Here is where I will display my favorite dream journal entries. Having been lucid dreaming since I was a kid, I've developed a great interest in dreams (as well as consciousness and the mind in general) and quite a bit of skill in dream control. Figured I would share some experiences. FYI: By reading my dream journal, you forfeit the right to use anything, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...Ever! Lol. (After all, they are just dreams.) Enjoy, and comment!
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
"Rally-Crossed" - 10/25/2020
This parking lot seemed to stretch on, forever, and was part of a massive strip mall, in an exaggerated version of my old hometown of Lake Mary, FL. Trying not to lead our chase out of the relative-safety of a populated area. We looked for a police officer on the strip mall grounds. The first one we approached - after we told him that we were being followed by men who just tried to kill us - said that he was simply a security guard and that handling such a dire situation was "not his job." Nearby, we found an actual, female police officer, and tried to tell her what was happening. She didn't seem all that interested, but before we could try to convince her that we were in danger, the caravan of trucks came barreling around a storefront corner, speeding toward us and the apathetic cop.
Not wanting to stick around and find out what they were going to do, once they caught us, the three of us immediately dove back into the truck. This time - having no time to get back to our original seating - I found myself in the rear passenger seat; my girlfriend retained her front passenger spot; and our mutual guyfriend jumped in behind the wheel. We didn't even have a chance to drive away, this time, as the lead truck pulled up along our passenger side. Immediately, the truck's passenger, and at least one person standing on the bed, pulled out rifles and opened fire on us. I ducked down in the back seat, and drew my pistol. Nonsensically, I was able to return fire while pressing myself back against the seat, even though such a hail of gunfire - from that range - would have completely shredded our entire vehicle, were this waking life. From behind the seat, I could see my girlfriend up front, ducked down as I was, and firing back at them with a fully-automatic pistol. I remember becoming distracted, for a moment, and wondering where the hell she got that thing. (I later came to remember that we had been playing "Rogue Company" together, over the weekend, and that I was suprised to see, at one point, that the character she chose had a machine pistol in her loadout.)
This bombastic, unrealistically close-range firefight went on for a few short seconds, before I felt a dull thump on the side of my head, knowing that I had been grazed. Over the sound of the gunfire, I was able to yell at our driver's seat friend to get us the hell out of there. He finally hit the gas, and we lurched away from our attackers, speeding and skidding through the parking lot and trying to lose them. This eventually brought us off-road (in an area that was previously undeveloped, when I used to live in the city), and had just barely given them the slip, when our friend slumped over the wheel and began caughing and wheezing. Obviously, he had been hit with gunfire (which would have been strange, since he was the one furthest away from the shooters). Before we could really check on him, I saw the terroristic caravan of jeeps and trucks rushing through thet dirt, toward us, from behind. I jumped in the front seat (though I can't remember if I moved the driver out of the way, or if he just "disappeared") and slammed on the gas. The chase continued, back onto the street and through the small city, as night fell, and the last thing I can remember was trying to lead the chase directly toward the Sherriff's office, nearby.
Memorable Situations,
waking life reference
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
"Big Bad Hellhound" - 10/04/2020 (Lucid)
"Big Bad Hellhound"
(This dream was obviously brought on by a mish-mash of games that my girlfriend and I had been playing, this weekend, as well as the movie "Shazam," which we'd watched last night.)
I was with my girlfriend, and a few other people, hanging out in someone's home. "A Nightmare on Elm Street" was coming on TV, and my girlfriend said that she had always wanted to see what it was all about, and that she was interested in watching it. Immediately, this struck me as weird, because she is certainly not the "horror movie type," in general. I tried to warn her against it, saying that the movie contained some pretty insanely-disturbing imagery, and that she may not know what she's quite getting herself into. She didn't care and insisted on watching it, so we just let the movie play. The only thing I remember were a couple of brief scenes (that are not actually in the movie). One, where someone - likely Freddy, in disguise - was gorily ripping an entire electric guitar out of someone's body, tearing it out through their chest cavity, and another, where a man, possessed by another entity which had manifested itself as a second head on his neck, was forcefully trying to push the head back down into the skin of his collar. (This was reminiscent of some of the Seven Deadly Sins manifestations, in "Shazam.") Before long, my girlfriend was saying that she had enough, and didn't want to watch anymore.
There was a shift in narrative, here, where the entire scenario became some sort of horror-movie, itself. I was trapped in the house (not sure where my girl and the others had gone), and I was trying to escape some sort of killer stalking around, inside. For some reason (that I can't recall), I couldn't go out the front door, as it was like I wasn't "allowed" to be in the home, or something, and couldn't alert the homeowners that I was there. Anyway, I ended up escaping through a back window, and out into the neighborhood, at night. There was an oversized pick-up truck, basically doing donuts in the street, and a young woman came running up the sidewalk, telling me - as she passed - that she had to sneak back into the house I'd just left, because she'd left some sort of item there. It all felt very much like an MMO game kind of encounter, where players are all just off doing their own thing, and often crossing paths, along the way. Then, when I started thinking about where I was going to go, next, a full-on map HUD display popped up in my field of view, as if I was playing a game. (Specifically, it looked like the map from "Dying Light," which my girl and I had played.) I could see that I was on an island, with no way out, and my mind apparently rationalized that I had completed my objective - escaping the house - and that I had to kind of "exit" the whole setting, as if returning to the lobby, after a game.
Suddenly, I was attacked on the street, by some lumbering person. (I want to say that it was a zombie, but I can't be sure.) While trying to fight off the attack, I could see something like one of the "QuickTime" animation buttons showing up in my field of view, as if I had to repeatedly press a button, in order to escape the attacker's clutches. The more I panicked, the faster this gauge was moving, and I could see little flashes of light forming in my field of view. At this very moment, I knew that my way of "escape" was to "wake up," and that the little flashes of light were my eyes trying to open up into the real world. However, though this was "lucid dreaming" logic, I don't feel that I ever got fully 'lucid,' at all and I was just going through the motions of trying to wake myself up.
Immediately, the entire scenario shifted, again, and this time, I was watching some unknown character wake up, on a television screen. He jolted up out of bed, as if awakening from a nightmare. I was now in a different house, along with some of my closest waking life friends, and we were huddled around the TV, watching whatever movie this was. Sooner or later, we had left the house and were walking around, outside. Again, it was night out, and it was eerily foggy. Judging by the architecture of the streets around us, everything had a sort of an Old Germany / Western Europe feel to it. (We had also been playing "Zombie Army Trilogy.") We'd discovered a pack of "demon-dogs" that were roaming the streets, and we had to sneak, stealthily, around them, to avoid getting spotted. However, when turning onto another, misty back alley, we'd seen a group of the dogs at the far end, and they saw us, as well. What was worse, though, was when we watched what looked like a group of tall trees shift into focus, through the mist, behind the dogs. Though I couldn't see the tops of the "trees," through the fog, I quickly became aware that these weren't trees, at all. They were *legs*. Specifically, they were the legs of another, enormous, demon dog. This one, though, was well over 50-feet tall - like a giant Hell Hound of a gritty anime, brought to life.
The beast belted out a wall-shaking roar and thundered into a sprint toward us. Naturally, we turned and ran the other way, fully aware that we were not going to be able to outrun this thing. Finally, coming to the end of the road - in the form of a high bridge or overpass, we instinctively dove over the railing, turning back while in the air, just in time to see the massive jaws of the gigantic beast snapping shut just, a few feet over our heads. Inevitably, though, we continued to fall away, off of the elevated road, and down toward what would have been a certain death.
But - just like that - I was back with my friends, again, roaming the streets of this foggy, old-world environment, slipping around in the dark, to hide from the demon dogs. Then, just as before, we saw the towering legs of the "alpha," stepping out of the fog. It sprinted at us, once again, but before turning to run, I remembered that this had happened before. Still, instinctively, I ran, bolting down the street, with my friends, away from the towering hound behind us. Glancing at the builds that flanked us, I remembered a conversation my girlfriend and I had been having (the night before), about wall-running in a video game.
Suspecting, now, that I was merely in a dream, I shifted my sprint to the right and took a few, diagonal steps up the wall beside me, twisting into an acrobatic flip and - somehow - dodging the enormous dog that had been chasing us. Afterward the dog was either destroyed by us, or simply disappeared, altogether (though I can't remember which).
Suspecting, now, that I was merely in a dream, I shifted my sprint to the right and took a few, diagonal steps up the wall beside me, twisting into an acrobatic flip and - somehow - dodging the enormous dog that had been chasing us. Afterward the dog was either destroyed by us, or simply disappeared, altogether (though I can't remember which).
Shortly after ridding ourselves of the beast, my friends and I were talking about what had happened. I don't recall much of the dialogue, but I specifically telling them about my having to wake up, so that I could remember everything that went on, in the dream. The last thing I remember of the scenario was one of my friends telling a hilarious joke that had everyone cracking up, just as I was purposefully pulling myself out of the dream and waking myself up.
(I'm not sure, but I believe this one might have resulted in an actual false awakening, because I remember waking up with my laughter actually carrying over from the dream, and into waking life. My girlfriend was lying beside me, as usual, but I didn't get out of bed. I just relaxed, as if to drift back off to sleep. Then, moments later, I was waking up, again. I still don't know if the laughing bit was real or another dream, though, so I'm not counting it as a false awakening in this journal entry.)
Creature Attack,
Memorable Creatures,
Movie Reference,
Remembering the Dream,
Scene Changes,
Video Game Reference,
waking life reference,
Waking Myself,
Wall Running
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Last Night's Dream, In One Sentence - 9/24/2020
Memorable Villains,
Movie Reference,
One Sentence,
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
"Suele" - 09/09/2007
Dream #2
When I "woke up," the next day, Jamie told me she had spiked my drink with some hallucinogen called "Suele" (It was supposed to be something in Spanish, but I don't think it's an actual word). Apparently, she did it because she knew that, sometime during the night, I would make a pass at her, and she used that to keep me sedated, so that I wouldn't hit on her. (LOL.)
Anyway, later that day, we were supposed to take some sort of company trip, and Lila was there (Jamie's equally-attractive friend, that I'd actually had a crush on). She had just gotten back from Puerto Rico and had these two, studly Latin guys helping her with her things. The last instance I remember, of Lila being in the dream, was that she was getting on the same plane that Jamie, myself and one of my male co-workers (can't remember who it was) were getting on.
The dream skipped ahead, and we had already landed. It was night time, and we were in a car, driving along some empty highway. The guy I worked with was driving, and Jamie was in the passenger seat. Lila was nowhere to be found, but I was, somehow, stuck in the backseat, along with the two guys that had been carrying her things. Trying to make conversation, I asked one of them if I could see the guitar that it looked a though he was holding in his hands. They both glanced at each other and started laughing. I was wondering what they were laughing about and the one with the "guitar" said "Here, man. Here's my 'guitar'," laughing even harder. Incredibly, what he handed me had turned out to be just a hat. It seemed that I had mistaken the bottom of his hat as the hollow of an acoustic guitar that he didn't, actually, have. They both had a good laugh about it, and I was embarassed as shit.
Later, one of the guys had disappeared, and I was still sitting in the back, with the one that had the hat. He picked up a jar of something, from the floor, and was like "What's this?" Jamie turned around in her seat and said: "That's Suele." The guy was like "Oh yeah? What's it taste like?" and he started to take a swig of it. I said "Whoa! Hold on, man. You don't want to drink that shit!" He told me to shut up - or something along those lines - and started gulping it down as if he had something to prove. Knowing, now, what this stuff was, I was like "No, SERIOUSLY, you don't want to do that!!" and I tried to grab the jar out of his hands, spilling a lot of it all over my own, while he tried to wrestle it back. He snatched it from me and, continuing to try and show off, downed most of the entire jar-full. Passively, after having turned back around in her seat, to face the front, Jamie called back to me, saying "Don't get any of that stuff on you. It'll absorb through your skin, and you'll feel the effects too." Immediately, I thought "....oh shit," because I had already gotten it all over me.
Moments later, the guy next to me started bugging out. I mean REALLY bugging out. He started screaming and ranting about how he was seeing all kinds of insane visions. Everyone in the car started getting scared at just how frantic he was becoming, and things were getting really chaotic. Suddenly, the guy froze up and stared out the front windshield. He started pushing himself back in his seat and shouting something like "It's coming!! Do you see it?! IT'S COMING!!! That Demon is coming right at us!!!" Jamie and my other co-worker were like "There's nothing out there. We don't see anything."
...but I could see it.
It was hazy and translucent, from my perspective, and I figured that this was because I only had a small amount of the Suele in my system, but there was definitely a creepy-looking demon thing that had jumped onto the hood of our car. It crawled around the passenger side, passed Jamie's window and toward the back seat, closer to the guy I was sitting next to. I saw the guy start flailing like crazy, trying to fight this thing off as it tried to crawl in his window. We were both screaming and yelling as if it was actually happening, even though, in my mind, I knew - logically - that it was nothing but a hallucination, because I could see right through it. Finally, the guy beside me grabbed a hold of the demon, by the neck, and slung it away from the car, dropping it off of an embankment that we'd been driving next to. I spent the next few minutes trying to calm this guy down, but he was going absolutely psychotic over what had happened. At one of the times, when I looked back at him, he - and his whole section of the car - was covered in blood. His blood - as though the fight with the demon had left him gashed and bleeding. He was still wide-eyed and twitching with terror, freaking out like there was an axe-wielding murderer after him.
He suddenly looked past me, out of the window on my side, and said something like "Oh, God!!" I turned my head, shocked to see a UFO flying parallel to us. It was tilting back and forth, as it flew, and obviously keeping a watchful eye on us. After a short while, it accelerated and shot forward, ahead of us. I could see it land on the side of the road, as we were coming closer. Of course, the driver and Jamie still couldn't see what we were seeing, but I kept telling the driver "Don't Stop! Don't Stop!"
Apparently, though, he was coming up to a place where we had to stop (which was strange, now that I think about it, because we were way out in the desert, or whatever). The car began slowing down, and I could see a figure standing on the side of the road. It was the alien. It was just standing there, waiting for us to pull up alongside it. As if the driver could see the alien and was picking him up as a passenger, the car slowed to a stop, right in front of the creature (which was a green, almost "Mars Attacks-looking" alien, without the massive head). I knew, deep down, that this was just a hallucination but, as we stopped, I saw the alien slowly lift his hand toward me, holding some sort of gun. Instinctively, I rolled down my window and grabbed the barrel of the alien's gun, snatching it out of his hand, with the strangest feeling of unthreatened agitation (which was actually kinda funny. It's like I didn't give a damn about the alien and was just like "Ugh. Damnit. GIVE ME THAT!" Haha).
The car started rolling again and I turned to see the alien getting back into his UFO and flying off in the opposite direction.
That's all I recall.
I was sitting in my backyard with Jamie (an attractive ex co-worker). We were just hanging around, drinking and talking, while I played my acoustic guitar. Sooner or later, I'd started getting kinda flirty with her and, before long, I began to get really disoriented, and starting to black out.
When I "woke up," the next day, Jamie told me she had spiked my drink with some hallucinogen called "Suele" (It was supposed to be something in Spanish, but I don't think it's an actual word). Apparently, she did it because she knew that, sometime during the night, I would make a pass at her, and she used that to keep me sedated, so that I wouldn't hit on her. (LOL.)
Anyway, later that day, we were supposed to take some sort of company trip, and Lila was there (Jamie's equally-attractive friend, that I'd actually had a crush on). She had just gotten back from Puerto Rico and had these two, studly Latin guys helping her with her things. The last instance I remember, of Lila being in the dream, was that she was getting on the same plane that Jamie, myself and one of my male co-workers (can't remember who it was) were getting on.
The dream skipped ahead, and we had already landed. It was night time, and we were in a car, driving along some empty highway. The guy I worked with was driving, and Jamie was in the passenger seat. Lila was nowhere to be found, but I was, somehow, stuck in the backseat, along with the two guys that had been carrying her things. Trying to make conversation, I asked one of them if I could see the guitar that it looked a though he was holding in his hands. They both glanced at each other and started laughing. I was wondering what they were laughing about and the one with the "guitar" said "Here, man. Here's my 'guitar'," laughing even harder. Incredibly, what he handed me had turned out to be just a hat. It seemed that I had mistaken the bottom of his hat as the hollow of an acoustic guitar that he didn't, actually, have. They both had a good laugh about it, and I was embarassed as shit.
Later, one of the guys had disappeared, and I was still sitting in the back, with the one that had the hat. He picked up a jar of something, from the floor, and was like "What's this?" Jamie turned around in her seat and said: "That's Suele." The guy was like "Oh yeah? What's it taste like?" and he started to take a swig of it. I said "Whoa! Hold on, man. You don't want to drink that shit!" He told me to shut up - or something along those lines - and started gulping it down as if he had something to prove. Knowing, now, what this stuff was, I was like "No, SERIOUSLY, you don't want to do that!!" and I tried to grab the jar out of his hands, spilling a lot of it all over my own, while he tried to wrestle it back. He snatched it from me and, continuing to try and show off, downed most of the entire jar-full. Passively, after having turned back around in her seat, to face the front, Jamie called back to me, saying "Don't get any of that stuff on you. It'll absorb through your skin, and you'll feel the effects too." Immediately, I thought "....oh shit," because I had already gotten it all over me.
Moments later, the guy next to me started bugging out. I mean REALLY bugging out. He started screaming and ranting about how he was seeing all kinds of insane visions. Everyone in the car started getting scared at just how frantic he was becoming, and things were getting really chaotic. Suddenly, the guy froze up and stared out the front windshield. He started pushing himself back in his seat and shouting something like "It's coming!! Do you see it?! IT'S COMING!!! That Demon is coming right at us!!!" Jamie and my other co-worker were like "There's nothing out there. We don't see anything."
...but I could see it.
It was hazy and translucent, from my perspective, and I figured that this was because I only had a small amount of the Suele in my system, but there was definitely a creepy-looking demon thing that had jumped onto the hood of our car. It crawled around the passenger side, passed Jamie's window and toward the back seat, closer to the guy I was sitting next to. I saw the guy start flailing like crazy, trying to fight this thing off as it tried to crawl in his window. We were both screaming and yelling as if it was actually happening, even though, in my mind, I knew - logically - that it was nothing but a hallucination, because I could see right through it. Finally, the guy beside me grabbed a hold of the demon, by the neck, and slung it away from the car, dropping it off of an embankment that we'd been driving next to. I spent the next few minutes trying to calm this guy down, but he was going absolutely psychotic over what had happened. At one of the times, when I looked back at him, he - and his whole section of the car - was covered in blood. His blood - as though the fight with the demon had left him gashed and bleeding. He was still wide-eyed and twitching with terror, freaking out like there was an axe-wielding murderer after him.
He suddenly looked past me, out of the window on my side, and said something like "Oh, God!!" I turned my head, shocked to see a UFO flying parallel to us. It was tilting back and forth, as it flew, and obviously keeping a watchful eye on us. After a short while, it accelerated and shot forward, ahead of us. I could see it land on the side of the road, as we were coming closer. Of course, the driver and Jamie still couldn't see what we were seeing, but I kept telling the driver "Don't Stop! Don't Stop!"
Apparently, though, he was coming up to a place where we had to stop (which was strange, now that I think about it, because we were way out in the desert, or whatever). The car began slowing down, and I could see a figure standing on the side of the road. It was the alien. It was just standing there, waiting for us to pull up alongside it. As if the driver could see the alien and was picking him up as a passenger, the car slowed to a stop, right in front of the creature (which was a green, almost "Mars Attacks-looking" alien, without the massive head). I knew, deep down, that this was just a hallucination but, as we stopped, I saw the alien slowly lift his hand toward me, holding some sort of gun. Instinctively, I rolled down my window and grabbed the barrel of the alien's gun, snatching it out of his hand, with the strangest feeling of unthreatened agitation (which was actually kinda funny. It's like I didn't give a damn about the alien and was just like "Ugh. Damnit. GIVE ME THAT!" Haha).
The car started rolling again and I turned to see the alien getting back into his UFO and flying off in the opposite direction.
That's all I recall.
Creature Attack,
Memorable Story
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
"The Witch from Spirited Away" - 9/11/2007
"The Witch from Spirited Away"
(I had gone to sleep with the movie "Spirited Away" looping on my PC.)
I dreamt I was in some castle, and I had my daughter with me. There was an old witch that owned the castle, who was exactly like Ubaba (or however you spell it), the old witch that ran the bathhouse in the movie, except that she didn't have exaggerated features like the anime character, and looked much more realistic. I was sitting on the floor with my daughter (who was seven, at the time of this dream), playing with some toys, when (if I remember correctly) one of the toys, somehow, ended up outside.
I walked out of a heavy, glass door and into the courtyard, where the old witch's HUGE dog was sleeping - and by "HUGE," I mean: "twice the size of an elephant" HUGE. I had to creep around the yard to get the toy, in order try to not wake up the dog. Eventually, I made it back inside but, later, was forced to go back out into the courtyard (though I can't remember why).
This time, the dog woke up. He started chasing after me, growling and barking and, basically, trying to eat me. The pursuit ran us through the house, crashing into everything in sight and making a huge mess of things. Finally, I came to a dead end, where there was a big cargo/trap door in the floor. I stopped and dove to one side, evasively, and the dog tried to stop, but his momentum carried him passed me, making him slide into the corner and right over the trap door. I don't remember whether or not a pulled a lever, or it just happened, but the trap door opened and the dog fell into it. On it's way down, it reached out with one "hand" and grabbed me by the leg, pulling me into the hole, but I caught the edge and was hanging onto the ledge, for dear life (like Gandalf vs. Balrog, in Lord of the Rings).
I looked below me and saw this massive chamber. The dog had fallen down to the lowest level. (The chamber was very dim, and I could barely see the bottom, from this height.) I ended up losing my grip and slipping off, falling a few feet and landing on another, lower ledge. There was a huge cylinder in the center of the room, that stretched from the floor to the ceiling, and it had these little platforms that I could use to get to different levels of the chamber (much like a video game). So, I started making my way lower and lower. At some point, I remember the dog actually helping me complete this, by letting me jump onto its back to get across a jump I couldn't make by myself, but I don't recall much of that part.
Now, at the bottom of this chamber, there were suddenly another two or so other people with me. Can't remember who they were. We were looking for a way out of this chamber, and there was a big locker in one corner. Beside the locker, there was a barrel full of swords. I figured they would be helpful, since none of use knew what was down here, in this chamber, and we might have to fight our way out. Looking over the locker, I saw that there was a little padlock on it. I broke it open, with something, and opened the locker, which was full of guns. FULL of guns - with ammo hanging in belts and loose magazines, all over the place. I picked up a little black handgun, like a Glock, and was just about to reach for a magazine, when this massive door swung open, upon the wall next to me. The old witch came storming in, weilding a gun - just like mine - in her hand. Even though I didn't have time to load my gun, I bluffed by swinging it up in her direction, so we were both pointing guns at each other. Ironically, she laughed, and pulled her trigger about three or four times. Nothing happened, but a series of clicks. She said something sarcastic, like: "Snooping around in things that don't belong to you, I see? You're just so clever, aren't you? These guns have all been decommissioned. None of them work." She didn't seem to notice my having not put the magazine in, but she implied that it wouldn't have made any difference.
Then, behind her, a giant walked in - a good 40 feet tall - and he was obviously really pissed off. She introduced him as her son. (The witch in the anime had a giant for a son, but they only show him as a baby. He still a few feet taller than she was. In this dream, though, he was a full grown man.) The giant stepped toward me, mad that I had been going through his mom's chamber. He said something like "Some niggaz have no respect," with a bit of a hip-hop accent. The witch gave him the order to crush me and so he lifted one, over-sized foot, and stomped down toward me. I dove out of the way and ran to the barrel with the swords, yanking one of them up and noticing, just then, that they were all fake. Some of them were made of foam, and some were just flat pieces of sheet metal with no sharp edges. I knew I was in deep shit.
Hanging on to one of these dull, metal "swords," I had to dodge and dive away from this giant's leg, as he continuously tried to stomp on me. I remember, at one point, swinging the metal around at him like a bat and swatting him on the leg with it. It obviously hurt like hell, because he yelped and stumbled backward.
I don't remember anything after that, though
I walked out of a heavy, glass door and into the courtyard, where the old witch's HUGE dog was sleeping - and by "HUGE," I mean: "twice the size of an elephant" HUGE. I had to creep around the yard to get the toy, in order try to not wake up the dog. Eventually, I made it back inside but, later, was forced to go back out into the courtyard (though I can't remember why).
This time, the dog woke up. He started chasing after me, growling and barking and, basically, trying to eat me. The pursuit ran us through the house, crashing into everything in sight and making a huge mess of things. Finally, I came to a dead end, where there was a big cargo/trap door in the floor. I stopped and dove to one side, evasively, and the dog tried to stop, but his momentum carried him passed me, making him slide into the corner and right over the trap door. I don't remember whether or not a pulled a lever, or it just happened, but the trap door opened and the dog fell into it. On it's way down, it reached out with one "hand" and grabbed me by the leg, pulling me into the hole, but I caught the edge and was hanging onto the ledge, for dear life (like Gandalf vs. Balrog, in Lord of the Rings).
I looked below me and saw this massive chamber. The dog had fallen down to the lowest level. (The chamber was very dim, and I could barely see the bottom, from this height.) I ended up losing my grip and slipping off, falling a few feet and landing on another, lower ledge. There was a huge cylinder in the center of the room, that stretched from the floor to the ceiling, and it had these little platforms that I could use to get to different levels of the chamber (much like a video game). So, I started making my way lower and lower. At some point, I remember the dog actually helping me complete this, by letting me jump onto its back to get across a jump I couldn't make by myself, but I don't recall much of that part.
Now, at the bottom of this chamber, there were suddenly another two or so other people with me. Can't remember who they were. We were looking for a way out of this chamber, and there was a big locker in one corner. Beside the locker, there was a barrel full of swords. I figured they would be helpful, since none of use knew what was down here, in this chamber, and we might have to fight our way out. Looking over the locker, I saw that there was a little padlock on it. I broke it open, with something, and opened the locker, which was full of guns. FULL of guns - with ammo hanging in belts and loose magazines, all over the place. I picked up a little black handgun, like a Glock, and was just about to reach for a magazine, when this massive door swung open, upon the wall next to me. The old witch came storming in, weilding a gun - just like mine - in her hand. Even though I didn't have time to load my gun, I bluffed by swinging it up in her direction, so we were both pointing guns at each other. Ironically, she laughed, and pulled her trigger about three or four times. Nothing happened, but a series of clicks. She said something sarcastic, like: "Snooping around in things that don't belong to you, I see? You're just so clever, aren't you? These guns have all been decommissioned. None of them work." She didn't seem to notice my having not put the magazine in, but she implied that it wouldn't have made any difference.
Then, behind her, a giant walked in - a good 40 feet tall - and he was obviously really pissed off. She introduced him as her son. (The witch in the anime had a giant for a son, but they only show him as a baby. He still a few feet taller than she was. In this dream, though, he was a full grown man.) The giant stepped toward me, mad that I had been going through his mom's chamber. He said something like "Some niggaz have no respect," with a bit of a hip-hop accent. The witch gave him the order to crush me and so he lifted one, over-sized foot, and stomped down toward me. I dove out of the way and ran to the barrel with the swords, yanking one of them up and noticing, just then, that they were all fake. Some of them were made of foam, and some were just flat pieces of sheet metal with no sharp edges. I knew I was in deep shit.
Hanging on to one of these dull, metal "swords," I had to dodge and dive away from this giant's leg, as he continuously tried to stomp on me. I remember, at one point, swinging the metal around at him like a bat and swatting him on the leg with it. It obviously hurt like hell, because he yelped and stumbled backward.
I don't remember anything after that, though
"Hiro's Hero's" / "Future Hiro" - 10/22/2007 (Chain)
"Hiro's Heroes"
Dream #1
(Part One)
I was Hiro Nakamura, a time-manipulating character from the TV show "Heroes," and was in Feudal Japan. I was training with Kensei and was completely whooping his ass. Mostly playing the defensive, though, I spent most of time dodging and blocking his sword, as he swung it at me. He began getting really pissed, because nothing that he did was having any sort of effect on me, no matter how hard he tried.
After a short while, my perspective switched to a disembodied observer, and I was now following a young girl, from another village. She seemed like a really nice girl, at first, but then, she suited up in a ninja dogi. Obviously, she was taught that the "Heroes" and I were evil, and she was on a mission to kill us. Still just an "observer," my perspective followed her, as she ran through the plains and toward our camp.
Now (coming back into myself, as Hiro), Kensei, Ted, and at least two other "Heroes" characters were training - outside, at this point, instead of inside. I was swordfighting with Ted, and Kensei stood by, watching. I kept beating Ted, but he wasn't doing too badly, and this was making Kensei even more pissed.
Finally, Kensei came in and wanted another shot at me, being really arrogant about it. I started swordfighting him and, again, just had him completely outclassed. I blocked everything he threw at me, with hardly even the slightest effort. At one point, I spun around, parrying one of his strikes and, in the same motion, I dove in toward him, landing on the ground with the side of my body and swiping my sword, catching him in the shin. (We were using wooden swords to practice with.) When I stood up, he was so mad that, being only about three feet away, he threw his sword at me as hard as he could, hilt first. I simply shifted my upperbody, turning my left shoulder out of the way with an almost super-human speed, without the slighest expression of concern, and the sword flew right passed me.
My perspective then switched, again, and showed the ninja girl rushing into our village. She came upon one of the village gaurds and took him out with this badass twisting, backflip-kick. Upon landing, she pulled out a bow and grabbed a huge handful of arrows, stringing them all in the quiver, at once. She released them into the village and her arrows rained down over the people that were outside. The massacre looked more like a cartoon or anime, than anything else, though.
Realizing that this girl was killing everyone, we ran to intercept her, and she and I started fighting. After fighting for a couple of moments, the last thing I remember is some disembodied voice starting a song-number ridiculing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her family. (Where that came from, I don't know, but I don't remember anything after that.)
"Future Hiro"
Dream #1
(Part Two)
I was still Hiro from Heroes, but this was a time-period before I'd learned to control my powers. I remember riding in an elevator with some strange guy that kinda reminded me of Jack Black. All of a sudden, the elevator stopped, and the doors open. Future Hiro (in essense: myself) was standing in front of us, and he handed me a large, silver case. He said something, that was likely important, but I forgot what it was. However, whatever it was, it had let the stranger know that the man before us was me, from the future. Future Hiro, then, left. The doors closed, and the elevator starting up, again. The whole time, while I continued holding onto this case, the guy beside me was completely flipping out, due to the knowledge that we'd both just met my future self.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
"The Possessed House" - 10/10/2006 (Lucid)
“The Possessed House”
Some friends and I were in an enormous house. It was, obviously, an old one and made completely out of wood. I can’t remember what we were doing there, but I know that some strange old guy was our host. We hung out in this house throughout the night, it seemed. (This dream lasted freakin' forever. Had some Calea Z and B6 before bed. I should have known I would be just asking for a dream like this...) However, after a while, we’d become aware of the reality that this house was actually possessed. Once all the weird supernatural stuff began happening, our elderly guy went about explaining to us that the house was actually "alive."
There were these huge, organic tendrils, tentacles and all kinds of creepy, slithery shit, just lurking in every dark corner and room, trying to grab us - along with huge insects, the size of everything from large dogs to adult humans, swarming from every nook and cranny. The place was even infested with the “Tremor (movie) worms.” It felt like we were running around that house for hours, trying to find a way out, but the house wouldn’t let us leave. Every exit we would journey toward led to some new, twisted, scenario. One particular door led to a room that seemed to tear away into an infinite void. The floor and walls were broken away, as if that entire section of the house was a doorway to outer-space, itself. We had to struggle to get back to the door and “exit” the room, before we were forever lost in the blackness that was sucking us further away from the doorway and into the void.
Back “inside” the house (or, simply, "out of that room" - however you wanna look at it), we kept on the run, with some of my friends actually being killed when the grasping tendrils, that came from the walls, pulled them further into the house as if it was eating them. Occasionally, I’d see my friends again, after they were “killed,” but I could tell that they weren’t the same. They’d been possessed by whatever it was that also possessed the house, and they, too, would do whatever they could, to keep the rest of us from leaving the home.
FINALLY, after having waaaaaaaay too much of this crap, I started to realize what was going on. The old guy, that was hosting us, was in front of me - just being the creepy old man that he was - and all of a sudden I blurted out “Holy shit, I’m dreaming! I’m dreaming!!” (…Thank God.)
He looked at me with an empty look in his eyes and said “No….You’re having a Niiiiiiiiightmaaaaaaaarreee!! and, as he did this, his eyes rolled back in his head and his face got all twisted and distorted and seemed to be melting off of his skull. The large tendrils that had been creeping around through the walls burst out of this man’s body and began spreading out to cover the area. I cocked back my arm and tried to throw some sort of light from my palms, hoping to fry the man’s (now monstrous) form, but nothing was coming out. The B6 and Calea were just making things all too vivid and the situation was too fucking intense. Control didn’t come easy at all.
We were on the run again. I had one friend left and we were going all through the hallways trying to find away out. Even though I knew I was dreaming, I couldn’t fight the Calea and B6 and pull my wits together long enough to find a way out of this dream, so we continued to do it the old fashioned way; searching and running. Sooner or later we found ourselves at the beginning of this loooooong hallway. At the end of the hall was a single window….and it was daylight outside.
Just as I’d started to wonder if we were going to be able to make it through the hallway without incident, I could see the tentacles breaking out of the walls and ceiling of the hallway, starting to fill up the space, making a constricting tunnel of grasping arms waiting for us, should we try to reach the window.
I remembered a technique I’d been thinking of (while awake) to try out in just this sort of bad dream situation. I was able to focus for just a moment and pushed all my energy outward from my center, straining and growling a little bit to really exert force. My body burst into a blaze of my energy, as if I was a Dragonball Z character, creating a force-field around me. I pushed outward a little more and it started burning all of the things that were trying to reach out and grab us, without harming the friend that was with me. (Which, of course, looks kinda like this )
Protected by this burning glow, I grabbed his wrist and did a forward dash, flying straight for the window, torching away the entire 50-something-yard hallway of shit as we cut through it like a hot knife.
We smashed out the other side of the window and landed on a concrete walkway, outside.
It was a foggy, early-morning. This was when I saw that the outside of the house looked like a big, inner-city warehouse or factory. With this moment of relief, I tried to focus and withdraw from the dream one more time. I closed my eyes and tried to pull all my senses back to the waking world. Wrong. When I opened them, the world around me was 150% vivid. Much more than before I’d tried to eject from the dream. I was anchored in that intense dream state that I’ve only experienced through B6 and Calea.
The tentacles were starting to grow back, in the hallway we'd just exited, and they began trying to crawl out of the window, toward us. I jumped off of the walkway and tried to fly out over the yard, but I couldn’t get the speed I was looking for, and it was like trying to move through water, while flying. Thinking of the “Tremors worms,” I think it would be a really bad idea to land on the grass, and that made me start to sink toward the earth. The yard in front of the building was huge, and I had a long way to go before I was out of it. I turned around, hovering, and tried to keep my feet from touching the ground, which was freaking hard. I’d given up trying to get across the yard and ended up…eventually…making it back to the first walkway. I figured it would be a better idea to keep to the concrete and make my way away from this place, since I was having so much trouble in the air.
As we were leaving, a little girl - about 10 years old and wearing a black hoodie, with the hood back - walked down the stairs at the end of the walkway toward us. (I think it was my daughte - a little older than she is now - but I’m not sure, because I don’t remember her being with us while we were running through the house.) She had this ominous look in her eyes as she looked at me, asking my permission (which is what made me think it was my daughter, even more than her appearance) to “take over out here,” as well.
Noting the terminology she used, I could see that the “house” obviously had possession of her. Sternly, I told her “No. You can’t.” She stared at me for a moment, obviously disappointed, and then turned around to walk back in the house. As she did that, she held a hand out, beside her, to trace her fingers along the wall - like little kids do. I noticed then, that - instead of fingers - a few small strings of those familiar tentacles slithered out of the hoodie sleeve and caressed along the wall. With a creepy nonchalance, she slowly walked up the steps and disappeared back into the house.
(That’s all I really remember. There was another sequence that involved going to a house with a bunch of college kids having a party, and getting bad vibes and looks from them. I don’t know if it was the same dream and we went to that house after escaping the first, or if it was a completely different dream all together. Doesn’t really matter, though, because I don’t remember it.)
control failure,
Creature Attack,
dream control,
Enclosed Spaces,
Lucid Tricks,
Memorable Story,
TV Show Reference
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
"Gun Kata" - 10/11/2007 (Lucid)
"Gun Kata"
Dream #1 (pt 2)
I was upstairs, in the [girl from Part 1's] two-story apartment. Walking down the hallway, toward her staircase, I abruptly stopped and wondered how I'd gotten there. I looked around and began questioning whether this was a dream, but (even after waking up from a long period of sleep, and going back to bed) everything was just so vivid. So realistic. I looked down at my hands, and they looked just fine. Normal. Reaching out, my hands ran across the banister, and it was just as firm and realistic as anything I've ever felt. For a moment, I had thought about jumping all the way down the stairs but, then, figured that it wouldn't be the best idea, until I was 100% sure of my state. Finally, I tried something that I don't think I've ever tried before: the "nose-plug" reality check. I pinched my nose with my fingers and inhaled, and to my surprise, I could breathe! I thought I'd done something wrong, and maybe didn't fully cover my nostrils, so I squeezed my nose even harder, and inhaled. It was like my hand wasn't even there. I was definitely dreaming.
I went to the top stair and jumped off of it, trying to clear all the stairs, at once. When I landed, everything was still so damned vivid, that it actually hurt a little bit, and I stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. I realized, though, that - had this been waking life - I would have seriously injured myself, so I was even more sure that I was dreaming. I walked outside, and the same awesome car I had been driving (in the first "half" of this dream) was still in the parking lot, and there was a police car parked beside it. As I was getting in the car, ready to take a little joyride, the police radio sounded, and I could hear dispatch say that there was some huge gang bust going down and that all units needed to respond. Knowing that this was all a dream, I thought this sounded like fun.
A swarm of cops were already hauling ass to this spot, and I was right there behind them. It was another apartment complex. (Why are there so many apartment complexes in my dreams?) I just followed them in, now on foot, and we came upon a HUGE firefight, in a courtyard. Everybody was dressed up in suits, and it was just a relatively-few cops vs. some upscale crime syndicate, like the Yakuza. Everybody had automatic weapons, and it was just a crazy amount of gunfire, all over the place. Without missing a beat, I took the side of the cops (they were seriously outnumbered, and I tend to side with the underdogs) and walked into the middle of the battlefield. I can't even remember what I said to provoke the gang, but I suddenly draw all of their fire on me.
(This has to have been one of the coolest things I've done, while lucid, yet...)
As all of these guns started shooting at me, I instinctively started spinning around and flailing my arms in a mock-wushu / kung-fu motion, moving left right, up down, corkscrew-flipping and ducking from side to side, in rapid succession. While doing this, I tried to take my mind off of the bullets, and to act as if they weren't even there. The illusion created was that I dodged every single bullet that was shot at me, aside from one that I felt graze my hand but caused no pain. What I'd fallen into was an exaggeratedly-acrobatic version of UltraViolet's "No-touch Gun-Kata", and it was f*cking awesome. Even though I was trying not to think about the bullets hitting me, I could hear them whizzing around my head, while I continued to move erradically, as fast as possible.
At some point, someone randomly started using a glowing disc as a weapon. They'd throw it at me and I would flip out of the way, and it would pretty much just ricochet all over the battlefield and kill a whole bunch of people, inadvertently. One thing that motivated me to keep moving was thinking of Spider-Man and the way he moves and the last thing I remember doing is jumping off of the ground, over the glowing disc, and landing, horizontally, on a wall, standing on it as if it were the ground and looking down at the body-littered battlefield. I could see that the cops now had the advantage and were taking out the last few of the gang memebers, and that was about the last thing I remember.
(Absolutely incredible experience.
I woke up and it was daylight. I came to the PC to jot down some dream notes and decided to see if I could squeeze an extra hour or so of sleep in.)
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
"Epic Lucid Dream" - 10/19/2005 (Lucid)
(This was one of the most substantial lucid dreams that I have ever had. It came at the time when I had recently joined the DreamViews forums, and was getting serious about - and quite good at - developing my dream control. My recall, around this time, was about at its highest, and the sense of wonder and adventure that I got from this dream is something that has always stayed with me, over all these years. It was also around the time that I first started using photomanipulations to illustrate my dreams. Over what has been more than 15 years of epic dream journal entries, this was practically the "one that started it all.")
"Epic Lucid Dream"
Ok, this started off, innocently enough, involving 3 of my waking life friends - J; T; and BM - and myself. We were up in this random apartment, one morning. If I'm not mistaken, someone had brought me a small telescope as a gift. It was a pretty slick contraption, actually - all gold, ornate, and small, like some antique from the captain's quarters of a great, old ship. With it, I stepped over to the window of the apartment and threw open the blinds, having a look around, outside.
Ok, this started off, innocently enough, involving 3 of my waking life friends - J; T; and BM - and myself. We were up in this random apartment, one morning. If I'm not mistaken, someone had brought me a small telescope as a gift. It was a pretty slick contraption, actually - all gold, ornate, and small, like some antique from the captain's quarters of a great, old ship. With it, I stepped over to the window of the apartment and threw open the blinds, having a look around, outside.
Scanning across the street, I saw that I was in a sort of run-down town, which reminded me somewhat of coverage I've seen from New Orleans, lately, after Katrina. (The only comparison I could really make, at the time of writing this entry.) Peering through the window and refocusing the telescope, I looked upward, parallel to our approximate 6th story window, at the building across the street. Bringing the scope into a little more focus, I saw someone with a pair of binoculars which seemed to be pointed back at me.

"What the...?" I thought, turning to grab the attention of my friends, and they all joined me at the window. Looking back through the scope, I found that this person was actually looking down toward the street, and no longer back at me. So, I panned back down with the telescope and set my eyes on a surprisingly chaotic scene, below. Moving from person to person with the scope, I saw what seemed to be the final moments of a store looting, with the store itself just out of my field of view, blocked by another building. People were walking around the streets, carrying whatever it is they could hold. Apparently, there were a few police units around, but ultimately not enough to stop what was going on. My friends turned on news coverage of the incident, I continued to watch it unfold from the balcony.
Without any visible warning, there was a loud crash from within the crowd. One might have thought that a car had veered and plowed through a bunch of people, throwing them violently to one side, and out of my field of view...except that there was no car - only a strange black blur that came and went like a gust of pitch-dark wind.
“…..Did anyone just see that?” I asked. By this time, BM had opened a second balcony door, beside me, and was stepping out to the deck to get a better view. “Those people,” I continued, talking mainly to myself, at that point. “Something just…Crashed into 'em….and knocked them off the street!” Dumbfounded, I wasn’t looking through the scope any more.
“Yeah,” said BM. “And it flew right up into the leaning tower of Pisa over there.” Even before his words registered, I could hear that there was a shock in his voice when he said it, and when I craned my neck to look at him, he was gazing, awestruck, around the side of our building's balcony. I got up from where I was, walked out onto the deck, where he was standing, and turned to the right to look around the side of our apartmet building. There, in the distance, behind the backdrop of an entire city that seemed to be in shambles, with highways that stretched on for miles (some of which were collapsed if I remember correctly), was a MASSIVE tower structure that stretched crookedly up into the distant skies. (It looked like something straight out of "Digital Blasphemy," the 3D art site I was browsing shortly before bed.)
“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!” I asked, damn near falling off of the balcony to get a better view.
We were all standing on the balcony now, and I think it was the shock of seeing such a surreal, monolithic structure that brought me into a very very low level of lucidity. I didn’t say anything at first about this being a dream (and, actually, I don’t think I was REALLY sure that it was a dream, but I had my hunch, and that was all I needed).
“….I’m Going!” I said. Everyone snapped their eyes toward me.
“What are you talking about??” One of them asked, and I repeated: “I’m Going!”
My sense of curiosity had gotten the better of me. “There is some strange shit going on here, and I’m going to find out what.” I'm not sure whether I tossed the telescope away, but I didn’t have it any more. “If you’re coming, follow me, and do what I do!” I didn’t feel that I had much time to explain the whole lucidity thing, but I was definitely feeling it. I took a few steps forward and dove over the balcony railing. Free-falling - almost sickeningly - toward the ground below, which had began to clear of crowds after the recent occurrence.
Diving straight down, I tucked my chin and rolled forward, front flipping one half time and landing on both feet with a small crouch, sort of like Kadaj’s building dive in the FF7 Advent Children movie. Shortly afterward, I was hearing the feet of my friends landing behind me. No one asked any questions as to how it was we just jumped from about 6 stories up, but that would seem almost normal, compared to the things that were about to transpire.

“Ok, so how do you suggest we get over there?” T asked. Exhaling once, I tried to give the easiest directions I could. “Just tell yourself that you’re dreaming, and follow me.” Of course this got the deer-in-headlights reaction from all three of them. With no further words, I took my own advice, knowing that it would be a far distance to the tower (and flying, sometimes, was not my strong point unless I was in the right frame of mind). I closed my eyes. “I’m dreaming I’m dreaming I’m dreaming!!” I demanded to myself, reassuringly. And *Boom*. It was as if I was opening my eyes for the very first time. A sense of confidence washed over me as the dream world around me became all that much more vivid.
“So…you’re dreaming?” BM asked, a bit confused. I didn’t even answer. I just ran forward and lept into the air, the wind screaming in my ears as I shot toward the horizon like a missile, arcing straight at the huge architectural marvel in the distance.
I thought nothing of flying, which is the way I have the best luck with it. My mind was simply on getting from point A to point B. It was only a matter of seconds before my feet touched down upon the high, circular platform of the tower's main balcony. This thing had to be a few miles high; a twisted wonder of stone that seemed it was erected back in some mythical past. I gazed inside, through one of the numerous, open, balcony doors, and I began to walk forward. Turning my attention behind me, I’d noticed that BM and T were already walking on the stone surface, right on my heels, J was just landing as well. With no words about why we were able to do the things we were doing, we entered the tower like some small, unlikely task force.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!” I asked, damn near falling off of the balcony to get a better view.
We were all standing on the balcony now, and I think it was the shock of seeing such a surreal, monolithic structure that brought me into a very very low level of lucidity. I didn’t say anything at first about this being a dream (and, actually, I don’t think I was REALLY sure that it was a dream, but I had my hunch, and that was all I needed).
“….I’m Going!” I said. Everyone snapped their eyes toward me.
“What are you talking about??” One of them asked, and I repeated: “I’m Going!”
My sense of curiosity had gotten the better of me. “There is some strange shit going on here, and I’m going to find out what.” I'm not sure whether I tossed the telescope away, but I didn’t have it any more. “If you’re coming, follow me, and do what I do!” I didn’t feel that I had much time to explain the whole lucidity thing, but I was definitely feeling it. I took a few steps forward and dove over the balcony railing. Free-falling - almost sickeningly - toward the ground below, which had began to clear of crowds after the recent occurrence.
Diving straight down, I tucked my chin and rolled forward, front flipping one half time and landing on both feet with a small crouch, sort of like Kadaj’s building dive in the FF7 Advent Children movie. Shortly afterward, I was hearing the feet of my friends landing behind me. No one asked any questions as to how it was we just jumped from about 6 stories up, but that would seem almost normal, compared to the things that were about to transpire.

“Ok, so how do you suggest we get over there?” T asked. Exhaling once, I tried to give the easiest directions I could. “Just tell yourself that you’re dreaming, and follow me.” Of course this got the deer-in-headlights reaction from all three of them. With no further words, I took my own advice, knowing that it would be a far distance to the tower (and flying, sometimes, was not my strong point unless I was in the right frame of mind). I closed my eyes. “I’m dreaming I’m dreaming I’m dreaming!!” I demanded to myself, reassuringly. And *Boom*. It was as if I was opening my eyes for the very first time. A sense of confidence washed over me as the dream world around me became all that much more vivid.
“So…you’re dreaming?” BM asked, a bit confused. I didn’t even answer. I just ran forward and lept into the air, the wind screaming in my ears as I shot toward the horizon like a missile, arcing straight at the huge architectural marvel in the distance.
I thought nothing of flying, which is the way I have the best luck with it. My mind was simply on getting from point A to point B. It was only a matter of seconds before my feet touched down upon the high, circular platform of the tower's main balcony. This thing had to be a few miles high; a twisted wonder of stone that seemed it was erected back in some mythical past. I gazed inside, through one of the numerous, open, balcony doors, and I began to walk forward. Turning my attention behind me, I’d noticed that BM and T were already walking on the stone surface, right on my heels, J was just landing as well. With no words about why we were able to do the things we were doing, we entered the tower like some small, unlikely task force.

Surprisingly enough, the inside of this tower looked more like a run-down urban apartment than some regal imperial landmark. There were worn couches, and a tiny kitchen area that would have barely fit the four of us. Food had been left out on the counters, and a large steak, which still looked fresh, sat in a pan on the stove. (From here, on, my recollection of things gets a little more hazy.)
It seems there is this old man that lives in this tower. (And let me just say, I’ve faced some pretty rough characters, in my dreams, but this guy was Bad.) After what was most likely a long utterance of “I’m taking this world over” clichés, the fight broke out.
This guy’s magic was crazy, and he was an expert at hand to hand combat. While the others were a little reluctant - not quite sure of the powers my lucidity had afforded them, I suppose - I went all out on this guy with improvised Kung Fu-like flavor that would have made Jet Li cower.
But GodDAMN was this guy good.
*Punch kick block kick block punch block dodge kick feign punch wall-smash punch floor-break dodge punch.*
Fists and feet were flying everywhere, but I was just not making any progress with this guy. And on top of that, just as it seemed the others were ready to throw down…this old bastard just up and disappeared; so quick that we were left standing in what seemed to be a bedroom (or study. It wasn’t furnished, and there were paint cans and newspapers all over the place), all alone and wondering just wtf happened. We knew that the only way out of this dead end bedroom was back through the hallway we’d just passed, because the spacious living area nearest the balcony was the one that connected all the rooms on the top floor.
Slowly, we began to file out of the room, and as we went through the hallway, I made my way to the front of the group. One hand held low, I concentrated my mind on the pyrokinesis I knew was possible, because I still knew I was dreaming. (just not enough to KNOW that I could defeat this guy) My hand flickered once, and then it ignited into a bright orange flame. I held the flame around my hand while searching with my eyes for any signs of the old man.
There was another small room (small is a relative term), which was parallel to the tiny kitchen in the center of the hallway. Slowly, I made my way toward it. Behind me, I heard a familiar *Fwooosh* and saw a flash of light. When I turned around, I’d seen that BM had followed my lead and found his own ability to produce a flame like mine. He smiled enthusiastically, holding up his flaming hand, and I couldn’t help but do the same. However, unfortunately, I hadn’t stopped walking toward the room when I looked back at him, and when I turned to look inside of the small room as I crossed the doorframe, I was blindsided.
A vicious punch crashed into the side of my face and sent me to the side, I countered with multiple fire blasts from both hands, swinging my arms like an ambidextrous pitcher and assaulting this guy with pyrotechnics. His own magic countered horrifically well, though, small explosions of blues and greens emanating from his person to show that my fire blasts were simply having no effect. Finally, before I could get another shot off, or think of another tactic, the old man fired some green energy blast that blew me off of my feet and sent me crashing into the wall behind me, now on the left side of the room from the doorway. Shaking off the cobwebs, I glanced up to see the others streaming into the room, battle cries filling the air as they all went 3 on 1 with this f*cker. It was all out war with this guy…and we were losing.
I stood up and tried to clear my mind. I wanted a charge of energy, and if that meant destroying this room to do it, so be it. I doubted the small explosion I was about to cause would have effected either of us too much, the way we were fighting, but the energy I might get from it could be invaluable. Clenching my fists, I began to well up my energy like a Saiyan from DBZ, a low “rrrrrrrrrrrraaahhhhh….” building up in my throat. I could feel the coming energy start to push outward from my center, beginning to crack the floor under me, bending the wall behind me out into the hall, and pushing the ceiling over my head up into itself.
However, I was not truly focused. I think it was the sounds of our side losing that broke my concentration and kept me from getting that explosive, battle-ending power that I was going for. No matter how much I tried, I just didn't feel like my show of force was getting me anywhere. Not sure whether to keep charging or not, I suddenly noticed that everything had fallen silent. I stopped focusing my energy all together and opened my eyes. The old man had disappeared again, leaving the four of us alone in the room.
The fight was definitely taking its toll. We were all suffering from various levels of kicked-asses. We were much more reluctant to search for him this time, but we were definitely feeling a sense of responsibility. My lucidity was beginning to fade right about this time, so I was getting more attached to the narrative but I was still very much in non-lucid control of my actions.
We filed, slowly, out of the second bedroom, passing the kitchen that was almost straight across from it. J leaned into the kitchen and stepped inside. Obviously exhausted, he uttered something like “God, I Have to Eat Something,” as tiredly as if he was in a trance, and the only thing that could save him was food, even at a time like this. (Lol..that J…always eating.) So he went straight for the huge steak on the stove and began to cut it. A bit disgusted - not to mention thinking that this was Not the time for food - I blurted out “Man, what are you doing?! Don’t eat That!”
The moment I said this, the pantry door beside us slid open, and inside, the old man stood, covered from head to toe in a pantry full of…insect larvae. (Yeah..I know: "….wtf?!") The only thing we could see, within the writhing mountain of bugs around him, was his face, and the stone dead gaze of his whitish blue eyes that implied he might have been fighting us all while blind.
He yelled, in a thunderous voice: “You have all fought well, but you will never escape my locusts!” And an endless flood of flying locusts streamed out of the pantry, covering the entire top floor of the tower in seconds, before we even had a chance to respond. I was able to bust off a few more pyro blasts from my hands - even though I wasn’t lucid any more - while I staggered through the hallway away from the kitchen, but the blasts seemed to just dissolve in the thickening cloud of locusts with no effect.
“Your powers are useless!” I could hear the old man’s voice through the swirling buzz around me. “My locusts feed off your energies! Your powers will drain, and soon you will feel your life force slipping from you!”
He was right. Being no longer lucid, I could feel myself being suffocated by millions of locusts swarming around me, masses of them coating my body like mud. I could hear nothing from my friends and was finding it harder and harder to stand. One of my very few tastes of dream defeat, I finally collapsed to my knees amongst the relentless swarm, prolonging the inevitable by trying to stand again, but to no avail.
I was so tired.
So tired that I knew I couldn’t go on.
So, there on the floor, still in a knelt position, refusing to go down any further, I closed my eyes, and welcomed the darkness.
…..and then I woke up.
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