Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"The Lucidity Effect" - 06/15/2006 (Lucid)

"The Lucidity Effect"
Dream #3
(I fell back asleep, after dream #2, and I remember much less of the next one, but it was still really vivid.)

I was telling someone about the dragon dream I’d had “the night before,” and I was going into detail about how the dragon first appeared. (Now, after this part, I’d noticed a bit of a scenery change, but I think it was a part of the same dream, so I’ll write it that way.) There was some commotion behind us, and someone had just gotten shot. It was then, that I noticed that the scenery was set in the old west.

We were outside of some really lavish building - like a mansion or theater, or something like that - and there was a crowd of people swarming around the incident. I think either some little girls, or some young women, were shot, though I don’t know why. (I do remember something about how they were standing close enough so that more than one of them were hit with the same shot.) There was something about this whole thing that didn’t seem right, though. I just couldn’t quite tell what it was, at first.

(It may have had something to do with not being able to remember what I was doing before all this happen that prompted this next part, but if you’ve ever seen the movie The Butterfly Effect you’ll get the concept.)

I figured out that by collecting some of the blood from the victim and doing something with it that - I think - involved gun powder (Don’t ask me what the hell I did, because I don’t know), I could send myself, and the three guys I’d been telling my dragon dream to, back in time to before the shooting, in order to try and stop it.

I think I mixed the gunpowder with the blood (or something like that). Then, there was a bright flash, and we were suddenly back to right before the shooting. We ran up to the crowded doorway of the building and jumped the guy that we knew had the gun, stripping him of it. However, history seemed destined to repeat itself, as someone else ended up shooting the girls. (It was the old west, and Everybody had a gun, of course.)

(The transition into this next part is pretty hazy, in my memory, but...) Sooner or later, I was inside the building, and there were four witches/sorceresses/whatever, inside. They were all black women, and wearing beautiful gowns. It felt like I was in old New Orleans or something. Anyway, even though it was a bit disjointed, I don't believe this was a separate dream because I think they were talking about the futility of my trying to change time - something about how I was meddling with powers I couldn’t comprehend, or something like that, and basically threatening me with their own powers.

Everyone else had disappeared, and I was alone, in what I believe was an elegant dining room, surrounded on three sides by these women - who I could tell were really powerful - and a solid wall, I think, on the fourth side.

I was definitely feeling like I was in deep shit, because they had me cornered, and I was obviously not going anywhere. But then, thanks to the perception of impending danger, lucidity kicked in once again (as it had done, in the dream prior to this one). Knowing that I was still dreaming I got a slight grin, for a moment, but then put my game face back on.

I started talking a little trash to these witches, which they didn’t take very lightly. I can’t remember what I said, but before I knew it, they were all trying to kill me. They had absolutely 0 effect, though. Haha. Oh man, it was great! I started walking toward them, one by one, simply waving off their attack spells with a dismissive hand. The first one, standing in the doorway to my right, shot what I think was electricity at me. I slapped it away and it shattered a wall-length mirror beside me. She backed up, just a little, through a door and into the hallway behind her, when she saw me still coming in her direction. Drawing her hands back, she then lurched forward and unleashed a steady stream of fire toward me. Without breaking stride, I put up one hand and blocked the fire with my mind. Then, I pushed the flying blaze back out into the hallway and shut the door mentally, filling the hallway with her own fire and burning the witch alive.

Continuing on my counter-clockwise advance, I came to the next witch, who was halfway between me and the last. She was near the wall between two doors, which were on the same side of the room, and had nowhere to go. When she threw her lightning at me, I didn’t even put up my hand. I just decided that it wasn’t going to touch me, and it never did. The last thing I remember of her was her surprised look, right before I stepped up to her, grabbed her face in both hands and spun it to one side, breaking her neck. She dropped to the floor and I continued on walking toward the last witch.

This one, obviously the oldest, wasn’t as ignorant. She began walking backward, struck with fear, as I stalked her way. She was practically tripping over herself, as she shied away from me, retreating out of the room and into another hallway, which led to the main lobby. There was a high, twisted staircase in the middle of the room - quite beautiful, actually - and it was surrounded by all of these chandeliers. Anyway, she began crawling backward up these stairs, trying to get away from me, pleading for me to spare her and whatnot. I didn’t say a word, but just kept closing in on her, menacingly, as she wound her way backwards, up the stairs, to about the 6th flight or so. She ended up with her back against the railing which overlooked the large room below us. I leaned in so close to her that our faces were practically touching, staring maliciously into her panicked eyes. I can’t remember what she said - or what I said, afterward - or even whether or not I pushed her away with my mind (which I think I did), but before I knew it, she was plummeting down, through one of the chandeliers and to the ground, below.

(If there was anything after this, I don’t remember it, but Damn, what a night. Haha.)

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

"Haunted House Task Attempt" - 10/03/2007 (Lucid)

"Haunted House Task Attempt"
Dream #2

The first thing I remember of this one is being in an execution chamber. Some guy was about to be put to death for some sort of crime, and I was one of the people in the "audience." (Is that what the call the groups of people watching this kinda thing?) Instead of sitting, I was kinda walking around the chamber. Near the opening to the chamber, I remember seeing this strange, black-shrouded figure just standing there, looking into the chamber. It looked like Death, himself, but I couldn't tell because I could only see the figure from the side and the hood was pulled up over his/head.

In another small corner/room, somewhere near the chamber, a woman had followed me in. Before I even knew what was going on, she came up to me and started seducing me. It was somewhat dark in the room and there seemed to be a shadow over her face. It didn't take her long to win me over and, soon enough, we were making out, pretty heavily, in the small room. As things were heating up, I wanted to get a better look at her and so I planted her back up against the wall where a light was coming in through the window. When I looked up, I saw that she was probably 65 years old or so!

Instantly, I could tell, by her expression, that she was hurt by my surprise at how old she was, and that she knew that I was probably not going to let this go any further. All of a sudden, the realization came to me... I smiled at her and said, "Don't worry, we can do something about that. This is just a dream, anyway." I put both hands above her forehead, saying "Let's try to bring you back a few years," and slowly brushed my hands down the front of her face. As they moved lower, I could tell that my suggestion had worked. She, now, seemed between about 19 and 23 or so, with short, purple and blonde streaked hair. She smiled at me and we continued to go at it. I pulled her away from the wall and slid around behind her, embracing her with one hand up her shirt, and one down the front of her pants, kissing the side of her neck.

I heard something outside and looked at the windows that surrounded the room on three sides. There was a huge group of people out there watching us. They started banging on the windows, obviously pissed off, yelling things like "Hey!! What are you doing in there??!" and "Get away from her, you alien!!" (Whatever the hell that meant. ) They had flashlights and kept shining them in our faces. We continuously screamed at them, to leave us alone, but they simply wouldn't leave. Finally, I got pissed off and stepped away from the girl, for a second. I put up my fists in front of me and screamed "Rrrrraaaaaaahhhh!!" pushing energy outward from myself. All the glass windows shattered outward and knocked everyone outside on their asses, like I was a bomb that had just gone off in the room. Even the girl in the room with me ducked and covered.

The sound of raining glass subsided and the crowd got back on their feet. I thought they would have left us alone, but they came back and kept yelling at us through the window. They said the cops were coming and we were going to get in trouble. I told the girl just to forget about them, because this was my dream, anyway. Just as we started making out again, more flashlights appeared - this time, attached to taser guns. Two cops had showed up and were ordering us out of the room.

Finally, fed up, I said "Fine. You want me to come out there?" I left the girl in the room and flew out through the window. The cops kept telling me to get on the ground or they were going to taser me and I said something like "You guys just have no idea what you're dealing with here, do you?" I held up one hand and pointed at one cop's taser gun. Flicking my wrist, I telekinetically made him point the taser at his partner and shoot him in the chest. No electricity ran through it, though. The guy pulled the prongs out of his chest and they both turned on me and fired. The prongs stuck in my chest and they felt like staples. Again, though, no electricity ran through them. What really hurt, however, was when I tried to pull them out. It was like they had reverse-hooks in them, like arrowheads, and tore at the skin when I had to yank them out. (I've never been tasered, before - and I don't own one - so I don't know if they actually have those hooks on them. Probably.) The cops kept firing them at me again, so I started to fly backward. I happened to see a power-line hanging over them and I mentally made on of the cops turn and fire his taser up at the power-line, trying to electrocute him. Again, there was no exchange of electricity. I didn't feel very grounded, in this dream, though, and it was beginning to unravel, so I decided to ditch the cops and fly away, before I woke up from trying to concentrate too hard.

I landed in front of a house in the neighborhood and remembered the current, Halloween-themed Task of the Month, from the DreamViews forums, which was, simply, to explore a Haunted House. The house looked more homely than haunted, and there was a porch light on, which definitely ruined the effect, so I turned around and faced the other way, trying to see if I could make it transform by the time I turned back around to look at it. While I was looking the other way, some guy ran up to me and said that the cops were chasing him, too, and asked if he could hide out with me. I said "yeah," and turned back around to the house. It hadn't changed. I thought that maybe I could simply change the inside into a spooky house. Reaching around behind me, I visualized an imitation Ghostbusters Proton Blaster into existence and swung it around in front of me. It was very faint and unsolidified, but it was there.

Opening the front door, I walked in and found...disappointingly...a normal house. There was a bunch of kids roaming around, as I went from room to room. I cracked open one door, and a couple in bed jumped at the sight of my ghost gun and covered themselves up with the blankets, defensively. I left them alone and walked up into the attic, hoping to find something haunting around up there. After a while, in the dark, I was further disappointed to have encountered nothing. Without bothering to go back the way I came, I justphased down through the floor and went to go find another house. On the way out, I tried to phase through the front wall but ended up running into it, instead. I tried again and, as I went through the wall, everything went black. I could feel myself waking up, so I completely relaxed and just tried to visualize the outside of the house. Soon, I was back on the porch, having more "teleported" to the front of the house, rather than gone through the wall.

I was getting really frustrated at how unstable my dream and control were, so I decided to just go flying for a while, as things weren't looking really promising on the whole "Haunted House" front. As I was flying down the street, I looked at my hands, and they were wavy and distorted but, in the night, I really couldn't see much detail. Then, I looked up at the sky, thinking about trying to fly into space, because, with all the instability, I really couldn't see this dream lasting much longer. I was just about to fly toward the moon when I heard some kid screaming hysterically "Mommy, mommy! I killed Daddy! He's Dead! He's Dead!!" I thought to myself that the kid's dad's ghost might be roaming around, so I went and landed right beside him. I said, "you killed your daddy? Where? Show me?" He said, "over there! He's dead!!" and he pointed to an unlit house across the street.

Immediately, I flew to the house and followed the sidewalk, around to the front door. Sitting on the porch was an old man, slouched over in a chair. From what I could see, it looked like he was missing an eye, but it was hard to tell in the dark. The guy suddenly stirred in his seat and groaned a little. He sat up and looked in my direction. Off to the side, I heard the kid, still screaming, hysterically: "You're supposed to be dead!! You're supposed to be DEAD!!!" like he was just as upset that his dad was alive, as he was when he thought he was dead. That's when I realized that, since the guy had been sitting outside, I wouldn't have completed the task anyway, because the objective was to go into a haunted house. So, still frustrated, I tried to pull out my Proton Blaster, again, and give the guy a good zap, for getting my hopes up. It didn't really materialize, though, and the best I could do was kinda point my fingers at him and make a fake gun noise with my mouth. LOL.

Obviously, he didn't think it was funny, though, because the last thing I remember was him responding to the taunt by getting out of his chair and kicking me square in the nuts...

...Mean old bastard. Lol.

The dream then faded and I sat in a void for a little bit, having felt myself beginning to wake, again. (For a short while, I tried to relax myself back into the dream. It never happened, though, and I opened my eyes and got out of bed.)