Tuesday, March 30, 2021

"Candyman is Coming" - 05/06/2009

"Candyman Is Coming" 
Dream #1

I was a detective, in this dream, and I was investigating a recent wave of deaths that were being blamed on the fabled "Candyman" (from the movie - but, in the dream, it was like the movie didn't exist, and he was an actual urban legend). I remember a brief period of riding around the city on a motorcycle, trying to get to these crime scenes as quickly as I could, so that I could either prove or disprove Candyman's existence. I don't recall much of the riding, but I know that I had a really fast bike, and I would sometimes take the turns by squeezing the front brake for stability and gunning the engine so the rear tire skid as it spun, kicking the back end of the bike out to drift around the tight corners at high speed. Every time I would show up at the scene after a call, though, it would be too late. The person would already be dead, and the killer would be nowhere in sight. All of the deaths were gruesome. The victims were all either gutted completely or just gored beyond recognition. The puncture wounds and lacerations all seemed as though they actually could have come from the Candyman's hook, though I remained skeptical of the supernatural implications of the murders.

Later, there was a pattern shown to be forming, and people who were dying were all known to have come down with a certain type of illness before their brutal deaths. They would all be sick to their stomachs, nauseated, and disoriented. It was really the only piece of information that I had, aside from the bodies, themselves. I ended up going to a multi-story building that was a mixture between a high-rise apartment building, and what kind of reminded me of my old office at B&B. I had raced there as fast as I could, and had shown up (in what must have been) seconds after another murder. While I was going around and questioning some of the people in the building, I started to get this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.

At first, I didn't know what it was, and I continued doing my job. Then, it began to grow more and more severe, until I was practically doubled over, holding my gut. I felt the urge to leave the office, immediately, and started looking for the stairs. The more I looked around for them, the more I began to realize that I was lost. I was so disoriented that it was like the building was shifting, and the stairs were nowhere to be found. Anxiety and claustrophobia were creeping in, and I was frantically searching for a way out, but it seemed as if I was going through the same hallways over and over. I knew that something was definitely wrong, not only with my condition, but with the entire situation.

Moving through one of the hallways, I started thinking about the murders - and the urban legend. "There's no way," I thought to myself. I wasn't even going to begin to take the possible connection seriously - that is until the florescent light above me suddenly  shorted out. I kept moving, feeling sick, trying to find my way out of this maze of corners and doors, and as I ran, more and more lights over my head started flickering and bursting into showers of white sparks. I noticed that the trail of malfunctioning lights was actually following me, strobing or darkening patches of only the hallways I ran through. I began getting the feeling that I was being followed, and the sickness in my stomach was getting worse. There was no doubt in my mind, by now, that the Candyman stories were real, and that he was coming after me.

I was finally able to find a winding stairwell and ran down it, flickering lights following me the whole way. When I got down to the bottom floor, I still found myself running through hallway after hallway, all of them seeming to double back on themselves, just as they had done on the levels above. Now, my relationship with this building somehow changed, and I knew that I actually had my own room behind one of these doors. It was now more like an apartment building than the office setting that was more dominant, upstairs. The last thing I remember is getting to my door and it being locked from the inside. I kept trying as hard as I could to pull it open, feeling death looming in on me, all of the lights around me strobing wildly, as if the ghostly killer would be showing up any second.

That's all, though.

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"Invasion Evasion" - 12/06/2010 (Lucid)

"Invasion Evasion"

(I watched the movie Skyline, for the first time, last night. It was an 'ok' movie, but the visual effects were tight as hell.) The earliest thing I remember was being in a camp-like atmosphere, with a few friends, in a trailer. Someone had a dog - like a lab-mix, or something - and I was playing with her, rubbing her belly. After a short while, the dog began to get really agitated and started glaring at the door. A horrific situation then unfolded, where a person had come to the door and then turned into an alien, and we all had to escape the trailer. I believe we pushed the creature into the bonfire and burned it, but this part of my memory all really hazy.

Sometime after the confrontation, I was alone and running through the streets. This had turned out to be a full-on invasion, and the major attack had already begun. There were larger aliens - dozens of stories tall - walking amongst the buildings and roadways. The city was completely destroyed, by now, and no matter where I went or tried to hide, these things would always find me. The creatures that were too big to fit inside the buildings, would send out these long tentacles (like the ones in the movie), and snake them through the buildings to find me. I ended up dying, over and over, in this dream. Every time the tentacles would find me, they would either pull me back into the main body of the alien, or just splatter me all over the place, wherever I had been hiding.

After respawning a couple of times, I knew I could not remain here, and that I had to get out of the city, so I began to make a bee-line toward the edge of town. I sprinted as long and as hard as my body would allow me - and I remember being able to run for what seemed like miles, without losing steam. However, these tentacles were relentless. An alien could shoot the tentacles from its "hand", and the rope-like appendages would travel to endless distances through the air, to chase their target. As before, I died quite a few more times, while trying to escape the city; simply respawning again at the beginning and continuing to run, taking another route.

There were times that I would try to steal cars, and some of them would have this "gunk" on them. Whenever I drive those cars, the "gunk" would begin to spread around the outside of the vehicle, trying to 'cocoon' the vehicle in this alien sludge. I would see this happening and have to bail out of the car, before the sludge completely encased me inside. What's more, is that some of these droplets of "gunk" would occasionally spring to life and form whole aliens - each maybe 10 feet tall and built like bipedal elephants - which would then join the chase. Running from these things kind of felt like maneuvering through the video game Prototype.

It was like I was the only person in the city, and this entire alien force was centered on me, the whole time. There were just so many of them, and I was beginning to feel hopeless. After having to repeat this scenario, over and over, upon each death, I just wasn't feeling very confident that I would ever get out of this Hell. Suddenly, thankfully, just as despair was kicking in, I realized that this all had to be a dream. I was still on the run, though, as these things just weren't letting up, and anytime they would catch me, they would just annihilate me before I could do anything about it. Still respawning after each death, I took to flying, instead of running. It took me a little while to get up to speed, in my flying, as this dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time manipulating it. I tried some telekinesis on the pursuing tentacles, but I wasn't able to affect them.

Once I got the hang of flying, though, the flight/chase sequences were absolutely sick. The easiest way I knew to keep my speed up, was to imagine myself as a missile. The thing was, though, that these tentacles were just as fast, so just because I could fly, didn't mean that I was getting out of the city an easier. I was empowered by my lucidity, though, and I was more having fun with it than frantically fleeing for my life, as I had been before. I weaved through the city at breakneck speed, an expanding trail of tentacles, following closely behind me. It was one of those zigging, zagging, dizzying, high-technicality chases that you would see in any major, sci-fi blockbuster - just screaming through the sky, with impossible agility. Sometimes I would land on the street, to gain my bearings - pivoting and then launching off in another direction, just as the tentacles whipped passed me and then arced around to follow once again. I remember being chased at just the same height of some of the tallest rooftops, and then dropping toward the ground, head first, to try to throw off the oncoming appendages.

Eventually, I was going so fast that there was a single moment, where I worried about 'what happens if I'm not able to pull up, in time?' Even though I knew that I was dreaming, I wasn't really looking forward to slamming headfirst, into the street, so I immediately changed trajectory before landing, nearly skimming the ground and then continuing to rocket down the street with the tentacles still keeping pace at every twist and turn. I also recall that the aliens could talk, and that they all spoke with the same voice - as if it were a collective consciousness - which had a tone that reminded me something of the Joker, from The Dark Knight.

I don't really remember whether or not I ever made it out of the city, even after becoming lucid. I don't think so, though

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"Ninja Girl" - 11/11/2010

"Ninja Girl"

(There is much of this dream that I do not remember.) My earliest memory is of being inside of a building, with a couple of other people. I'm getting conflicting visions of the place being either a bar or some kind of industrial compound, but I'm not sure which is correct. Maybe both? Anyway, there was an incident, which ended up with the building being overrun with armed thugs. They stormed the place, in seconds, and had completely corralled all of the hostages into a central area. Throughout the ordeal, the tension between our groups was steadily increasing, until - from out of nowhere - a gorgeous, unknown ninja girl dropped into the scenario, from above. She looked almost exactly like Kasumi, from Dead or Alive, and I don't remember every detail of the fight, but I know that she completely annihilated the entire group of thugs. Her weapon of choice: a pair of sais.

She had made her way quickly around the room, ending up at the last thug, who was directly in front of me. I can't recall if he had me in a hold, or what, but the ninja girl basically just grappled him and took him out, without missing a beat. Cutting her eyes to me, she gave a devilishly-flirtations smile and looked me up and down. She didn't stop to talk, though, and immediately jumped into the air, climbing the wall like a squirrel and flipping herself upside down to slide - feet first - up into the rafters. Perched on one of the beams, she dropped her eyes to me once again and gave another playful smile, before reaching one hand up and blowing me a kiss. She then slipped out of sight so quickly that I couldn't even see which way she went. Outside of the fact that she looked like Kasumi, I got the strong feeling that I'd met her, somewhere, but couldn't remember where.

Shortly after this point, the dream transitioned into a flashback.

I was now in the character role of the ninja girl - but a younger, seemingly teenaged version of her. I was wearing traditional Japanese garb and making my way home to a little house, which sat in the middle of a wide, open field. Apparently, I'd just gotten done training with weapons, and I was bringing mine and my father's sais back home. This part of the dream was very vivid, and I remember the sais in great detail. My father's sais were so heavy, that I had to carry them over my shoulder, and could not lift even one of them, with one hand. The steel felt so realistic, and they were wrapped in rubber grips and had family crests studded at the bottoms of the hilts. My sais were identical, but much lighter in weight.

After what had seemed to be any normal day of training, I walked into the house to find that both my mother and father had been murdered. I believe it was the sound of heavy feet, but something tipped me off that the killer was still inside the home. I put down the sais and went to pick up one pair, grabbing my dad's, by mistake. I couldn't even lift one of them off of the table. Switching to my own pair, I sneaked to the doorway of the room that the murderer was in, and I hid with my back against the wall, waiting. The footsteps got closer, and I saw the bladed end of a staff begin to emerge from the room. I was going to wait until the perfect time to strike, but the blade suddenly swung up in my direction, as if the attacker knew I was there. I took my chances and lunged, hoping to catch the man as soon as he stepped out, but he parried my sai with his staff, and knocked me off balance. Not yet an expert fighter, my movements felt awkward and insecure, and when I saw that there was another man with him, I decided it would be best to try to escape while I could.

I bolted out the back door, running toward a neighbor's house, which had to have been a good half-a-mile away. I could just see it, across the field. I think I began to approach lucidity here, because, as I was running, I started thinking about how awkward it was that I was running with a pair of sais (as this was nothing that happens often in my waking life. Lol). My train of thought was derailed, though, when I heard a dirt-bike approaching me from behind. It was the two goons, and they were closing in on me quick. There was no way that I was going to outrun them, now. Still at a full sprint, I passed a tiny tree to my right, and made a sharp turn around it, just as the motorcycle zoomed by me. Instead of completely changing direction, though, I just ran around the tree, now behind the two murderers - who had hit the brakes to see where I'd gone. The first guy didn't have a chance to get off of the bike before I stabbed him in the back and side. The other man gained some distance and then turned back to square off against me. Desperately, I threw one of the sais at him. I wasn't even sure if I thought it was going to do anything. My rushed aim was horrible, though. (Again, I was still getting that vibe that I wasn't comfortable with these sais. I learned very few sai techniques in waking life, as a kid, so they just suddenly felt alien to me, even while in character.) The sai spun like a saw blade and hit the grass, a couple of yards in front of the man, bouncing back upward and traveling toward his face. At the last moment, though, he swung his staff up and swatted the weapon away. With one sai left, I rushed in toward him. I really don't remember this exchange, but it ended up with me managing to stab him twice in the mid-section - having gotten my other sai back, during the skirmish - and holding him, painfully, up on his feet.

He coughed up blood, trying to tell me to just kill him and get it over with. I refused. I wanted him to suffer for what they had done. My fists still wrapped tightly around the handles, the long sai prongs skewering up through his insides, I walked him the rest of the way to the neighbor's house. I kept him on his feet, even when he wanted to quit, using all my remaining strength to support his weight with the steel that ran through him. There was at least one point where he said something that caused me to pull one of the sais out, and make a fresh hole through him with it. Can't remember what that was, though. Finally, we ended up reaching the front porch of the house.

At some point, my perspective changed, and I was "myself" again, back in the "present." Apparently, though, some time had passed since I was saved from the hostage situation by this ninja girl (whose childhood I had just experienced - though I had no memory of the flashback, at this point in the dream), and not only had I crossed paths with her, again, but we were now friends. The last thing I remember is that we were driving around in a car, and that he was telling me about something or another, but I can't recall what it was.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

"UFO, EMP, WTF" - 01/13/2011


I had been hanging out with a few friends. JH was there, and there were a couple of girls along with us. We'd spent most of the night just partying and getting into a lot of shit we weren't supposed to be. I remember being in a garage, sitting in the passenger seat of a car, and one of the girls from the back seat slithered up front to sit on my lap. Looking back, though, I can't say that this was a girl that I actually knew in waking life.

Later, we were supposed to be headed to a house party but, when we got there, it was completely abandoned. It was the middle of the night, and there were still a couple of cars outside, even though there was apparently nobody home. Ultimately, not caring that the place was deserted, we all just decided to hang out there, anyway, and have our own little party. So, we started just hanging out and getting hammered in the abandoned home. The whole thing seemed completely wrong, though. Everything was dark and ominous, and the house itself had a really run-down, horror movie type of feel to it, as if it was a cross between the Bates Motel (Psycho) and Springwood High School (A Nightmare on Elm Street). Even though we were trying to disregard it - and having a grand ol' time doing so - there was still this foreboding feeling that we just shouldn't be there.

After some period of time, we were all outside. The house was somewhat in the sticks, and even though there was a least one neighbor nearby, there were acres and acres of open land around us. Suddenly, in the dead of night, we heard the electronic whir of some sort of aircraft above us. We looked overhead and there was a small cluster of about three spot lights beaming down, through the clouds, and sweeping over the house and surrounding area. The machine was hovering, just too high above the mist for us to make out its shape. Still, it was easy to see that it was like nothing I'd ever witnessed. Just as suddenly, a convoy of military vehicles roared onto the scene, tearing through the grassy field beside us, and apparently chasing the flying vehicle, which had shifted off to the clearing behind the house. There was something huge going on, and we weren't even sure if we were allowed to be on this property. We figured that it would probably be best to get the Hell out of the area, before the military decided to come back, and 'interrogate' any witnesses. However, when we tried to start the cars, they were all dead. Everything electronic was dead. Initially, we figured, that thing in the sky had triggered some kind of EMP, and that we were now stranded. (Didn't realize that this didn't explain how the military was able to drive in across the field. Oh well.)

The next thing I knew, it was the following morning. I vaguely remember waking up in a friend's car. We were trying to leave again, and this time, the car actually started. The only thing left was for me to check my car...which was nowhere to be found. I exploded into panic, jumping out of the car and scoping around for mine. JH suggested that I might have parked it around back, with some of the others (and, now that I think of it, I don't even remember having my car, at the beginning of the dream, so this panic attack I was having was completely nonsensical. Haha.). I went around the side of the house, and into the back yard. There were a a few cars back there, but most of them looked run down, and mine was nowhere in sight. I'd gone back around to the front of the house and found the rest of the group in the garage. They were tending to the girl who had been with JH, and she was, apparently, very sick. She had these mysterious bruises that just showed up, all over her body, and there was suddenly blood all over the portion of the car where she was sitting, which was unmistakably hers. Everybody was freaking out, because this girl was visibly getting worse, by the moment. I was immediately reminded of the parasitic vines in the movie The Ruins, and I couldn't help but think that this girl had them crawling around beneath her skin. If she was somehow infected with these parasites, we were all in grave danger, and we had to get out of there. Like Now.

There simply wasn't enough room for all of us to drive off in the only car that we had (there seemed to be more of us there than when we arrived), so I knew we needed some other mode of transportation. I ran back around to the rear side of the house and started looking for a car that might actually start. There was a really dope-looking, customized Camaro, but it turned out to be a complete junker that simply didn't run. Another car, which seemed suitable from afar, suddenly morphed into a child's Power Wheels type of toy, as I got closer. Finally, I came across another car, which looked a lot like mine, except that it was a convertible and a different color. We somehow got it started, piled ourselves into both vehicles, and drove away to try to get some medical attention for the girl's presumably alien affliction.

That's all I remember.

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"Queen of Heartless" - 10/20/2010 (Lucid)

"Queen of Heartless" 
Dream #1

The first thing I remember was that I was flying to Paris. There was an older man with me, and I believe that he was a scientist, but I'm not exactly sure of his role in the earlier parts of the dream. We'd gotten off of whatever flying vehicle we were in (I don't believe it was a plane.) and had begun sight-seeing; making our way up to the top of a tall building and looking out over the Parisian streets. It was at this time, that I spontaneously became lucid. Instinctively, I looked at my hands, in order to ground myself into the dream, but the dream immediately unraveled, and everything went black. I kept trying to keep myself in the dream, but it would only flicker into sight, a few times, and then disappear again.

(I don't know if I woke up, briefly, or just finally slipped back into same narrative. It seemed like such a continuation of the dream, though, that I will count the following as the same one.)

I was back in Paris, no longer lucid. My friend Tony was with me, this time, in place of the old man, and we were just wandering around the city, exploring different locations. We'd found ourselves inside a house and trying to get up the stairway, to the second floor. Unexpectedly, the staircase began crumbling under our feet. Tony had made it up, first, and the stairway completely gave way, while I was making my way up. I ended up having to hang from the damaged banister and use my arms to pull myself up higher and higher - gaining a bit of assistance from Tony, upon the last couple of feet - until I was able to pull myself fully onto the second floor.

Searching these upper hallways, we came across a person lying on the ground, as if she'd simply fallen asleep there. It was a little girl, probably no more than about 12 years old. Upon getting closer to the girl, and having a few, inquisitive words with her, we realized that she had been seriously abused and was left out in the hallway, after having been beaten. Apparently, her mother was the (actual) Queen of Hearts, and her father was just some insanely powerful creature (whom I never actually got to see, in the dream, but could feel his presence as this sort of looming sense of dread over the situation). The girl looked like she had just been beaten within a few inches of her life, and we told her we were going to get her out of there. We were barely able to get a few feet down the hallway, when we were confronted by her mother, who chastised us for having the gall to try to take her daughter away from her. She began to exert her true power, and the whole building began shaking. We high-tailed it out of there, and she chased us into the streets, people everywhere, screaming and running away from the continuous and intensifying tremors she was causing.

It was about here that I regained my lucidity, and I remember stopping to confront the queen. We were standing on an elevated stone walkway, or something, spotted with high bushes on either side. During our altercation, she said something about my not knowing who I was messing with, and she waved her hand, causing some white roses to bloom upon the bushes beside us - apparently not above showing off. I told her that I wasn't the least bit impressed, because this was my dream, and I flicked my fingers at her white roses, making them turn red, as if I was finishing her work for her. This understandably pissed her off, to no end, and she attacked me with the biggest 'force' blast that she could muster. Quite confident in my control, at this point, I fired back, and we got into a sort of 'telekinetic pushing match,' until she just couldn't withstand anymore. She completely submitted, and Tony and I continued to usher the kid further away from her mother, who ended up catching up to us, one last time, just as we'd entered a tunnel-like hallway. There, she made her final stand, warning us not to take the kid anywhere. When she reared back to throw another spell our way, I used more telekinesis, mentally grabbing her by the head and slamming her into one of the nearby walls, knocking her out cold.

I decided to stay with the kid, leading her to some random room, which looked like a kid's play room, and it was around here, when I lost lucidity again. We'd found a portal, inside the room, which was known to transport the kid to some far away place, where she wouldn't be abused by her parents anymore. The last thing I remember was a great feeling of accomplishment, knowing the kid was going to get away.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

"Grodd, Almighty" - 10/12/2010 (Lucid)

"Grodd, Almighty"

(Awesome Superman Lucid, last night!)

At first, I was hanging out with a man, woman, and baby, walking through the woods. Somehow, along our journey, we ended up springing someone's trap, and an array of monsters shot up out of the leaf-covered ground and started positioning themselves for attack. The man and woman accompanying me did some sort of quick transformation and became a duo of masked, Power Ranger-like warriors - battle suits and all. Over on the side of the goons and ghouls, there was this crazy, bladed weapon that shredded through the ground, like a shark's fin through water  - and, behind it all, was a "boss." That "boss" was Gorilla Grodd; the Great Ape Super-genius villain, who's known for taking on the Justice League. He was dressed in this really shiny, metallic suit, that kind of made him look like Lord Zedd from the Power Rangers (continuing the theme).

The earth-splitting blade came upon us, and the three of us created something of a collective, defensive barrier against it with our hands and arms. A shower of sparks flew out in all directions, and we were all repelled by the force of the deflected attack...but it was deflected, which was the most important thing. After the defensive maneuver, I recognized myself to be no longer myself - but an incarnation of Superman. (I guess it was just the fact that I used nothing but my own arms, to block the weapon, which brought me to the notion that I was superhuman.)

Naturally, a massive fight ensued (which I, unfortunately, don't really remember much of). I felt actively in control of my actions, but not necessarily lucid yet - in that I simply didn't realize this was all a dream. I remember that I kept looking around, cautiously, for anyone who might sneak up on me with Kryptonite - afraid that someone would get the drop on me, and that I would be taken out of the fight - but it never happened. At one moment, I remember flying down, into the 'forest' floor, and then launching up and out of the ground, at another position on the battlefield, to try to get a better vantage point. It was around here, when the people I was fighting alongside were suddenly abducted. They had simply vanished; baby and all.

Somehow, I had tracked them out over a large body of water, which could have been the ocean. I found one of the men in the water, but I let him be, now focused on just the exhilaration of flying. I believe it was my awareness of this sensation that brought me to full lucidity, right around this time. While still over the water, I started toying with my flight speed, trying to see how much control I could get out of it. I began pushing up through the "gears," just going faster and faster, in increments, until the water and patches of ground became a blur beneath me. After some time, I came upon a fortress, now back in the woods. It was an old, castle-like building with a giant statue - of what might have been a bird or something - outside. I came to find out that this was Grodd's base, and that the woman and baby were inside.

Without wasting any time, I just burst in through one of the thick, stone walls, as if it were made of Legos, grabbed the mother and her baby, and zoomed back out of the building. Outside, Grodd was already there to meet us - still wearing his shiny, new suit. I motioned for the woman to get her kid and stand back and then rushed Grodd with everything I had. He was absolutely no match for me, this time. I stayed on the offensive and pretty much just pummeled him with my fists until he was unable to put up a fight.

After he was defeated, there was a loud rumbling, coming from within the building. I couldn't tell what was happening, but I knew something big was about to occur. I picked up the woman and child and flew up to the roof of the fortress, setting them safely on top. After descending back down to the front of the building, I saw the entire front wall facade fall away. Behind the rubble that crashed to the ground, I was staring down the barrel of an almost ridiculously large tank cannon, which I could have easily walked straight into, standing upright. The whirring sound, that I began to hear growing in intensity, told me that I was only seconds from being fired upon, so I flew straight up into the air, just as the cannon exploded beneath me. A single shot blasted right below my feet, and I immediately retaliated, flying back down toward the tank and swinging haymakers at it. The steel folded under my fists like tin foil, and I completely demolished the weapon, landing on its roof and ripping open the hatch.

I reached in and grabbed the operator by his collar, pulling him up to me and telling him that I would "throw him into f*cking space," if he ever tried something like that again. Even behind his goggles, I could see the fear in his face. He just shook and stammered, looking like he'd just soiled himself. Lol. I actually let him go, and he scurried off.

I then met back up with the woman and her baby, and we began to walk back to where we'd originally been. The man she had been with, earlier, was suddenly with us again, though I don't remember him having been around, during the battle. I knew, at this point, that I would be waking up, sometime soon, so I began trying to recall the events of the dream, from as early as I could. While I was going over them in my mind, some large creature flew into the forest and confronted us. It was kind like a bird, but breathed fire. I don't remember if it had feathers or leathery skin, but I know it was more bird than dragon. I was so focused on remembering the past events, that the dream began unraveling (I would guess that's because I was taking so much of my attention off of it?).

The bird/dragon/thing craned its head toward me, still flapping its enormous wings, to keep itself hovering in one spot. I knew I didn't want to get drawn into another scenario, because I might lose so much of what I'd retained, so just as the bird lurched forward and spit a wide plume of fire toward me, I completely let go of the dream and forcibly myself up.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

"The Governmatrix" - 10/20/2009

"The Governmatrix"
Dream #1

I was touring the White House with my family, being ushered around, from room to room, and just taking it all in. In one particular room, we passed a large display case with a bunch of beautiful little trinkets on the shelves. I'd hung to the back of the group and, when no one was looking, I had the bright idea to swipe a glass (or crystal?) egg off its base, and shove it into my pocket. (Totally outside of my waking life character, by the way!) We continued walking, and we passed what was actually a guitar shop....inside the White House. (Random!) There was a really cool, hippie-esque guy that ran the shop and made the guitars. He had one, custom guitar that was made out of some of those little foot-measurement racks you find in shoe stores.

Time passed, and my daughter was soon asleep with the rest of the kids from the tour. Pretty much all of the adults had gone to bed, in the other guest rooms. I was out, though, roaming the halls alone, and I eventually ran into Trinity, from The Matrix. Apparently, we were supposed to rendezvous and steal something from the vault - which turned out having been my main reason for attending the tour, in the first place. I followed Trinity through the halls and to the vault, and we sneaked our way inside, going through the lock boxes and looking for something or other. I'm not sure if we ever got what we were looking for, but we soon got word that agents were coming, and that we didn't have the time needed to escape.

Immediately, we did the first thing that came to mind: we played dead. (Lol.)

Trinity dropped to the floor, and I slumped against the wall behind me, just as the vault door swung open and two agents walked in. As of this point, we were just playing it by ear, hoping we could confuse the agents just long enough to get in the position to strike. They stepped around us, inquisitively, looming ever closer. Even though I was playing dead, my eyes were open behind the dark cover of the sunglasses I was now wearing, which matched Trinity's. One agent leaned in to check me, and the other stepped over to check Trinity. With no time left at our disposal, we sprang simultaneously, grabbing the agents' arms and doing a few quick locks and strikes, forcefully disarming the agents before they could react, and then sprinting out of the vault as fast as we could - knowing that staying to fight would be a lost cause.

Running through the White House halls, we decided to split up. Already on the second floor, I took a course that lined the banister over-looking the main lobby. There was an agent right on my heels, and he'd just begun to open fire. Trying to escape his sights, I did a running swan-dive over the balcony at such an angle that I was able to reach out with one hand, grab the outside of the second floor railing, and swing down to the lower level. Before I hit the ground, my momentum carried me across the first floor hall, in a downward swing, so that when I let go I was catapulted toward the wall, feet first. Planting my feet vertically, I jumped off of the wall, did a half twist, and then landed on the ground floor in a tuck-and-roll - standing back up, without missing a beat, and continuing to run.

Later, after I'd given the agent the slip, I came to find out that the cool, hippy guitar shop owner was actually into human trafficking, and he had stolen the tourists' children. He had a cage in his shop, and had them all looked up within - my daughter included. I made my way back to his shop and kicked the shit out of him. That was the last thing I remember.

Cross over to my main site!!

"Fire-breathing Fire" - 07/10/2020 (Lucid)

"Fire-breathing Fire"

From my earliest memory of this dream, I was lucid. I was on some crazy, roller-coaster type of track, with my daughter. The coaster had no cars, and we were actually running on the tracks and around the areas that the tracks had connected to one another. Surrounding the pillars of mountains and concrete structures, stretched an endless, blue ocean, and the tracks we were running on were apparently suspended over the water by nothing. We ran on these thin rails with breakneck, video game-like speed, zipping around corners and up hills. I held her hand, and she followed close behind me. Sometimes we would jump off the tracks, without breaking stride, and run around, exploring the hills and buildings, before jumping back onto the tracks and continuing on our way. At different intervals, our tracks would sometimes come to a break, and we'd have to jump onto parallel tracks, to avoid falling into the infinite ocean below us. (It all felt very Sonic the Hedgehog-ish). She was in awe of the whole thing and wondered how we were able to do this. I told her that we were lucid dreaming, but didn't go into her being a DC. I don't believe it really crossed my mind, to any significant degree.

My recall skips ahead, and I'm was back at my old home, in Canterbury, and still lucid. I walked into the room which used to be my parents', and my dad was in there. I told him to check me out, and I started levitating in front of him. He just watched for a moment, and I bounced slowly around the room, from walls to ceiling and floor, as if I was filled with helium - lightly pushing my hands off the ceiling to make myself float down, the other way. He asked how I was doing it, and I explained the whole lucid thing to him, even going so far as to tell him about how he wasn't real and was just a DC - which I hadn't done with my daughter. He was just astonished, and he started rubbing his hands all over everything in the room - from the bed to the dresser and back again. When he sat down on the bed, I focused my mind on it and levitated it slowly to the ceiling. The bed actually touched flat against the ceiling, and when I lowered it, my dad was nowhere to be found. I tried to turn around and summon him, but he just wouldn't show up. Then, I remembered what had happened, during one of the last times I was standing in this room, while lucid. (I had accidentally summoned my old friend, MW, after I had spent the whole dream trying to get rid of him.) So, seeing if I could kick-start my summoning ability by doing something familiar, I tried to summon MW again, by expecting him to just walk around the corner and into the room. No dice. Frustrated, I turned back to look at the room - trying of thinking of something else to do - and, lo and behold, MW was already sitting on the bed, looking at me with this stupid grin as if to say; "You rang?"

Even more frustrated at his comically-sarcastic entrance, I just smirked at him and turned back around, leading him out of the room. We walked out of the house, through the carport door - by this time, having abandoned my intention to summon my dad again - and there was a bunch of other people playing in the street. The first thing that caught my eye was the moon, being that it was the only thing in the night sky. I focused on the moon and moved it just slightly, testing my control over it. I, then, concentrated and attempted to turn it into a replica of the Earth. I don't remember what the actual morph looked like, but it was soon a spitting image of our planet, so far as I could tell. Finally, I yanked on the orb, telekinetically, and pulled it out of the sky. The planet - scaled to about the size of a mini-van, and still glowing as if it were lit by the sun, from within - thudded heavily onto the street and rolled about, between the group of onlookers. They all started playing with it, as if it were a giant medicine ball.

I had left the group, and was soon sitting in my truck, in front of my house. Someone, parked nearby, was having car trouble. I believe it was MW again. He asked me if I had AAA and, as soon as the question left his lips, a tow-truck came pulling up behind us. We got out of our vehicles and began to go over to talk to the toe truck driver, when something caught my eye. I looked over toward the dark backdrop of the bayou behind my old house, and there was a snake-like flame, about the size of a man, dancing toward us from under a tall tree. As it got closer, I could see that it was a dragon. A dragon made of fire. It had a snake-like body, which stood up like a cobra - nearly as tall as I was - and it was a mean sum'bitch. It was undeniably badass, though; made out of a smokeless fire that blazed all around what looked to be a reflective, multi-colored body, beneath. It kept spitting flames at all of us, and I stepped in the way, standing in one of the flames. I didn't create a shield, as I'd done in my first lucid dragon encounter, but I just stood there and let it breathe fire all over me. To my surprise, it was actually pretty hot, but nothing too intense. Finally, in the middle of its assault, I held up my hands in front of me and took control of the dragon's body, with my mind. Waving my arms a little, to guide the mental movements, I literally tied the dragon's long, serpentine body into a knot with telekinesis, as if he were some big, flaming balloon animal. I then flicked my head in one direction and threw the dragon off to one side, discarding it.

Looking around, for something else to do, I tried to make some mushroom clouds erupt up and out of the midnight horizon. Some smaller explosions blasted through the nearby neighborhood, but nothing on the scale of what I was trying to accomplish. Along the ditch nearby, I could see some kids playing in the field. It had looked as if they were playing, at least. Then, I saw that they were, actually, running from the police. A squad car had driven up onto the grass and was chasing the kids through the field, heading in my direction. Having nothing more pressing to do with my lucidity, I sat and watched, waiting to see what would happen next. Out of nowhere, now about 50 yards away, the kids all drew pistols and opened fire into the squad car. The cops didn't even have a chance to react. Riddled with bullets, the squad car kept approaching me, sirens blaring, and cut a sharp turn into the soil. This caused the car to flip over once, passing me and coming to rest on it's rooftop, a couple of feet to my left. I couldn't even see the actual cops inside the wreckage. All I saw was a huge splatter of blood on the windshield, foretelling their fate. (I had been playing GTA, before bed, and that's what the whole ordeal felt like.)

I knew that I would be waking up soon, so I started going over the events of the dream in my mind, recalling as much as I could, before making that transition from dreaming to waking life. Something else began to happen, in the field, but I decided to pay no attention to it and jump out of the dream, while the events, so far, were still fresh in my mind.