Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"Police Omnipresence" - 11/13/2019 (Lucid + Chain + FA)

"Police Omnipresence"
Dream #1(a)

There is an early part of this dream, where I was with a bunch of kids, riding around on "Hoverboards." I remember getting on one of the Hoverboards and, instead of riding it in a forward-facing stance, I was able to ride it with my feet facing to one side, like a skateboard. The kids found it really cool, and I was doing a few tricks with it.

Later, I was skateboarding (now, with a normal skateboard) through some beach town, heading down toward the water. I came upon a largely-flooded area, as if the beach had surged inland. Having built up speed, I skimmed the board across the puddle, splashing water on my way through. There was a cop, walking up the street, in the opposite direction from me, and he immediately turned around and began harassing me for "playing in" the floodwater. He was completely overreacting, though, so, after some back-and-forth, I just waved him off and went about my way.

Time skipped, and I was at home with my girlfriend, J, and an unknown guy-friend. Unprompted, my stereo came on, by itself. A voice came through the speakers, and I could tell that it was the cop from my earlier encounter. The room was already dark, and his voice was booming and ominous. He started going off about the reason he was such a jerk, earlier, being that he and I had history. He said that I was involved in wrongdoing which led to someone in his family being maimed or killed. For this reason, he considered me to be something of a "nemesis" to him, and that he wasn't going to rest until he got even. Strangely enough, my dream "self," seemed to know what he was talking about. I was immediately remorseful, and attempted to voice my sorrow for what had happened. I told him that it was an accident, and that the whole situation was largely misunderstood. (Though, I didn't think it was strange that I was talking to him through an mic-less radio.)

Just then, the bedroom window, beside me, lit up in a hazy, gray bit of "television static," as if the glass, itself, was a giant monitor. Though the cop's face never showed, I could hear his voice, coming from the window-turned-TV screen.

He said "It would be just horrible, if it happened to someone you loved...."

Another time-skip, and it was a new day. J and I were sitting out on a back porch. There was an older woman at the far side of the porch, and a small boy, beside her. They looked to be doing some sort of work, like tending to the vegetation on the deck, or something. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and the innocent woman dropped to the ground, dead. Shocked I looked toward the direction from which I heard the shot and, through the spaces in the fence, I could see the cop glaring back at me, grinning, teasingly.

Immediately, J and I ran after him, Jumping over the fence and chasing him through a grassy area between houses. Suddenly, a large dog came around a nearby corner, charging between us and the officer and moving in to attack me. Initially, I fought the dog off with my hands, but it was eventually able to chomp down on one of my hands, and I noticed that it didn't really hurt. The dog held on, though, long enough for me to figure out how this insane scenario came about. I suspected that I had to be dreaming. With the dog still clamped on to my hand, I reached out with my other one and pet the dog on the head, calmly, willing it to settle down...and it did, loosening its jaws and sitting down in front of me.

We, then, turned to the officer, who seemed ready for a fight. J, though, didn't seem to acknowledge my lucidity. She was apprehensive about just confronting him, outright, knowing that he had a gun. I, however, was already convinced that I was dreaming. I raised a hand toward the cop and tried to use telekinesis on him. J was startled by the gesture and yelled "what are you doing??" I told her that it's fine, because this was just a dream. Obviously not believing me, she practically face-palmed and said "Oh, my God. NO," suggesting that she thought I was going to get myself killed, by convincing myself that this was just a dream. (Lol.) Things were very vivid, at this point, and the first few attempts did not work. The cop approached me and squared up. After exchanging a few swings, I was able to "force push" him away from me, completely proving my theory right - that I was dreaming and had some level of control.

The fight went on, mixing telekinesis with hand-to-hand blows, though I don't remember too many of the details. In the middle of the fight, though, I instantly "woke up," into what I would soon discover was a false awakening.

Dream #1(b)
(False Awakening)

Immediately upon "waking up" in my bed, I found myself flailing from the previous fight, and inadvertently launching a fist out and punching my girlfriend - as she lay next to me - square in the boob. (Haha.) She woke, clutching her chest and asking me something along the lines of "what the hell is wrong with you??" Embarrassed, I told her about the dream I'd had. In the end, she thought it was funny and forgave me.

Next thing I knew, it was daylight, again. J and I, along with the same guy-friend from the previous dream, were walking down a dirt road. (Apparently, my notion of the previous events being "just a dream," had faded.) I was telling both of them about the "incident," the cop had been referencing, expressing how it was all a mistake and that what happened was an accident. I remember referencing that the victim had been the cop's son or nephew or something, and there was a series of events that led to his death. J said that she didn't want to hear any gory details, which is pretty consistent with her character.

Clearing a wooded area near the road, we came upon a small, run-down house. As we got closer to it, the front door opened and a young woman walked out. She was dressed as a zombie, and sort of taking on a zombie gait to her walk, but I was never concerned that she was an actual ghoul. She was just dressed like one, as if for a cosplay or Halloween costume. She walked right passed us, without saying a thing, and after watching her walk by, finding the encounter to be a bit odd, we all turned back toward the house, just in time to see the cop, from earlier, come sauntering out the front door, grinning at us.

Immediately, upon recognizing him, I knew I was dreaming. I said something like "ugh, here we go again," while the cop stalked toward me as if he wanted to go another round. Now, fully aware of the situation, I was ready to have some more fun. I threw my hands out to the side, and yelled "rrraaaaaahh!!" trying to pull off a DBZ-style power-up (which I've had some success with, before). Nothing happened, though, and he just ran in and started his attack. I drew upon telekinesis, again, and started throwing him around, all over the yard, with my mind. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the zombie-girl come back onto the scene. Behind her, though, I saw an enormous werewolf also show up, snarling as if it was about to get into the fray. As it walked toward my fight with the cop, I could see that it was far too large to be just "someone in costume," and that I was about to have to battle this random werewolf, too.

It was in the chaos of the ensuing battle, that I woke up.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

"Traffic Stop" - 11/13/2019

"Traffic Stop"
Dream #2

I was visiting what appeared to be another country, at night, roaming about the city streets with a group of people. There was reporting and discussion of rampant human trafficking, in this region, though it was still a bustling area. Even at night, there were a lot of people wandering around the city. While inside what I believe was a small store, in some sort of mall, a little girl, within our group, ended up getting snatched from right under our noses. The crowd was alerted to the girl being carried away by a woman with blonde hair, running toward the exit. Instinctively, I began sprinting after the kidnapper, seeing her shove the little girl into a car (which happened to be parked inside the mall, instead of outside) and start to speed away.

Still chasing after the car, on foot, as it crashed through the mall to make its getaway, I was somehow able to catch up to the vehicle, leaping forward and grabbing onto the rear bumper and being, practically, dragged across the floor while trying to climb up onto the trunk. Just as I was getting up near the rear window of the rag-top convertible, the driver smashed through a partially closed loading door, ripping the convertible top off of the car and knocking me backward. Clearly, I would have been thrown to the ground, had a not been able to grab a sliver of the shredded fabric that came loose from the vehicle's rooftop.

Now, careening through the streets, the woman continued to smash into seemingly everything in sight, trying to make her escape, while I climbed up the rear of the now-topless car. Upon climbing into the backseat, I noticed a had a small, metal bat in my hand. (I don't know whether I picked it up, during the chase through the mall; it was already in the backseat of the car; or it just "appeared" in my hand. Either one is possible.) When I stood up, behind the driver's seat, I could see the little girl, cowering over in the passenger's seat. Without hesitation or thought, I just began bashing the blonde woman driving, in the head, with the bat - repeatedly. She resisted, as long as she could, but then ended up crashing the vehicle on the side of the road, seemingly unconscious. With bat still in hand, I grabbed the little girl and we ran to the nearest building.

(This part got pretty hazy...) I believe the building to be something like a movie theater. While trying to figure out how to get the girl back to actual safety, we were attacked by an enormous man, who we found to be either an associate of the blonde woman, or just another human trafficker. I remember our fight ending up in one of the bathrooms, and I still had the bat with me, so - though I don't remember many of the details, I do know that I took the guy out, and I distinctly remember telling the girl "Let's get out of her, before Frankie wakes up, again.." (reference to Frankenstein, due to the guy's size.) 

We ran out of the (alleged) theater, and I immediately spotted the blonde woman, coming up the street, toward us. She was holding her head and staggering, as if she was seconds away from passing out, again, and I could see that she hadn't seen us, yet, but she was obviously walking with purpose, as if she knew we were close by, and she had plans to get even.

Not knowing whether or not the woman might have had a gun, the last thing I remember is clutching the little girl and hiding behind a large, stone column, outside the entrance, while the woman crossed from one side of the street to the other, searching for us.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

"Of Martians and Hit-Men" - 10/03/2019 (Lucid)

"Of Martians and Hit-Men"

The first thing I remember is being on a paved walking trail, with my g/f. We came to a set of train tracks, realizing that we'd passed our intended branch-off, a short while back. After turning back and heading in the other direction, I noticed that someone seemed to be following us, from far behind. Although suspicious, I knew that I had my gun with me, so we just continued walking, and the person, though going in the same direction, never really got any closer.

Sometime later, we were talking to the next door neighbor to the house where we'd intended to go (which was not my real house nor neighbor), while standing in his garage. We eventually said our goodbyes and went to walk back next door and, on the way, I noticed a woman sitting in one of the cars in "our" driveway, as if she was waiting for someone. While trying to figure out who she was, a man walked up behind us, effectively placing us between himself and the woman in the car, just as she opened the door and stepped out of it. I figured the man to be the person we'd noticed on the trail, and he revealed themselves to be a hit man / hit woman duo, who - for some reason - had us on contract.

The woman - easily the more "animated" of the two - was talking a whole lotta trash. Finger-pointing, and all - as if this were, somehow, personal. While she was talking, I was trying to think if there was any possible way I would be able to get a draw on them, but I know there was no way I would be able to catch them both without getting both me and my g/f shot.

While she was ranting, I noticed the neighbor walking, cautiously, up the driveway. Obviously sensing that something was wrong, he timidly asked if everything was ok. Knowing the hit-team had guns discretely trained on us, I was silently screaming for the neighbor to just turn around and walk away, but all I could manage was something like "Yeah, everything's ok. Don't worry about it," hoping that he'd just leave us alone and spare himself some potential fallout - which he did. Still with no feasible chance to draw and shoot my way out of this ambush, I was nearly resigned to being caught dead to rights. The hit man raised his gun, and it was then that I caught a glimpse of something over his shoulder.

A meteor? The fire trail streaking in the sky suggested so. Then, however, the object nearly stopped on a dime, instantly slowing to a point where the trail disappeared, leaving a small spot of light. This was followed by another fire trail, streaking to a crawl, beside it - and then another...and another. These were not meteors. These were Spaceships - an entire fleet of them - apparently dropping out of warp, having reached their earthly destination.

"ALIENS!!" I yelled, staring straight passed the barrel of the gun in my face. It was obvious that the hit man didn't believe me, and he was just on the verge of pulling the trigger. Now, completely ignoring the immediate danger before me, I raised a hand and pointed over his shoulder, deathly serious, yelling "WE'RE BEING F'CKING INVADED!!" My outburst was confirmed by an chorus of concussive blasts and gunfire, from around the street corner. A full-scale assault on the city broke out, as if someone had turned on a light-switch. Our would-be killers' hit job totally collapsed as our two groups instantly scattered to seek shelter. Then, the aliens came into view - seemingly from all directions, at once. They were robotic, bipedal beings with laser rifles and were just massacring people, everywhere, on the streets. It was utter chaos. Before I could do anything about it, they were converging on us and opening fire. Terrified and flinching from what I thought was, again, certain death, I realized that this could not really be happening. I had to be dreaming!

In this momentary rush of lucidity, I began indiscriminately ducking and dodging the incoming fire, pushing the thought of being harmed by anything, out of my mind. Feeling comfortable and in control with my state, I just flipped and spun away from their shots.

My lucidity didn't last very long, though, and I was sucked back into the narrative, running with my g/f, into a nearby school. Although it was night time, the inside of the school was bustling, with elementary school aged kids and adults roaming about, as if it were the middle of the day. Having drawn my gun, before coming in, I kinda kept it under my shirt, instead of putting it fully back in the holster. We shifted through the halls of the school and tried to escape the alien onslaught outside - for some reason, never alerting anyone to what was going. Of course, it didn't take long for the invasion to crash its way into the building, and the last thing I remember is a hazy shootout, while a squad of the alien machines just ripped though large numbers of innocent men, women and children inside the school.