Wednesday, April 28, 2021

"Jedi Justice" - 02/07/2013 (Lucid)

”Jedi Justice”
Dream #1

The first thing I remember about this dream was sex with an old flame. In the middle of it, for some reason, I had left the room and gone into the kitchen. My mom was in the kitchen, and she started telling me about what she'd been cooking, so I got hungry (and distracted) and made myself a plate, having to put both the food and the BBQ sauce in the microwave, because they were both apparently too cold to eat. I went back in the bedroom, set the food down on my desk, and my lady-friend and I picked up right where we'd left off.

Later, after she had gone to sleep, I was BSing with some friends, in a dorm-like room. Something happened where I had to store something away in the bedroom, before too many people got a hold of it, but I don’t remember what it was. A few of the guys began to follow me into the room, but I quickly ushered them out because the girl was sleeping. The two friends I was with were in a huge rush to go ‘somewhere’, but didn’t seem to be able to settle on where it was they wanted to go. We all ended up arguing over what we were going to do with our time.

Before long, we were out on a highway at night, walking around instead of driving. There was a motorcycle that had been left alone, in a median, and we all stepped over to get a good look at it, thinking about taking it for a joyride. Out of nowhere, this chick looking like Michonne, from "The Walking Dead" came riding up on a bike of her own. Seeming to know that we were thinking about stealing the other bike, she kicked it over, off of the median, and it fell into a (quite random) ice-covered puddle on the overpass, sinking beneath the street. Not wanting to be connected to this destruction of property, my group and I ran like Hell.

We got back to our (now, futuristic-looking) school area, trying to keep a low profile so that we wouldn’t be tracked down over the incident with the fallen motorcycle. The downstairs lobby of this place was enormous, and it was there that I became lucid, while trying to keep myself out of sight of the authorities that I know were going to be chasing us. I attempted to fly up to the high, second floor, where our dorms were, but couldn’t stay off the ground. Slightly frustrated at this, I ended up taking the stairs. Moving through the hallways, I passed a classroom with a gorgeous, dirty-blonde co-ed and took her with me into a nearby bathroom stall.

I was pretty aggressive with her, at first, but it seemed that she wasn’t into it, at all. The more I pressed myself against her and my hands moved about her body, the more she froze up and shuddered, staring at me with wide, frightened eyes, as if she wanted me to stop but was too afraid to say anything. After a moment of attempted foreplay, it all just seemed way too creepy, and almost like I was trying to assault her. Even though I knew this was just a dream, I decided to back away from the situation and left the bathroom stall. An enormous group of other DC’s had gathered outside the stall, obviously responding to the girl’s non-vocal 'distress'. So, I just willed myself to ‘superspeed-dash’ right through them, coming out on the backside of the mob and continuing on to walk through the hallways, meeting up with my friends from earlier.

It wasn’t long before the ‘cops’ found us and began trying to attack us…with lightsabers, of all things. And enormous lightsaber/Force battle broke out - myself using telekinesis to strip men of their lightsabers to use against them. At one point, one of the agents threw his own lightsaber toward a disarmed partner, and I used my own lucid telekinesis to redirect the sheathed saber over toward myself, while it was in mid-air, then having two sabers to rip through the remaining police force with. Most of the fighting involved quick, evasive attacks while I was running through the lobby, away from the growing number of patrolmen.

I remember one instance of the dream beginning to fade, so I looked at my hands (which were, at first, all green and gooey, as if they were melting) and quickly began to bring things back into focus. After all of the opponents had been defeated, I took some time out to recall of the things that had happened in the dream, so far, knowing that I would have to try to wake myself up soon, so I could remember it all. It wasn't long after this before the dream ended, on its own.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"Die Hard with Lucidity" - 11/20/2006

“Die Hard with Lucidity”

(I popped some B6 and melatonin before bed and had what is probably the longest, single, lucid experience I’ve ever had.

Possible content influences: Just finished watching “Walking Tall” starring The Rock, which involved dirty cops – also just finished watching (coincidentally): “The Rock” starring Sean Connery and Nic Cage, which involved corrupt Marines – Also, my cousin was over here playing Grand Theft Auto on Friday - which spawned past Friday’s dream - and I haven’t played my GTA in over a year, so it was fresh in my mind.)

The first thing I remember, in this dream, is being on the top floor of a two-story apartment building, at night. I was outside, walking through a hallway, and had just realized I was dreaming. I don’t even remember what it was that brought this to my attention. It was pretty-much just “Bam. Here I am. And I’m obviously dreaming.”

I immediately forgot what it was I was doing, and I decided to go exploring for awhile, walking over to the staircase while looking down to examine my hands. They were very normal looking, except for waves of wispy, dark shadows flowing over them. Jumping off the top stair, I caught myself in the air, levitating, and began to hover around the complex. Even though it was dark, I could tell that this definitely looked something like the apartment complex I was staying in - in Georgia - like 13 years ago.

Flying felt uncommonly easy, and I just stayed a good 15-20ft above the ground, floating about, almost aimlessly. When I was flying toward another hallway, across a large section of grass, I noticed a little girl walking by herself. Since she was the first DC I saw, I hovered in a little closer and was about to speak to her. She looked up at me, looking exactly like the little girl that showed up at the end of my “Possessed House” dream (The one that I thought might have been an older version of my daughter), except that she was wearing a frilly, white and black dress, instead of a black hoodie. (I didn’t notice the resemblance though, until after I woke up.) As I was approaching, her eyes suddenly flashed a bright orange. They weren’t really threatening, but just…bright orange. Aware that I took B6 before bed, those eyes deterred me enough to make me change directions and decide not to get involved with her, because I didn’t want this dream taking a nightmarish turn for the worse.

I thought it might be a good idea to counter that potentially unpleasant experience with something a little more umm…enjoyable, so I went flying around looking for some women more my age. Haha. With flying coming as easily as it was, I was feeling a lot of control in this dream. I flew from apartment to apartment (simply phasing through the walls). Eventually, I ended up flying back up to the second floor, floating over the railing and landing softly on the walkway. I noticed that there was a party going on, a few doors down from where I landed, and decided to check it out.

There were a bunch of people I didn’t know, just hanging out at this apartment, a few of them wandering in and out of the doorway, drinking. The door remained wide open, so I just stepped in, not really bothering to introduce myself. I started mingling with the crowd as if I knew them all and ended up talking to one of the girls – really cute. Sort of like Jessica Alba’s features with shoulder-length, curly, auburn hair. We slid off to one of the back rooms, got undressed (though I don’t remember undressing), and had a bit of fun while the party went on throughout the rest of the apartment.

When we were finished, I was leaning over her, in push-up position, and my mind was already starting to wander. I was thinking something about phasing through walls and ceilings, and how I’ve never tried phasing downward before. I told her something like “hang on. I wanna try something,” and then I held onto her and started making us sink down through the bed and the floor beneath it. (I’m guessing this was due to not really knowing what to expect but…) We sank away into an empty white void. I kept trying to think of something to fill the space with – some kind of new scene (even the apartment below us, which seemed logical), but nothing came into focus. Having considered this as proof of the phasing experiment being a failure, I focused on phasing upward, instead. I jumped up as if I was jumping off of the ground and, before I knew it, I had phased up through the roof of the apartment complex and was now standing on top of it, looking out over the neighborhood.

The girl was gone and (to the best of my knowledge) I was fully clothed again. I know I took a moment to look at my hands again, right around this time, but I can’t remember what I saw in them. I do know, though, that I definitely felt more grounded in the dream state and more confident that I could take the some time to explore without having to worry about waking up. It was still night out, and I could see an industrial yard about a half-mile or so away. I decided to check it out, jumping off of the rooftop and flying off in that direction. I don’t remember landing, but I was soon snooping around a warehouse where a lot of men were working. I could tell by their uniforms that they were military men. Staying out of sight, I was trying to see what it was they were doing, but I couldn’t.

Somewhere around here (though, I don’t know exactly how this transition happened), I was sort of “remote-viewing” into one of the nearby buildings. (I think I lost lucidity here, for a moment. I’m not sure, so I’ll just assume I did, because this part is so hazy, and I don't specifically recall still recognizing that I was dreaming.) Two high-ranking officers were talking in a small room; one black, one white. The centerpiece of their conversation was the model of an airliner jet that was sitting on a table in front of them and, in particular, one of the turbine engines on the wing.

I knew, immediately, who these guys were: They were the two main villains from Die Hard 2. The white guy was telling the black guy about how his death (getting chopped up by the jet turbine in the movie) could have been avoided and what to do, next time, if such a situation should come up again. (Which is pretty funny, now that I think about it. Lol.)

After a couple of seconds, I was back in my own perspective, again, still stealthily creeping around in the warehouse. I knew that these guys were all up to something big and I was determined to stop them. The feeling of impending danger brought me to lucidity again. The dream was still feeling hazy (after that disembodied transition), and I solidified it once more by looking at my hand. I focused on it, noticing the texture was kind of bumpy and calloused. The details of my hand became more and more resolute and, once I looked up, I could see that everything else in the dream environment had, too.

I don’t remember how the whole thing started, but I was eventually spotted, and the whole place went crazy. The two C.O.s were trying to make their escape in a jet (much like in the movie) only this time it was a huge fighter jet that looked something like the X-Men’s Blackbird with two, parallel cockpits. Pretty badass looking, actually. They were taxiing  onto a nearby airstrip, and I was gun-fighting/running my way through the warehouses and industrial clutter in the yard, trying to catch up to the plane before take-off. I was hauling ass, too, on foot, actively pushing all doubt of catching this thing out of my mind, because I was lucid and knew I could catch up to it.

Suddenly, I saw a figure jump off of the plane and roll to a stop in front of me, sliding out of the roll and into a perfect stance. It was the white Officer, who was a martial arts expert in the movie. He’d stayed behind to fight me off, while the rest of his crew got away in the jet that was now gaining speed and moving faster off in the distance, in preparation to take-off.

I ran toward the guy and we started brawling. Unfortunately, I don’t even remember how the hell I ended the fight so quick but, before I knew it, I was continuing to run down the airstrip, chasing after the jet, having already defeated its defender. I could see the afterburners flare up in the night, as it began to leave the ground. Following suit, I jumped into the air and started flying as fast as I could, a few feet from the cement. I could tell I wasn’t gaining any ground, though. I was stuck at like 70mph and the plane was pulling further away. I remember thinking to myself “COME ON!! How the hell do I go faster?!? This is my Dream! It should be easy!!” I tried visualizing the world in my peripherals as a motion blur and willing myself closer to the plane. That didn’t help at all, and the jet was losing me.

Unexpectedly, I heard sirens behind me and, when I looked back, I saw a black Lamborghini with police lights on, it tailing me. (The same one that pulled me over in the recent bowling alley dream? Apparently, the cops were in on this “military” operation, as well.) I dropped out of the air and landed in front of the car. When the car skid to a stop, I obviously jacked it from the cop (don’t remember doing it, though) and, before I knew it, I was speeding down the airstrip, trying to find another jet. I remember the awesome feeling of pushing the engine on this thing and shifting gears, letting go of the stick at one point to look at my right hand again in the, passing, airfield lights, trying to keep the dream stable. This time, my hand seemed to have tiny boils and blisters all over it, but I was too preoccupied to worry about the details. I focused on the whole hand for a moment - clearing up the little bit of fog that had started to haze over the dream - met again with a sense of confidence that I wouldn’t be waking up too soon.

There was a long sequence involving me driving through some twists and turns of this “industrial yard,” looking for another jet. The military men that stayed behind were still out there and trying to kill me. At some point, I was headed toward where I had a feeling I could find another plane, when the car I was riding in got sprayed with bullets. The engine caught fire and the first thing I could think about was Grand Theft Auto. (Anyone who plays that game knows that you have like 10 seconds, after your car catches fire, before it explodes.) 

A million things ran through my mind. It started off with “SHIT! What’s the cheat code to put out the fire in GTA?!” Then, I thought “Wait..this isn’t GTA! There is no cheat code! Ok, I should bail out! How do you bail out, in GTA?! Uhm Uhhhhhh…..Triangle! You Press Triangle! Wait! I don’t have a controller!!” As soon as I thought this, I looked away from the steering wheel and looked back, and a PlayStation controller appeared, embedded into the vinyl. (Haha)

I slammed my thumb down on the triangle and was ejected from the side of the car, hitting the ground rolling, but feeling no pain. The car kept driving and, as I stopped rolling, I looked up and saw it crash into a wall and explode. (Funny that I went through all that, and all I had to do was open the door and jump out. The ridiculous stuff we do, when we panic. Lol.)

So, I was on foot, again, dipping away behind all of the crates and industrial clutter. When I was sure no one could see me, I took a moment to look at my hands, yet again, stabilizing and prolonging the dream. As I was walking and analyzing my hand, I remember thinking to myself “There is No Way I’m going to remember all of this, when I wake up. I need key words or something...” I started backtracking over my dream, picking out all the little details that I wanted to make it a point to remember: It took a minute but I was able to remember certain factors, all the way back to becoming lucid in the apartment complex.

While lost in thought (I didn’t really get a chance to focus on clarity, when I looked at my hand, because I got sidetracked), I noticed that I’d come across another, dual-cockpit, jet, like the one I had been chasing. It was sitting in a docking station - steam rising from the afterburners, like it was ready to go. I crept over to it, and was just about to climb aboard, when someone started shooting at me. I had to jump back down off of the ladder as more people ran in to assist the shooter, gunfire coming from all over the place. The firefight lasted a couple seconds, and I’d lost lucidity, during it. I remember beginning to get so overwhelmed that I had to completely abort the plan of using the other jet and (I think) resorted to blowing it up in order to kill a lot of the bad guys, that were now swarming around it, so as to make my getaway. I, conveniently, found another car in the industrial yard. It was some sort of suped-up racer. I only remember seeing it from behind.

The dream shifted, and I was suddenly way out in the boonies, somewhere. I still had this sleek car and was stopping in at a gas station. I think I was still on the mission; driving out to wherever it was the black C.O. flew off to. Coming out of the convenience store, I saw flashing lights and heard sirens coming in my direction. The dirty cops were after me, again. The last thing I remember is speeding away from the gas station with all these cops on my tail.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

"Vamps vs Lycans" - 05/10/2009

"Vamps vs. Lycans"
Dream #1 

(I went to sleep trying my AVID method of dream incubation, watchin/listening to the movie Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. I didn't get lucid, but I did have a related dream, so the incubation was successful, at least.)

I was a vampire in the dream, but not the strictly humanoid-looking vamps. There was a whole community of us, and we could transform into giant, bat-like creatures, kind of like Marcus, from Underworld: Evolution. It was just barely dusk, and we were all out in the woods. We got word that the lycanthropes were coming to battle us and, shortly after learning of their advance, they were streaming in from all angles. Immediately, the scene erupted into chaos, and we transformed and went into battle. There was a lot of slashing and biting, but I don't remember too much of the intricate details of the fight. I do remember that I had a wife and son, somewhere in the fray, and I had to try to keep them out of harm's way, as much as I could. At one point during the attack, I was knocked into a small pond, which gave me added anxiety, because I didn't know what kind of mythical beasts I would encounter in the water. (It was almost a waking-level fear of what "could be" under the surface.) The water was dark and murky, and I knew I had to get out as quick as I could. Almost frantically, I scrambled out of the (seemingly more-treacherous) pond and went back into the fray.

My wife had our son in her arms and was trying to get away to safety. Before I could get back over to them, they, too, were knocked into another small pond. Leaving the escalating battle, I ran over to them and she gave me her hand. I was pulling them out, when I heard her scream (or give an animalian shriek. I can't remember), and she was yanked out of my grasp and back into the water. Something had a hold of her. I jumped into the water, and saw that there was a long, bone-plated serpent creature pulling them under. I jumped on it and began wrestling with it, forcing it to let go. With my arms around it, I managed to drag it up and out of the water, then I swung the entire length of the beast up over my head, and back down at the ground with such a force that it landed flat, shattering all of its exoskeleton and dying on impact.

We were grossly outnumbered by the lycans, though, and had to retreat from the battle.

Later, we found ourselves in a more civilized location. We had returned to our human forms and were, somehow, able to walk around in the daylight. I can't remember exactly what happened here, but some woman (my wife, in human form, I think - not sure though) was used as bait to try to trap me. We were near a boat dock, and the lycans had shown up again. I still can't remember how it happened, but the woman and I were knocked off of the dock and into the water. While underwater, I sprouted my wings and swam to the surface, flaring them out of the water and lifting myself into the air. I saw no sign of the woman coming up, so I dove down toward the water like a seagull diving for fish, reaching out and grabbing her hand, and then flapping my wings to raise us both out of the water again.

I placed her down on the dock, landed, and ran back in to continue this second fight with the lycans, and that's all I can remember.

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