neighborhood as possible before stopping so we could all bail out. I don't remember ever actually leaving the van though, before waking up.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

"Invincible" - 01/25/2007 (Lucid)

Dream #1
(HAHAHAHA. Oh my God. I just had another good one. With the holidays over, I’ve recently started hitting the gym pretty hard, again. I’ve noticed that when I’ve been good to my body and mind, I get more lucids. Seems like common sense, I know, but I feel it’s worth noting. Anyway… )

So, this dream started in someone’s garage. I was a disembodied spectator, at first, and I saw that my mom had stolen some money from the Wrong People. She had dug a hole in the ground, in the garage (which was weird, because the ground is concrete and she was only using a shovel) and was burying the money in it. She heard some people coming, and the garage door began opening so, impossibly quick, she buried herself in the hole, along with the money and a shotgun, in case she needed to surprise her pursuers. When the garage opened, a bunch of cars and a school bus came up into the driveway. This is when the dream switched to first person, and my recall skips ahead a little bit. 

There was now a birthday party going on, in the garage, where a bunch of kids; their parents; and I were playing party games (which explained the school bus). Somehow, I knew something about the money and that the amount that mom had buried herself with was only a portion of it. Another car slowly pulled up into the driveway and a squad of mob-looking guys stepped out with their guns drawn. They walked up into the garage and started swinging their guns around at everyone, asking about their money. Of course no one else knew what they were talking about.

I, pretty sure there was about to be a bloodbath, finally spoke up. I took one of the men in the house and grabbed a bag full of cash, and gave it to him. As we were walking back to the garage I said something like, “Ok you’ve got your money. You’re going to let us go, right? These are just kids.” The guy was like “I can’t do that. You’re all witnesses.”

They stood somewhat in the center of our crowd, as we made a sort of ring around them, everyone too afraid to run away. Even the children were cringing and sobbing. Many of us, every time a gun barrel would aim in our direction, would discretely try to position ourselves behind the person standing next to us (which reminds me of a scene in a dream I had a while back, I just can’t remember which one). I forgot how, but one of the girls was able to talk the lead guy into letting her take the smallest child inside. Then, somehow, things turned around, and the gang decided not to kill us. They were going to take us with them and hold us hostage, instead. I dunno if I can’t remember why they decided this, or if there was just never a reason given.

Next thing I knew, though, we were driving down the highway in the school bus. I was sitting in the very back seat and the mob car was behind us. I was nervous as hell, sitting by the window, because I remembered (though I don’t really remember him saying it) that the lead guy had told us that, should we try anything funny, they’d open fire into the back of the bus, and I knew I was the first person that would be hit.

After driving for a while, the dream shifted again (I hate that I don’t know whether my dreams actually skip, or there are just gaps in my recall) and we, in the bus, were sitting outside of this nightclub. Everything was dead silent and I was still in the back, absolutely fuming mad about there being nothing any of us could do to get us out of the situation we were in. It was in having this moment to myself, to think, that I realized that all of this was a dream. I didn’t even do any reality checks to confirm it. (I am glad that I’m becoming more familiar with just knowing when I’m dreaming, by the feeling itself, and not having to confirm it) I don’t even think I looked at my hands to stabilize the dream, because it was already vivid enough, and I only had one thing on my mind: I was pissed at having been completely humiliated by these DCs.

I stood up and just walked off of the bus. I know there was a guy that was outside guarding us, but I don’t remember how exactly I got past him. I was soon barging into the club, like I was the terminator, eyes focused and scanning around for the rest of these men. The décor was completely unfamiliar, as far as I know, but the place was dominated by soft purple and gold lights. I saw the first guy in the hallway and, before he could do anything, I grabbed him by the face and slammed him back against the wall. He went down without much of a fight. Turning the corner, I came to the main room, two men suddenly standing up as soon as they saw me, drawing their guns. I turned my attention to the man on my left and he shot first. I reached up and caught his bullet in mid-air -- I could actually feel it, like an ant bite, when it hit my palm. I dropped the bullet and he shot, again. I caught the second bullet and slung my arm back at him, imagining the bullet hitting him in the chest - which it did, taking him down. I continued walking (which I hadn’t stopped doing since I came in the room) toward the man a few yards in front of me. People around the club were ducking for cover from the gunshots and flattening themselves against the walls, away from us. The man fired once or twice and, again, I caught the bullet(s).

Then, one of the kids from the bus wandered into the club. I stopped and looked back at the kid (whose position was at about 5 o’clock, in relation to where I was now standing), then looked back at the guy with the gun. I taunted him by saying something like “Hey look, it’s one of your hostages. If you gotta go, you might as well take somebody with you, right?” The gunman, not really knowing what to do, whipped his gun over at the kid and pulled the trigger. I dove to the side, covering a good five yards, in an instant, and catching the bullet before it hit the child. The man yelled out something like “You monster!!” and started shooting at me repeatedly, as I continued walking toward him, catching and swatting away every bullet that came in my direction. I stopped right in front of him and put my hands down, and decided to give him a free shot, while affirming to myself that I was, indeed, invincible. He put the barrel about three inches away from my forehead and pulled the trigger. It felt like someone had merely flicked me in the forehead with their finger. Ha! Oh, to see the look on that guy’s face!

I reached out and grabbed him by the collar, spun around and threw him behind me, straight out the front door of the club - which was now, mysteriously, directly behind me, instead of around the corner like it had been, earlier. I walked back outside the club to look for him and, as soon as I stepped out the door, I turned to the side and saw a car heading straight for me. It was the gunman, of course. Fully confident in my level of control, I planted my feet and pushed forward with my hands, completely smashing in the front of his car and bringing it to an immediate stop. Then, for good measure, I ripped open his hood and smashed my palm down through his air filter, flattening the top half of his engine. When I walked around to the side his car, he had already gotten out and was running away from me, terrified, and heading (for some reason) toward a lake that was a good 100 yards away, and he had a damned-good head start. I tried a super-speed run, to catch up with him, by focusing on the area a few feet in front of him and sprinting toward it. I was moving really fast, but not really 'The Flash' fast, just as the man jumped into the lake and started swimming his little heart out. Lol.

So, being a good 50-ft or so away from the water, I jumped into the air and levitated over to him, dropping down into the water right in front of him and grabbing him by the shirt. The water was only waist deep so, at first, I started guiding him out of the lake on his feet but, then, just to show-off a little more (why is showing off to DC’s so much fun, knowing they aren’t real? Haha) I said “And just to show you what you were up against…” then I flew up out of the water and directly toward the tree I had passed under while running after him. I dragged him through the tree - the branches smacking and scratching against his face, while I didn’t even feel them. Finally, being as high as the tree itself, after coming out the other side, I slung the guy down toward his own car so hard that his body smashed up the back end just as much as the front had been.

I landed in the parking lot and all the kids and parents and club-goers that had been outside watching started cheering and giving me props (which, again, is always satisfying, even when you're aware that they aren't real). Some time during the aftermath, I'd lost lucidity; the cops showed up; the bad guys were arrested; and all was right with the world.

(Woke up at about 4:30, almost too excited to even think about going back to sleep. I wrote down the notes for this dream and went back to bed, trying to induce another lucid dream with the WBTB method. I did have a few dream fragments, afterward, but none of them lucid.)

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"Please Do not Beat on Glass" - 6/23/2008 (Lucid)

"Please Do Not Beat On Glass"

(I haven't been keeping to habits that foster great dream recall, lately, so even though I'm trying to get back in the routine of dream journaling, I've been kind of lacking in remembering the details. However, I do remember a fragment of a lucid, from last night.)

There was a public sea-life exhibit, enclosed and with large tanks making up the walls of the interior rooms. Everything was dimmed, relying solely on whatever sources were lighting the tanks, and the atmosphere reminded me of the shark exhibit, at Sea World. I spent some time going from tank to tank, and seeing all of the creatures they had in them. Some of the tanks were enormous, leading to large outer-areas of the park, and they housed everything from sharks to octopi to eels.

I don't necessarily remember becoming lucid, but I soon knew that this was a dream, and the first thing I can recall was roaming around this crowded walkway, looking for something to do, during what time I had left in the dream. Being in this cave-like exhibit, the first thing that came into my mind was shattering all the tanks and flooding the whole area. I can't remember if I found or manifested the object, but I was soon walking around with a baseball bat. I began smashing all of the tanks, one by one - some of them only spider-webbing, while the others broke and released whatever water and life they held. When I hit the bigger tanks, they exploded, hundreds of gallons surging in and collecting over the floor. Before too long, the entire exhibit enclosure was submerged in water. I cautiously confirmed that I could breathe underwater (wary, at first, of inhaling and having real water push in through my nostrils), and then continued on busting out whatever tanks were still intact.

For some time, I just played about, underwater. Some of the people around me looked still and dead - floating about, lifeless, in the illuminated water - and others were just walking or swimming around, making their way through the water just as I was.

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